The important thing about holiday insurance is to ENSURE that your illness, and your medical history for that matter, is INCLUDED and not EXCLUDED. I have just met a friend of mine who gaily told me his insurance company had told him there was no extra charge for Bowel Cancer, I said that is not possible and when we checked they had excluded anything to do with his bowels!
We used Citybond. You can only use this company through a Broker, fortunately my wife works at an Insurance Broker. For a 10 day cruise down the Rhine & Moselle (coach there and back ? ugh I hate coaches), starting 12 July, it cost £233 for both my wife and myself. This includes everything, such as my wife?s Asthma and dodgy knees. Do not forget your Wife/Partner(Carer) needs the SAME insurance as yourself – she will need to be flown back as well if needs be.
The other thing I did was to go to my Doctor and ask him to print out a list of past illnesses [u]I should declare[/u]. Several things were on the list I had forgotten about. I now know the medical history I have given the insurance company matches my Doctors records and as such I will not run into the old ?Are but you did not tell us about the slipped disc in 1966!!!?.
Kindest regards ? Vasbyte