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  • #92080


    Hi Jet, I use a company called Citybond.co.uk. I do not say they are the cheapest but my wife works at an Insurance Broker and they seem to think they are good plus she gets a staff discount.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I am sorry to go one better, there is always somebody and it happens to be me this time:-D

    My stem Cell Collection took six days, two goes of three days each, 5-6 hours per day so shall we say 36 hours>:-) . And, then, I only harvested enough for one SCT 🙁 .

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Sarah, It sounds as if Henry is doing well, keep it up. Several people have posted links before so I see no harm in you doing so as well. Please thank your daughter for me the money raised is so so important.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Well I for one find "your prattling on" amusing so just you put down what you want. Best of luck with all your test.

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    That is a very good point Peter.



    Yes, that sounds like a stem Cell Transplant. The leaching as you describe is probably the collection of stem cells which are forced out of the bone marrow and then collected. You will find many posts on here about SCT. Dai is the lad you want I think he has light chain Myeloma. You will find that Myeloma is a very individual decease even if you have the same type of myeloma.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Ray, Welcome to our Group 🙂 .

    Is Autograph Bone Marrow Transfer Treatment the posh name for a Stem Cell Transplant? SCT whilst not routine I do not think they would be classed as ?new?. Where are you being treated?

    Kind regards ? vasbyte




    Helen, can I suggest that you do what I did and that is to go to your Doctor and ask him to print out your surgery medical record. it is a one line document per problem i.e. broke a leg and date. So it is not a mind blowing list of ailments. Then get him to cross through those items you do not have to inform the insurance company off, normally because they are no longer relevant.

    Having done that then enter the list on any Insurance Company website and it will give you an accurate quote. Make sure you INCLUDE your ailments and not EXCLUDE them. If you exclude them your insurance is not worth taking out, that is my wife's view, who works in Insurance and has done for 30 years now.

    Hope this helps we are to sunny Spain at the end of March.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Dai, I have been following your post and am saddened by your turn of events. Vasbyte my friend vasbyte.

    I had my 3 monthly an appointment recently, 28 the Dec, and the Consultant said ?you are in remission? however when she gave me my PP reading it was now 2.4, but and this seems to be crucial bit the rest of my blood measurement had gone to ?normal?. In Sep it was 2.1, now 2.4 is slightly up but it is not a big difference. But, the last time I went I was told ?we do not use the term remission? you are on a plateau. It becomes all rather confusing for an old brain. How can I be in remission? I am waiting for the backup letter that is sent to my Doctor to have a good look at the blood readings! Not that it will make one iota of difference to anything. I know where I am going and nothing is going to stop me, 50th wedding anniversary here I come (Nov 2012). Which just happens to be 6 months past my predicted ?Sale by Date?? He he LOL

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    My understanding is that 3 consecutive increases in PP is a sign that the remission is over and the cancer is starting to rebuild.

    I am not at that stage yet so cannot comment on the pain angle. Although at my last appointment I reported that I had some pain in my neck and it was not the wife. My consultant, after studying my blood results for a minute, said it is highly unlikely to be related to Myeloma.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Yes Elizellen that is the one.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Bridget, I have my fingers crossed for you.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte (as hard as you can LOL)




    Great News Eve, Go for the Cruise, set your mind that you are going to do it and go, go, go. We have just booked a flight to Alicanti, Spain for a week in Apr/May. It is Mo's Brother's 80th Birthday.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Nicola Just wanted to say how I admire what you are doing for your Dad, it cannot be pleasant, my very best wishes for you and him.

    Like most Myeloma sufferers I have had constipation and therefore can empathise with your Dad. I really on lots of roughage in my diet, I have never eaten so much greens and fruit.

    My kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Kay, Sorry to hear your SCT did not work as well as it might have. I have PN in my feet; I call it "spongy foot" because that is what it feels like. I don't get any pain with it, it is just there. I have had this from around Jan 10, I am not sure now when it started exactly!

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte


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