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    Hi Primrose, welcome to the site.

    Kindest reagrds – vasbyte




    I think you are right there Dia. I treat drinking the 3 ltrs a day as a separate issue from other fluids, almost like taking pills if you get what I mean.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


    p.s. I meant to add that I had Thrush ( a persistent urinary infection) prior to diagnosis. It is in fact one of the symptoms of Myeloma. I have not had it since starting CDT prior to my SCT.



    Hi Keith, the holiday sounded good! Best of luck with the new treatment.

    Kindest reagrds – vasbyte




    the email address does not work!

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    The reason for the problem:
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    Welcome Judd, This is a great site and you will find all the information you need to take you on your journey, which will have its ups and downs. Have a good look around the site. Also there is a Myeloma UK nurse on call, free to call.

    I have had Myeloma since June/July 2009. My neck broke getting out of bed and that was the first symptom I had! I have been through the Chemo and Stem Cell Transplant and at the moment I am ?on a Plateau?, with my PPs at 2.4. My next appointment with destiny is this Friday for my 3 monthly check up.

    There are some good folk on here and I look forward to sharing your journey with you.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Vicki, Have a look at my "Musings from Ward 9". Click on Treatment, scroll down to the bottom and click on page 3, you should find it on there.

    Kindest reagards




    Dear Siobahn,

    What can I say that others have not already said, we are all so sad at your news. She was a good friend to me and I shall always remember her with affection.

    My deepest sympathy




    Hallo Ian, I had a very similar operation in 2009. I have full movement of my neck and most people do not realise my head is held up by titanium 😀 rods. I broke my neck getting out of beds! All the very best of luck with your treatment.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    That news makes me so sad. She was always a great support to everybody on here.




    Hi Stephen, I really happy that you found my Musings from ward 9 helpfull. I am "still standing" and feel well.

    The very best of luck to you

    Kindest regards – Vaasbyte

    (aka Perkymite – (which is my gaming name in World of Tanks and Age of Empires Online,games I consider brain exercises 😀 )



    Hi Sue, My first SCH failed, 2009)and I had to go around again. I then got enough for one transplant which I had in 2010. Sorry I cannot remember the name of the drug they used to promote etem cell growth. Keep strong.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    OK you bunch I award you Honorary membership of the illustrious order of "Night Owls".

    The Night Owls were formed in Sri Lanka in 1997. We met in The Eden Hotel bar. Germans, Dutch and British and we seemed to spend most of the night, and I do mean night not evening, in the Bar together – having to be thrown out in the very early hours, in the nicest possible way, by the Hotel manager. He gave us the name ?The Night Owls? . We have kept in touch ever since, sending holiday cards to each other from exotic destinations all over the world!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Good luck with the new treatment Keith and enjoy that holiday, where?

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Thanks for the information gang, [i]for warned is for armed [/i]as some bright spark once said. So it looks like my next step should be Velcade, when it comes that is, and I have kicked the ball way way up the pitch Keith 😉

    Not that it has anything to do with Relimid but I thought you would all be dying to know that I play a game called Age of Empires Online and this morning at 5:45 a.m I realised how to do one of the most difficult quests ? Legendary Solo recapture of Marion. Hip Hip ???????. 😀 😀

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Eve, Yes I agree with you about time lines.

    At the time of my MM diagnosis, 2009, I was aware that this was considered a terminal illness. My first thoughts were that I must sort things out for my wife, how much time did I have, there seemed to be so much to do! When the Consultant told me not to worry about that in an offhand manner I angrily insisted on having my prognosis from her [u]and at the time [/u]it was 2 to 3 years max. They had calculated, from my medical history, that I had already had full blown MM for 2 years before diagnosis, i.e. 4 to 5 years normal life span of an MM sufferer.

    I am happy to say that I have done all that I wanted to do and it has been fun doing it, although that might seem a strange thing to say. The last three years have probably been some of the best of my life and Mo and I have had some wonderful years, it has brought us closer together, more than I ever thought it could, because we have always been a close loving couple. And, now, as we head for our 50th wedding anniversary it all seems so worthwhile, I feel good.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


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