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    😀 If that is the case then I drink about 8 pints a day! Love my Tea. So the odd pint or two of Guinnes or glass of Red Wine does not enter into the picture:-D



    Interesting – I was told to drink 3 litres of water a day, Tea, Coffee were not included because they are diuretics.

    I drink 6 pints = 3 Litres a day. I use a pint glass to ensure I get it right. I find putting it in my microwave for 30 seconds takes any chill of it. I have now been doing this for 2 years and have got quite used to it, in fact if anything I now enjoy it. However, I still enjoy my Guinness and Red wine as well.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Chris, Firstly congratulations on the pending nuptials, as Eve says you take a different perspective when you get something like Myeloma!

    I know what you mean about hospitals and infections I have been suffering with a really bad cough and cold, my temperature got up to 82 and Mo telephoned the Beacon Centre to check. They confirmed my bloods were good enough to fight the infection and I must say I felt some relief that I did not have to spend a night in Hospital, nothing against Musgrove Park, in fact quite the opposite, but you sometimes end up worse than you started!

    I totally agree with you about getting EVERYTHING you are entitled too. I am in receipt of my pension but it really annoys me that ?they? are going to get it back, even more so when I see the cuts that they have made to the SERPS (additional pension) that I have paid in for all my life. Originally when SERPS started my wife inherited my contributions but various shades of Government have whittled that away and she now receives less than half I think it is now, bloody robbery.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Bridget, Just read your last post and I am very sad for you. I am lousy with words but I do wish you all the best and I am keeping my fingers crossed that something will come out of the blue for you.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Terry welcome (?).

    We will all look forward to your posts I am sure as good old England is still using leeches I think:-D 😀 . No, seriously, your treatment does seem to be ahead of the game and no doubt it will all feed across to us at some time in the future.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Helen, Yes, Photina – little Red Ruby (I think it is) has super red leaves on a base of dark green. I have written to a company that specializes in Ferns to ask their advice on a good ground cover light green fern for my site. I will let you know what comes back.

    I am only redesigning this part of the garden at the moment. I will plant my geraniums in the borders again for this season and then shrub the car port area with the same plants, in September/October time, that I eventually pick for the front of the house. The last two years I have used a mass of bright red geraniums (my wife's favourite colour) backed by two lawns with shrubs. It really hits you in the eyeballs!!

    I have already tamed the back gardens, taking out vegetable plots and borders and lawning in the main areas. I have left three smallish raised borders with very good soil, you could dig it over with your fingers he he. And I have planted a host of daffodils around the lawn and remaining border edges which, if the slugs do not get them, should come up every year. Yesterday I finished clearing my compost bins and breaking them down ? there was some good stuff in there, never seen so many worms. Finally, if all goes well, I intend to plant I Love You in crocuses in the rear lawns, wifey does not know this. Then, it will be job done!

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Helen, Thanks, Yes I have been out in the garden for the past two mornings, just soooo nice to get out there. I will have a look at the plants you have suggested.

    Have you any thoughts on Leucothoe, Skimmia or Photina (Little Red Robin) I intend to put in one shrub type and make a low growing fence out of it. Otherwise everybody feels they can take a short cut across the lawn which leaves a track! I thought of putting the fern Polypodium Vulgare either side to cover the base. At the moment I am thinking Photina and Polypodium hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Andy Welcome(?).

    We have all been there. You will find many of the posts are done in the early hours – all mostly down to steriods/drugs.

    We all look forward to sharing your journey as you know doubt will share ours.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi James, I am 69, just, and like you was very fit before diagnosis in July 2009. I had my one and only SCT in Nov/Dec 2010.

    I am a bit of a keep fit guy and so I enquired with my Consultant what I could do and could not do. Gym work and weights was out as was running and in fact anything that put stress on my bones. It came down in the end to walking/swimming. So I set myself a measured 3 miles and started walking that every day. I normally do it in 51 mins. I had to pack up when the weather got too cold; I found sucking cold air into already damaged lungs was not a good idea. I intend to start again as soon as the temperature rises a bit.

    I hope this helps.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Allen, welcome to the site (?).

    You are better off starting a new posting rather than join half way down on an existing one.

    It took me 4 attempts to get my Stem Cells, first three I only got One mill and then I had to wait nearly 3 months for another go. The second attempt they flew out.:-D

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Can I join everybody else Tom and say congratulations.

    I was really surprised that you are off the Zometa infusions as well, I thought they were given to protect the bones from loss of Calcium. I take the tablet version, Loron, and understand I will be on them for the forseable future:-S . So this must be a major event 😎

    Keep going "Onward and Upward".

    Kindest regards – vasbyte.




    Hi Dave, Welcome to the site (?).

    Several on here have had two SCTs, but generally they have been a lot younger than us, I am 69, if my memory serves me right – and I cannot be too sure of that nowadays :-/ .

    I was told right from the start that I could only have one SCT because I was 68 and 70 was the cut of limit not matter how fit you are, and I was very fit at the time. At least one Consultant at the hospital did not want to do my SCT, I had to request it. As it turned out, I struggled to get the necessary Stem Cells out, just made the 2 mill, so two SCTs has never been an option for me.

    I had my SCT in Nov/Dec 2009 got to 2.3pp, never got to ZERO 🙁 but my bloods are good, I am told. So I am on a wait and watch listing with a test every 3 months. Once it starts to rise again I assume I will be on "new treatments" whatever they are then of course:-D

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    It is always nice to actually SEE someone you converse with. Hallo Mavis, nice to meet you 😉

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    I am sorry to hear that news Bridget. I wish the very best of luck and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Kindeste regards – Vasbyte




    Dear Min, I will miss your sound sensible posts but I wish you all the very best for the future.

    It is great you are moving on, my wonderful Mo will have to face the same journey sometime in the future and face that same loneliness that you can only fully understand when you have lived with someone you love for a long time.

    All the very best and do not forget ? VASBYTE

    My kindest regards


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