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    Nope, I have not had bleeding gums in the past three years. I have had dental treatment, a loose filling was replaced, and my usual inpections at which they always "prick" the gums and I have had no prolbems.

    Personally I would side with Dia in this.

    kindest regards – vasbyte (although not to hard in your case;-) )




    My PP level was 55 when diagnosed in July 2009. I had major surgery on my neck and 13 doses of radiotherapy. My sct was in Nov/Dec 2010. Luckily, I have not suffered any major bone pain which I think supports the fact that Myeloma is a very individual decease. I wish you and Melvin the very best of luck, I think the key is to get those Paraprotien levels down and then the pain should hopefully subside.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    I know where you are all coming from, when I lost my Son, aged 19, in a car accident I just felt the world should stop spinning but it did not it just carried on. All that has been said by everybody here is so true. It took me 18 months to be able speak my late Sons name – Robert. That was 26 years ago now and I still put flowers on his grave and have a chat. The day I die and am buried next to him is the day I will stop mourning him.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    What a bummmer Keith.

    Recently I had to chose between Radiotherapy which could "cure" my Advanced Prostate Cancer but could severely interfere with my bowels and everything else down there or Hormone Treatment where I could grow breasts and suffer hot sweats, amongst other unpleasant side effects, which would put the cancer on hold for 2 years (approx). After much discussion with the Radiotherapy Consultant and my Doctor I decided let my feminine side shine through and go and buy myself a nice handbag.

    Bet of luck on your decision

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hey, What GREAT news – that is wonderful I am so please for you, just keep on going 😀 😎 😀

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Dear Sue

    I am sorry to hear that Michael is coming to the end of his road. I am even sorrier that it was broken to you in an apparently brutal manner. Please do not feel you have to apologize for your posts you have absolutely no reason too. We are here for you.

    Enjoy each other while you still have the chance.

    My kindest regards ? and may your God walk with you.




    Some really good replies on your topic Mary, reading them I think the thing that shines through is that ?Stress? is as individual as Myeloma.

    My wife and I will have been married 50 years come Nov 24th and in those 50 years we, like you all, have had our ups and downs, nobody?s life is all milk and honey. We have had some pretty disastrous years like 1986 when we lost our 19yr old son in a road accident. My own impending death, probably from either Myeloma or Prostate cancer, bears little when in comparison to that year.

    When the Surgeon repaired my neck he said to me that if he had to have a terminal cancer he would pick Myeloma and the reason, as has been mentioned, is that it gives you time. I asked for a clear prognosis ? I told the Consultant I did not want her to be nice but be truthful ? at that time she gave me 2 years, maximum 3 useful years. My sale by date was July 2012. My surgeon would have been proud of me we have used our time wisely and are enjoying the time we have together, it is for us a wonderful time. I have done all I wanted to do and whilst I am going to fight to the bitter end I am ready to go if needs be.

    The key for Mo and I has been to accept that this IS going to happen we do not shy away from talking or joking, yes joking, about it to our friends. Making my own coffin has been a real ice breaker and brings about much humour. Our children and Grand-children have taken up our lead and talk about it as well, my 9 year old Grandson got in real quick when he asked If he could inherit my World Of Tanks gaming registration!

    So for us, as I have said, the answer to stress we found was facing it foursquare and honestly, we get up and laugh and smile from the moment we awake, we walk down the street holding hands and reaffirming our love we do not care who we embarrass, we had a kiss and a cuddle in the middle of M&S today . We might seem to others as soppy old pensioners but we are reliving the moments we met. And, I will die well knowing I have done all it was humanly possible for me to do for my Mo. And Mo is well aware of what faces her as she said today to me, "People will be sympathetic when you die, but, then they will expect me to get on with my life, and that is what I intend to do" Good on you Mo – go for it!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte





    Hi Nettie, we seem to have the same ?brand? of Myeloma. Unfortunately my GP did not pick up the symptoms just kept giving me more ?creams and potions?.

    Following my SCT my PP dropped to 2.4 never zero. That was Dec/Jan 2010. I was told at the time the SCT would only probably last for 18 months so I am past my Sale by Date so to speak! Over the last 6 months they have started to creep up first to 2.8 and now 3.5. My next appointment is the 21st Dec so I am keeping my fingers crossed for a Christmas present and they stay below 5 which will keep me free from medication over Xmas.

    And, yes, I know what you mean about Thrush ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Kindest regard ? vasbyte




    Can I just add my best wishes to everybody else?s posts, Colin I am sure he will fly through it.

    A word of caution when he comes out [u]it is not over[/u], you must be fastidious about avoiding any infection for at least 12 weeks. Go over the top on it ? better safe than sorry!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    A warm Welcome Gill.

    The others have giving good advice, especially about not surfing the net for answers. This site and MacMillan have all the UP-TO-DATE information you will ever need.

    I was diagnosed in Jul 2009 at the ripe old age of 69. I have had my Stem Cell Transfer and I am fit and well but I still suffer from cold feet, not just the feet more below the knee. Light bed socks help and as Tom says not elasticised.

    I wish you and Dave all the very best of luck. The tunnel can get pretty dark but if you look real hard you will see a light at the other end ? and, no, it is not a train coming the other way:-D

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Decided not to bother with the PP check and instead wait for my appointment on the 21st December. By the time give the blood and then wait for the results another 7 to 10 days and then try to sort it out with the hospital it is not worth it.

    The infection is clearing up nicely – Timovate cream works well.

    I have no noticeable bone pain Keith – Got an intermittent pain in my right side but x-rays show nothing to worry about and I think it is muscular anyway. It is nothing like the bone pain I have had in the past prior to SCH.

    Otherwise bombing along nicely:-D

    Kindest regards to all – vasbyte




    I got PN when I was on my original CDT treatment in 2009. I call it "sponge feet? because that is what it feels like. I also suffer from very cold hands and feet, and they are cold as opposed to being hot but feeling cold.

    My sponge feet have got marginally better in that I have got so used to them that it is no longer even mentioned, the cold hands a feet are quite another thing. I sometimes sleep with socks on to help at night. The hands I try to warm on the wife – women can be so unhelpful sometimes 😎 😀 .

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Amanda and Bob, just a quick welcome(?). I have been here since 2009 when I was diagnosed with Myeloma G, the bog standard one. It is just not the forum that is so great here the site itself has so much UP-TO-DATE useful information on it.

    look forward to seeing you on the forum but now I must go play World of Tanks with my Grandsons.

    Kind regards – Vasbyte




    Have a great day Dai, you deserve it buddy.

    Kindest regards – vadbyte




    Hi Vicky, My most sincere condolences for your loss. I know how you feel, 26 years ago my 19 year old son died. It took me 18 months to speak his name without crying. You feel the world should stop or something but it just carries on. It is hard, real hard when you lose someone you love.

    Your Mum will need you more now than she has ever done, although she may not show it and want to keep a ?stiff upper Lip?. But, it is not now that is the problem it will be 6 months from now. The funeral will have been held and everybody will blend back in with their lives, it will be then the loneliness will creep in. It is then you need to make sure your whole family contacts your Mum on a regular basis. Make her more a part of your life than she was before. I wish you and your family the very best.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte


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