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  • #90871


    Glad to hear things have gone well Jet.

    I had the sore throat, although sore throat is a bit of an understatement, but I think you will understand. The ward Thai cleaner/helper suggested a Complan drink with Ice cream, Jelly and a mandarin or banana all whisked up. They were great, I used to vary the flavour of Complan to match the fruit, sucked through a straw it went down a treat. I lived on them for the 4 days it took my throat to heal.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Great news you two just keep going and VASBTYE.

    Kindest regards




    Heres hoping for some good news for you when the test results come in.

    Kinde regards – Vasbyte




    You know Dai, if I am feeling down or sorry for myslef I just read a couple of your posts Dai and realise how lucky I am 😀 Just kidding the best of luck with your DVT.

    I had a DVT followed by a PE a year before my diagnoses, collapsed in the Park whislt walking my dog, They should have picked up the MM then but failed.

    kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Mary, Nice to hear from you again, I am pleased all is going well with your family.

    Enjoy the sky dive, you will find it exhilarating and as soon as you land you will want to do it again mark my words. I spent 15 years jumping out of planes and it is really something I missed when I had to stop.

    My pound is on the way ? THANKS

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Pam, thanks for the update, I missed your original post having been away from the forum on hols etc. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said he looked so peaceful I would bet your Dad knew the end was coming and just wanted a peaceful end, which is of course what we all want.

    Although too late now as a matter of information persistent urinary tract infections are a classic sign of Myeloma. I had it myself before I was diagnosed.

    All the very best to you and your family, kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Christin and Meike,

    I think I am the other David that was Dai was referring to. An English David, well ok my Dad was a Scot but I try to keep that a secret, my family originating from Ashover in Derbyshire 1850 and before.

    I note from your posts that we David?s have all got something else in common, apart from a most delightful name that is we all have great supportive families.

    At least the decease has been caught before it did any severe damage to David?s bones. I woke up on July 12 2009, a day that will go down in infamy, and broke my neck getting out of bed. I was within 2 mil of becoming a paraplegic. I now have no 4th vertebrae and my head is held up with internal scaffolding around what is left of my neck. I am 68 and today I have just finished the shopping got the upstairs to clean and the garden to weed and mow before ?the Boss? comes back from her part time job.

    I liken MM to a journey, I note David uses the phrase ?on the path? and it is very appropriate. Because, you will be travelling along a very bumpy path, sometimes it will seem it is full of holes, that appear from nowhere, and always uphill other times it will seem an evening stroll in the sunlight. My South African relatives gave me a good Afrikaans word to use ? Vasbyte ? it means Bite Hard and when you think of it is so appropriate for MM. Sometimes you just need to grit your teeth, dam the torpedoes and get on with it.

    On the site we have coined a phrase for Dex ? dexattitude – please remember if it affects David badly what he says is NOT HIM. It is Dex twisting his mind around.

    My only other bit of information is to make use of the site, It is an excellent facility, bags of information, which is UP TO DATE, It also has a resident Myeloma UK nurse who I understand is excellent. You can ring her, for free, anytime for help or information. No doubt you will do what we all did and that is surf the net (rather appropriate for David ? Surf that is) but remember that much of the information is out of date and based on old statistics, lastly, there is no Golden Bullet cure ? no matter what anybody says.

    I wish you all the very best of luck on your journey and I hope, in the nicest possible way, that our paths cross many times in the future.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    There were several, technically minded, persons who used to post quite frequently, I have not seen them for some time. If they are still following the site this would be a golden opportunity for them and urged them to respond if they can.

    Personally, it is out of my league I think.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Sarah, My heart goes out to you, please still visit us when you feel up to it. I love this poem, who wrote it is unclear several have claimed it I think.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep..
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow,
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
    I am the gentle autumn rain.

    When you awake in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft star-shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry..
    I am not there. I did not die.

    all my love and best wishes – Vasb yte.




    Yes, I think getting some fluids, anyway you can, in is better than none.

    However my understanding of it is that dehydration is one of the dangers facing us and therefore ?fluids?, in my case six pints of water a day, is essential. But ask any two Doctors to give an opinion and you will get six different answers. I know all the Consultants, and I have seen them all, at my Cancer Centre have a slightly different angle on everything.

    I have been told to drink 6 pints a day and that is what I will do until told otherwise, because, if my Kidneys fail I do not want some smart a*se Consultant giving me one of those condescending, you have brought this on yourself, what a waste of MHS resources, naughty boy looks!

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    The very best to you Keith, keep on going.

    kindest regards – Vasbyte




    How very true. I think this site puts your own problems into perspective, and, sometimes, you realise that things could be a whole lot worse 😉 😀 .

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Dear Sarah I was gutted to read your post about Gordon. I have been having a terrific time the last months, following my SCT, the result being I have managed to get on the site only occasionally and not for very long and I somehow missed your original post.

    I wish you all the best in the world ? May your God be with you – Vasbyte




    Hi Min, Can I query the "fluids" definition? I was informed that Diuretic drinks, like tea and coffee do not count when measuring the amount of fluid intake. But I support your principle to get something in it is better than nothing.

    To be on the safe side I just count pure water, if there is such a thing as "pure" water, he he. (I do not count Guinness either – which is of course, like Tom's red wine, for medicinal purposes only 😛 ).

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Amelia, You post all the questions you want girl, that is what we are, or at least I am, here for. Sometimes it is just good to ask although you know the people might not have any idea of the answer, I find it gets it off my plate so to speak and I can relax a little. And, who knows we may, just may, be able to help or reassure you.

    If you are really worried and you do not have access to the Doc/Con why not try our resident Myeloma UK Nurse, the telephone number is on this web site and it is free. I have not spoken to her personally but I understand she is very good.

    It is 4:16 a.m. and I have not been able to sleep yet, nothing to do with MM just got a lot on my plate at the moment. I am off to Croyde tomorrow, opps I mean today, to meet my London family. I am not going to be the life and soul of the party at this rate. They will all nod knowingly in the corner and mutter it is something to do with MM, and they will all be wrong but there you go. I must try to get some sleep now.

    Bye for now

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte


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