
  • Ali replied to the topic Transplant Date in the forum Treatment 11 years, 12 months ago

    Hi Tina

    Thats good news, and as Eve says you will be done and dusted for Christmas!

    Wishing you all the very best for an "uneventful" SCT!

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Vicky

    Just checking in to see how you are both doing? Hope everything went well with your SCT nurse yesterday:-) I know you dont want to tempt fate by giving dates and stuff and I completely understand. But, just to let you know I am thinking of you.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Second SCT underway at last in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Mari

    Im sorry to hear Steve is having a rough ride. I remember this stage very well when my Mum was in. It does get better but whilst its happening its not nice for the patient or the "looker on". My Mum asked me not to visit for a couple of days as all she wanted to do was sleep and she hadnt got the energy to talk

    Big hugs to…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Jacqui

    Yes, my Mum had her SCT 1st/2nd August. How are you feeling now? May I ask about your hair, has it made a re appearance yet? and if so could you describe it?

    The Greek islands sound lovely, seems you have the same sort of idea as us. We just want a couple of weeks having fun in the sun, relaxing and being together:-).

    Mum and…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Vicki

    Thanks for listening to my little moans!

    The immunisations are the childhood ones – like a newborn baby ( Polio , diptheria, tetanus and such like). Its funny as my baby nephew is having his at the moment! They are to start 4 months post SCT – so that will be December. Shes to have 1 set everymonth for 3 months. Her consultant…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Vicki

    Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, it will do you both good to get out and about. Stayed out til 10pm – you dirty stop outs! 🙂

    Glad you have dates, and yes let us know when Colins collected all those lovely millions of cells.

    My Mums doing really good thankyou, except for the mouth ulcers and burning acid. Shes on lots of…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Remission in the forum General 12 years ago

    Hi Sarah

    Thats just fantastic news:-)


    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Chris

    Enjoy the coast, hope the weather stays dry and sunny for you.

    Maybe Pam left as she couldnt bare for Bobby to see her like that, but wasnt Ken her brother? there maybe some mention in the next episode! Lets hope.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Second SCT underway at last in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Mari

    Just wishing Steve all the best for his SCT and hope that it all runs smoothly from now on.

    Dont apolologise for not being around! seems you have had alot going on. I hope everything is ok with your Dad now.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Ivan's SCT in the forum Carers 12 years ago

    Dear Cathy

    That all sounds very positive news:-) Ivans had a rough ride hasnt he? with the added complication of the dialysis. I hope that he improves slowly but surely and he gets to come home soon, thats where he will get his strength back.

    Thanks for posting – take care

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Chris

    I too have been pondering what happened to Pam so I looked it up on wikepedia and found this [b][i]Season 10 saw Pam leave Bobby after she was involved in a car crash which resulted in her suffering severe burns. She disappeared from the hospital and Bobby never saw her again[/i] [/b],cant wait for Ken Barnes' return too ( how very sad…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem cell transplant in the forum Carers 12 years ago

    Hi Cathy

    Just checking in to see how Ivans scan went? and how he is feeling.

    I do hope you are taking care of yourself too, it can be very draining visiting hospital everyday. My dad found hed come home from visiting my Mum, then have to telephone round people to give updates which took about an hour and by that time it was bedtime and he…[Read more]

  • Hi Chris

    Great news! Well done that man. That will give Vicki and Colin lots of encouragement.

    You will have missed Dallas though, episode 2 8/10:-)

    Please let us know when you get the date through for the big event.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic ZOLINZA in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Helen

    I hope your chest/cough is a little better? and good on your daughter for doing the Great North Run – bless her, shes brave 13 miles, has she done alot of training?:-)

    Mums been on several types of antacid (if thats what they are?!), including Lanzoprazole. Been to see the consultant today who said to retry the Lanzoprazole but…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    HI Vicki and Colin

    Well, firstly congratulations on the funding! That seems like a victory in itself:-)

    Its no wonder Colin feels abit low (and you) we have said before about the rollercoaster ride this MM journey is. Highs and lows all the time and we are just not used to it are we?

    I have no doubt though that when the time comes for…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stephen has gone in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years ago

    Dear Gill

    Im so very sorry for your loss.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic ZOLINZA in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Vicki

    My Mums having a bit of bother at the moment. Shes still got a lot of acid in her stomach, which in turn has given her loads of ulcers in her mouth – she reckons about 30! They have tried her with 3 different types of antacid tablets but none are doing the trick. The acid wakes her up at night, then shes up for a few hours. Its…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic ZOLINZA in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Eve

    Helen is right
    When my Mum saw the specialist nurse 2 weeks ago she told us Mum would be randomised at 3 months, to either no maintenance, revlimid only or vorinostat and revlimid, which is version 5 of the Myeloma 11 trial (she said it was very new) so of course I got home and googled it and like you couldnt really find anything about…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT… update in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Craig and Etta

    Thankyou for posting, I was wondering how you were getting on.

    What a relief Ettas home. My Mum had the bile/sickness – (shes been home 3 1/2 weeks) she still suffers quite badly from acid and as a result has a mouth full of ulcers. I dont recognise the woman in hospital to the woman now, Mums doing really well, still…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem cell transplant in the forum Carers 12 years ago

    Dear Cathy

    Im sorry to hear that Ivan is having a rough ride of it.

    As Eve says, try and catch hold of a Consultant and ask your questions (they used to do morning rounds with my Mum).

    No wonder Ivan is feeling emotional – and you. Just stay as positive as you can (its so hard to look cheery when you visit and your loved one is soo ill…[Read more]

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