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  • #91544


    Thanks for the kind words Eve, and of course you are right. I have a wonderful caring Son and Daughter and they have tried to reassure me that they will look after their Mum I am not to worry. And, Mo is a strong willed lady but I still shed the odd tear when I think of her waking up alone. Whether I am shedding that tear for me I do wonder sometimes. Ahh well, Vasbyte.

    Kindest regards




    How interesting Eve, I was in the Army for 17 years, 15 of them in the parachute Brigade. I was invalid out in 1978. I took the same attitude to Slim on my diagnosis. My biggest regret is that I will not be there for my wife when she needs me in the furture, and that thought makes me weep everytime.

    Kindest reagrds – Vasbyte




    yes, very interesting. I am the first Male, in my family, to live past 55 in three generations that includes uncles. As far as I can ascertain, and you can never be sure about the diagnosis of death years ago, my brother, who died at 52 was the first to die of a cancer. My other brothers died of a Brain clot, 55, and Tuberculosis,19.

    As far as I can see from my old family records nobody, male of female died of cancer until my Brother. That of course does not mean there is no link only that they did not get Myeloma in their life time and had they lived longer perhaps they would have.

    It is a pity I will not live to see the benefits from the Genome projects, which I am sure will totaly change the treatment of illness as we know it.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    That is really quite an incredible amount to raise at a coffee morning, well done.

    Kindest reagrds – Vasbyte




    If I remember correctly mine were down for at least 7 days, I cannot remember exactly how long but I know the Nurses voted me the most boring patient on the ward – because nothing was happening:-D

    kindest regards – ~Vasbyte




    Actually Tom, I did originally offer my body for research but the Consultant said it would not be suitable and would I please ensure I was taken off the donor register 😀 😀 😀

    Nobody wants me boo hooo 🙁

    Kindest reagards – Vasbyte




    Hi Vicki,

    Do not forget it is [b]Complan[/b] not ordinary milk shakes, this will build his body up you might need to get it proscribed by the hospital although I think you can buy it at Boots.

    If he can eat a Penguin his throat cannot be too bad at this stage. The bad taste is par for the course all of his taste buds have been destroyed, they will come back quite quickly, about 4 weeks from end of treatment if I remember correctly, and that is not guaranteed 😀 .

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi, I had my SCT 11/12 months ago. I had a bad throat and everything tasted foul after my Stem Cells were returned and I could not eat.

    The Tai cleaning lady came up with a suggestion for me. Complan made with full cream milk, add a small jelly and two scoops of ice cream plus, if you can take it, a banana or mandarin orange. Wisk the lot up and suck up through a straw until you can drink it. I had two a day for at least 4 days then dropped to one when I could eat normal food, which still tasted foul.

    He sounds as if it is all working and he will get over it so hang on in there.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Min, that sounds realy great. I loved the touch with the flower.

    At one time of course it was perfectly normal to lay the body out on the dinning room table, but things have moved on and now it is a Chapel of Rest at the FDs. Progress, I do not know. To each his own.

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    We cremated Marilyn on Friday. I took a major part in coordinating the Funeral, the family were simply to distraught.

    Marilyn was not a church going Christian, however, she did have some belief however small and as the local vicar said, ?99% Christians do not now go to church but that does not mean they are not entitled to a Christian burial?. However the service did not have hymns, which few people sing anyway, and instead we listened to three pieces of music that were favourites of Marilyn?s or a message from her husband. There was some prayers and, an appropriate Reading and of course the prayers at commendation/committal. Those who attended had the opening prayer and the Lord?s Prayer to say only, which were written in the Order of service. I wrote the story of Marilyn?s life in the Order of Service and three eulogies were given by her Sister, her best Friend and her husband. These Eulogies were very powerful and had most in the Chapel alternatly switching between laughter and tears, how her husband got through it is in itself a miracle but he did his wife proud. All in all it was a lovely send off and it will be the format I will use for my funeral.

    I must say that not at any stage did I get the impression we were being ripped off. The Vicar spent around 3 hours in total; initial contact, discussing the Order of Service with me ? which I produced and the service. And I was happy to pay £150 for his services. It is not the basics that run away with the money it is the additions, everybody wants to do right by Uncle Billy syndrome I call it, such as Cars. The Hearst itself costs £200 every extra car cost £125 and it can quickly become the most expensive journey you will ever make. We drew the line at direct blood relatives only and this reduced three cars to one. For my own funeral, when ever that is, I am having my coffin pre placed in the Chapel therefore no Hearst and no cars (save £325). Flowers are another area to look at, we did no Flowers and donations to Macmillan Cancer Care.

    As a matter of interest a basic coffin cost £400. I am making my own Coffin from left over fencing material, 1?x4?x8? planks from my Son in Law, and my children and grandchildren are going to decorate it. This has now become the talk of the family and friends. Before I decided to do it we had an ?Elephant in the room? which nobody mentioned, now we all have a good laugh about me falling out of the bottom of my home made coffin. It is the best decision I have ever made.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    You have done fantastically well Tom, must be the Red Wine and Cucumbers;-) Keep going buddy you are an inspiration to us all.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    My sincere condolences Gina, I wish you and your family well.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Min, We were in the Maldives just before the Tsunamai on Sun Island. We were celbrating our wedding annivesary, November. Great Place every body should go there once if they can, mind you the last time we went the place was overun by Russians and if you thought the Germans were rude you have not seen anything:-D .

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Keep Strong Chelle I know it is hard. I have the Myeloma in our family but my wife is great she is a real brick and keeps me on the straight and narrow path we have to walk. Facing this "thing" without her would have been a nightmare and so I know how important you are to Phil.

    Kindest reagards – Vasbyte




    I am not an "Ah Humbug" man and I do enjoy Christmas but the magic went somwhat when I discovered last year that my wife buys my Christmas present and it is not delivered by Father Christmas:-S 😀 😀

    Kindest Regards – Vasbyte


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