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  • #91612


    Sorry getting mixed up in my old age. I was thinking of a Kazoo which was like a penny whistle but made an orrible noise! Gazoo was a little green man in the Flintstones I think LOL 😀

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I think you mean Gizoo.co.uk Min. They are under Electronic Gadgets sub menu "phone and TV gadgets" at 29.95 each.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


    p.s. If you want to buy a Gazoo (can any body remember them)Gazoo.co.uk is the place to go. All sorts of Gazoos in different colours 😀



    Hi Ted, I am with you on this one, when a thread gets tooooo looooong it becomes a real pain scrolling down to find replies you might have missed 🙁 .

    I think PP level is one area all the Consultants seem to agree on. The stock answer seems to be "they look at the decease?s progression and PP level is just one indicator". I used to always ask what my blood levels were but after after my SCT (Nov/Dec 09) I gave up. As a matter of interest my Blood measurements when this is all started for me on the 8/09/09 were:

    HB = 9.9 (normal male, 13.5?17.5 female, 12.0-16.0)
    WBC = 8.7 (normal male/female, 4?11)
    Neutrophils = 5.82 (normal male/female, 2.0?7.5)
    Platelets = 457 (normal male/female, 150?400)
    Paraprotien = 33 (no normal level but I was informed that everybody has a base level of 1 or lower but that it becomes really difficult to measure at this level)

    My last Blood levels on 30/09/11 (two years later) are :

    HB = 13.1
    WBC = 6.57
    Neuts = 3.63
    Plats = 263
    PP = 2.1

    I am fit and well at the moment with no bugs or pain. I keep fit by walking 3.5 miles every day the weather will let me and I exercise my brain by playing Age of Empires Online (I am level 36 out of 40 at the moment) to keep me mentally fit, for a 69 year old I feel good.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    That is really great news John, Celia is quite a trail blazer:-D

    I think it is also good news for the Forum and all the people who make the effort to post their various bits of information, it must be very rewarding for them as well as yourself to know, by participating, they have actually helped another sufferer.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    I know your problem Gill I too have no sense of tone and am as such a very lousy singer, but as no one was home I sang it out loud and it felt great LOL.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Jim, Just a welcome I am afraid, I was not on the Myeloma XI trial or anyother trial come to that. I think at 69 I am tooooo old:-D . I wish you the best of luck with your treatment. You will find all the information you need, up to date information that is, on this site and you will find on this forum a real nice bunch of people.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    I had my SCT in Nov last year and I still get the odd itchy spot. It is normally one or two or sometimes just a single spot. They seem to come up and disappear just as quick. I would seek medical advice if it is a persistent rash you might need a stronger dose of Anti Virus tablets.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Peter, thanks for the information I have never attended a Myeloma Information Day. My nearest will probably be Cardiff I think, but I cannot make 5th November. I played with the idea of going to Birmingham on the 26th, after you kindly did all the research, but decided to wait until Cardiff comes around again next year.

    I have been trying to think where your site name "pjollop" comes from 😀

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    I think you are correct their Bridget, nothing is going to get done until the normal Mon- Fri staff are back. You are really put into a holding situation with the On-Duty Doctor, who could be a Gynaecologist -Mon to Fri – keeping an eye on you? But, and it is a big but I suppose they do have access to a Haematologist consultant IF NEEDED.

    Note ? I do not have a down on Gynaecologists it was just the furthest from Haematologist I could think of 😀 😀

    Best of luck Dai
    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Gilly, glad to hear you are doing ok. I am slightly behind you with my SCT in Dec last and my PPs are still low at 2.1.

    What are supposed to be the beneficial effects of Manuka Honey then? I should say I am not really into alternative medicines etc… but I am always willing to listen 😀

    kindest regards – vsabyte




    😀 whoaaa. what is NOSOLOGY 😀



    Walloon should make it interesting !

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    How about:


    or do names not count?

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    I would agree with Jet on the DLA but would earnestly recommend you get the MacMillan nurse to fill out the form, it does make a lot of difference. And, when doing it do not be British, no stiff upper lip, and, ? it will be ok I do not want any fuss etc…? . Put the bad times down.

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Elaine, Welcome(?).

    You will find this site very helpful and it is packed with good information. Be wary of surfing the WWB there is a lot of old out of date information out there.

    Plus, there are some really nice people here, I think it is one of the prerequisites for having anything to do with myeloma! 😀

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


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