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    🙂 The best of luck Dai, I believe the answer will be, "yes, but in England we are always 5 years behind!!!".

    Kindest regards




    If he is taking aciclovar then it is unlikley to be Shingles. I would agree with Min.

    We all look forward to you finding the answer.

    Kindest regards




    Shingles? Is taking anti-viral tablets?

    Kindest regards




    Hi Gill, Yes I agree it is nice to post in the "off topic". I think it makes to the site more interesting and human. 🙂

    Off to Teignmouth today, my family live in that area. we are gong to have a formal family photograph taken (before Dad/Granddad pops his clogs I think – he he 😀 )

    Kindest regards




    Hey, now that made me really smile. I was going to show the wife but she just might recognise me so I thought better of it!!!!
    Kindest regards




    Great news Gill, Tell Stephen to go for it and never mind the bl88dy torpedoes he he 😀 .

    Kindest regards




    Hi Clara I am pleased that I have managed to help your Dad.

    I know your Dad hopes to get back to work but can I suggest you go and see the Macmillan Nurse at your local hospital and consult her about claiming benefits. They are the experts I can assure you.

    Kindest regards




    Hi Jean that all sound very promising. Loved the image of Frank and the Consultant going at it hammer and tongs! I am the total opposite to Frank if the Consultant says I have grown a third leg I ask about trouser material:-S

    I had my SCT at 68 and my general fitness was a big decider in allowing it to go ahead and apart from a very bad throat, loved the morphine they gave me for it, I sailed through it so I am sure frank will do the same.

    Kindest regards



    Chin Up Gill, it has taken me a while to post on this, I do find it hard. Like Stephen I am on my last year – if they are right of course and they are not!

    I have been putting my affairs in order for the last 18 months; I have even redesigned my family grave and am in the process of ordering my headstone, any expense I can resolve now means less for Mo to worry about.

    I have been a great fan of You and Stephen and I am sure, like Mo and myself, you are really going to enjoy the time you have left. I wish you all the happiness you can cram in.

    Kindest regards


    p.s. If I have said the wrong words I am sorry – I just get too upset.



    Dexatude – I know exactly where you are coming from Keith:-D 😀

    kindest regards




    Hi Sarah, When I took GCSF prior to my STC I got a lot of bone pain, in my chest and lower back. I applied a hot water bottle and it helped a lot.

    Kindest regards




    Yes Jo, I was given that during my SCT when I could not swallow due to a very swollen throat.

    Strawberry Complan, Strawberry Jelly, Vanilla Ice Cream and a fruit Orange, banana etc…) all whisked up into a giant milk shake. The nice thing was I could just sip it through a couple of straws, lived on them for several days.

    Kindest regards




    Hi Keith, Lucky you, I have only one SCT planned in my treatment and I have had that:-/ . It took me two goes and I only then just got enough stem cells. I counted myself lucky however, the guy in the next bed was given the thumbs down for Stems Cells so barring him for an SCT altogether 🙁

    I am sure it will all go well, chin up you sound a bit down

    Kindest regards




    It is amazing what we have to put ourselves through 🙂 Like everybody else I have had them all. I am now 3 months post SCT on an MM Plateau of below 3. I still suffer from the odd cold spells, normally when I am getting tired. And, I still get the odd itchy spot although that I think is due to the anti-biotitic I take every Saturday and Sunday. Otherwise I am in the clear.

    Most days I drink the 6 pints (3 litres) quite easily. I always start first thing in the morning, about 6:30 a.m., with my morning tablets. And I refill the glass and leave it on the side, No 2 is by 10:00 a.m. , No 3 is by 1:00 p.m. , No 4 is by 4:00 p.m. No 5 is always after dinner around 7:00 with my evening tablets and the last one is before I go to bed with my last tablets of the day – Loron. There are days, when I am going out for example, when I do not clear all 6 pints. I just drink as much water as convenient. I was told the 6 pints does not include Tea or Coffee which are Diuretics and do not count.

    What NO alcohol. I have been told right from the start and all through my treatment that I can drink alcohol. I drink Guinness, Brandy coke and Red Wine. I checked with the Hospital Pharmacy because I wanted to clear that it was ok to occasionally have a pint in the evening before I took Loron (I have to have 2 clear hours no food or milky drink either side of it). And they always say Guinness is ?Mother Milk? , 😀 . The head honcho in the Pharmacy?s words to me were ?I want you to enjoy yourself none of the tablets has an Alcohol restriction on it. Have fun?. What a nice man 😎 . I would recommend you check with the hospital Pharmacy, give the man a drink.

    Kindest regards




    Yes, I did the same Tom. Naked as plucked chicken except for my eyebrows and eyelashes 😀 😀

    I am pleased you are doing so well Tom, must have been the cucumbers and red wine!!!

    Kindest regards


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