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    Occupational Health Report – wow never had one but then my "Occupation" is now "pottering". Well, not quite, but you know what I mean. 🙂 so I cannot help fyou there Helen.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I think all forums do go through phases as people come and go. I am a member of about 6 forums, dealing with different things of course, but the Myeloma UK forum is the only one I check into most days and read the posts. I do not always respond it will depend on what I am doing that day.

    I think you must also take into account the limited number of people in the UK who get Myeloma, fortunately, there are never going to be hundreds on the site, just a "select merry band".

    I am glad I found Myeloma UK and I am glad I met all of you, although I wish it was in better circumstances.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    I know I said I will be right behind you Dai, but, I hope you won?t mind me dropping back a bit with this little lot 😀 😀

    God, you are really going through the mill lately. Chin up young man – Vasbyte

    Kindest regards




    Hi Keith, How are you doing? I will google it as well after writing this, sounds interesting.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte


    p.s. yes I am having one of my sleepless nights:-(



    Hi Gina, Nice of you to remember us – thanks.

    When my son died, aged 19, I put loads of pictures up of him all around the house, even in the tiolet. Generally you only take photographs at happy moments and so I had a constant reminder of the "good times".

    All the very best, Kindest Regards – vasbyte




    Hi Neelie, Unfortunately your story is not a rare one with regard to MM. I had MM 2 years prior to diagnosis and it was only breaking my neck getting out of bed one morning in July 2009 that brought about the diagnosis of MM.

    I have found that the Doctors most favourite saying is ?It is all in your mind? and another nice little saying they like to use is ?Worried well?. Having said that there are some really dedicated Doctors out there and we should not let the few bad apples taint our view of them all.

    At the time I came out of hospital, the Surgeons having fixed my broken neck, MyelomaUK was doing a Doctor Awareness Campaign asking everybody to deliver an A4 MM Diagnosis chart to our Doctors with a covering letter. I knew there were 36 Doctors in the Taunton area so I addressed one to each Doctor and then dropped them around to their Surgery and it was placed in their pigeon hole so I know they got it. The best bit was that the next time I went to see my Doctor he said that they ?the Doctors? had discussed it.

    All the very best of luck to your Dad.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    All the best for your review Wendy, I am looking forward to the all clear post which I am sure will come 😀

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Thanks for your best wishes Gang, they are very much appreciated. Having been on top of the world yesterday I am struggling with a chesty cough at the moment ? not unwell enough to get out of doing my share of the housework though. >:-)

    Yes Eve I am one of life?s organisers/planners. I stay absolutely positive about Myeloma but I am also totally realistic about my chances of seeing 86. The more I can do and sort out for my wife the more I can take off of her shoulders and make life that little bit more comfortable for her. And, that, in its way makes me very happy and very positive in turn. 😎



    Hi Andy,

    I am a Guinness drinker, not a great deal nowadays but I like a couple at the weekend, welllll perhaps more than a couple;-) . Whilst in Hospital, having my neck sorted out prior to starting Radiotherapy and Chemo (CDT) , the Senior Pharmacist came around to check on what medicines I was taking and was I taking them correctly. I specifically asked about alcohol. His answer was that the drugs I was on placed no restriction on Alcohol and I have had my Guinness, and a few glasses of red wine, all through my treatment.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    That is the spirit Andy – Vasbyte – go get em boy.

    Kindest regards




    Hi Kirsty, Welcome(?).

    You will find you are amongst friend here. The site is very good and you should take time to have a good look around it it has bags of useful information.

    I look forward to reading your posts, kindest regards ? vasbyte




    I have just caught up with this post, been busy in the garden fixing a 30 year old swing bed – I am determined it will outlast me LOL. I am so pleased things ended well for both of you. Enjoy you trip to France and the very best of luck.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    I will be interested to know the name of that scheme and will be appling – thanks.

    I was truely shocked by your stories of the person being set upon and the agressive man in the bank, what has my Country come to. It is a very sad state of affairs.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Tom & Helen have basically covered it but I would like to add a bit about feeling cold. I had my SCT nearly 14 months ago and I still feel the cold, in fact, it brings me down quicker than anything else. As soon as I start feeling a chill, and that could be on a warm day, I pile on the cloths and I would recommend you do the same.

    Glad you are progressing so well.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte.




    Thankas Dia I found that very interesting. I already eat fresh vegetables and fruit every day with meat or fish on the menu, I do the cooking 😉 . I rarely eat processed food.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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