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  • #96708


    You I know I had forgotten all about this, thanks Ali,

    I am so glad that it helped you, you have made my day.

    By the way I mention the taste of the water and it was not the hospital water it was the altered taste buds in my mouth, when I got home it was just the same. My full taste returned Christmas morning in time for Christmas dinner and a cold Guinness:-D

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Vicki and Colin, Peaks and troughs are par for the course with Myeloma. I think recognizing that the guy/girl you love is still the same person when their personality is being changed by the drugs seems to be the hardest thing to bear for a careers. Stick with it be positive there are good times ahead and get out into that beautiful area you live if only for a short car ride just looking at the trees busting out with life.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi James, Are you new to the site? If so a warm welcome and if not I apologize for not recognizing you.

    Best of luck to your Dad, the drugs can have a different affect on different people so there is no "golden rule or treatment path? so to speak. As you say it is very early days yet and the Doctors have to work out which treatment is best.

    I know you will search the WEB looking for a magic bullet, we all do, but this site has all the information you will ever need on Myeloma and if you are really stuck there is always the MyelomaUK Myeloma Nurse who is free to call. Have a good look around, knowledge is power, it will perk you up I am sure.

    Kindest regard ? Vasbyte




    I have had a SCT and radio therapy (15 to 20 months ago) and at the moment I am on a plateau, my Paraprotiens are stable at 2.4(ish). I have no pain and am able to do most things, gardening, shopping and some DIY.

    What I do before I travel away from Taunton, my home, is to make sure I have any medication I need for the trip PLUS enough for two weeks. I take my last letter from the hospital, regarding my last appointment, and the print outs of my neck x-rays showing the metal work etc… . Travelling abroad I take out travel insurance, Spain cost me £224 for myself and the wife. With regard to travel insurance I went to my Doctor and asked him to give me a list of the things I need to declare to be bomb proof, he did a print out of my medical records and crossed out the things that were now spent and of no interest. I am not interested in cheap insurance I want bomb proof insurance, if I have a problem I do not want my wife lumbered with a medical bill because I wanted to save £20.

    We make sure we split any luggage between bags so I might have two bags but they are light and not one heavy bag. I make sure I drink my 3 ltrs of water by taking 6 x 500clt bottles and I fill them up each day, abroad I buy bottled water from the supermarkets. I do not eat fish abroad and look for well cooked food only and eat fruit I can peel. Lastly I try not to do anything rash, like diving in a swimming pool or anything that might put a strain on my bones. I am an oldish(!) man 69 and I deliberately act my age ? I have nothing to prove, if you know what I mean. And, my wife fusses around like a mother hen

    Hope this helps ? I am sure others can add to it. Happy travels

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hey Man – Cool Dude. Really pleased everything is going well, make the most of your time.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    At the moment I just have the bog standard G Myeloma so can offer no advice on the measurement of light chains. I just wanted to wish Colin well and give you a warm welcome to the site, which is the best site around for all things Myeloma.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hell Dia you have been gong through the mill. I took my chesty cough and head cold to Spain and got rid of it by giving it to all my relatives:-D .

    You hang in there buddy now is the time to VASBYTE 😉 .

    Kindest regards




    ?It is a funny old world?:-) .

    The weather did not change and we had rain every day accept Friday! That meant that Mo vetoed the bike riding which she now considered too dangerous for me – apparently I break easy :-/ However, we decided to tour the New Forest area by car and we had a great time the irony being we both felt we enjoyed the week better than if we had cycled a few forest paths, we certainly saw a great deal more of the area.

    As I say, ?It is a funny old world?. 😀

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    You see Wendy I TOLD YOU it would be good news 😀 😀

    Kindest regards to all – vasbyte




    Hi Gail, Just wanted to hallo and welcome (?). You have come to the right place you will find bags of support and people who know exactly what you are going through.

    I was diagnosed in Jul 09 and have had various ops and a SCT. At the moment I am ?Stable? or on a "Plateau" my PPs have been at or around 2.3 for the last 15 months. My wife, Mo, of 50 years and I are enjoying the time we have been given and I have made constructive use of my days in all sorts of ways to try to make Mo?s life a little bit easier when I am not around to Mow the Lawns! We are off for a couple of days cycling in the New Forest.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Ann, Just got back from my week in Spain so I am just catching up.

    Helen is right the dosage is individual to all of us. Ring ward 9 at Musgrove they will, I am sure, help you.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Normally we all look for a low PP level but it is interesting that yours are at 41 and all is ok, keep going.

    Kindest regards – vasabyte




    I use IE and I have some big and some small.



    Hi Peter, That seems to good to be true however I will check it out for my next tip in August.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Ann, Just picked up you are being treated at Musgrove, Taunton. That is where I am being treated as well; I live 500 yards from the Beacon Centre. There is also another chap on the site, Chris the Biker, who is a Taunton sufferer.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte


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