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    My understanding is that most Oncologists/Haematologists would have enough experience to recognise "lesions" in an x-ray, certainly my consultant did not wait for a report he had my x-rays up on his screen straight away and gave me the ?good news? there and then, which was my hips were clear and it was 17 years of Army wear and tear giving me the Jip every night!!!

    Kindest regards




    Hi Girls, No, you are not forgotten and it is so pleasing and kind that you thought to update us on your Dad. I wish him well on his final journey.

    He will leave a family to be proud of I am sure. I know I draw great strength and support for my family and from your previous postings he will be doing the same at this time.

    May his God walk beside him
    My kindest regards




    Congratulations Eve.

    kindest regards




    Yes, it will all come out, mine did. I had my SCT in early December and have just got all my hair back now, it started returning about 2 weeks ago.

    kindest regards




    Hi Liz, Constipation and dehydration two of the dangers of SCT. Dehydration is very dangerous and that is why, quite rightly, they are not letting him home. 6 pints of water a day has got to be the target! I have dropped tea and coffee now and just fill my Guinness pint glass up and keep on going throughout the day and evening.

    Like Kev I am a keen gardener, a lousy gardener but a keen one. I find there is nothing better than sitting with my good lady in the evening looking out over the garden; it is so peaceful and very, very colourful. But as Bridget has said SUNBURN isn?t a good idea. I use factor 30 ?all day? from Piz Bruin if I am going to be out and about.

    Please pass my regards to Kev.
    Kindest regards




    The Cancer Centre (Beacon Centre) at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton had only just opened when I was diagnosed, Jul 2009. My first 3/4 appointments were always late. The first one was a stunning 4 hours wait, apparently they could not find my hospital records eventually they told me and I told them where I knew them to be!!! Communication, Communication, Communication as Mr. T. Blair might have said.

    However, since that time they have been excellent and to be fair you have to put those earlier times down to ?The Learning Curve?. I go in for my appointment on time and the Staff are not only courteous they also have a good sense of humour.

    Like all Pharmacies there is a wait for your pills, normally 30 to 40 minutes and that I think is fair, However I live only literally 5 minutes walk from the hospital so I always go back for my pills.

    Kindest regards




    Great to hear that your Mum is doing well. I wish you well on your run, 26 miles is not that far, I can do it in no time in my car πŸ˜€

    Kindest regards




    Best of luck Dia. πŸ™‚

    Kindest Regards




    I just love his attitude- a great example πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Kindest regards




    Hi Gill, Yes, maybe, but the thing I was trying to impress upon Mark is that it is not quite the end of the road for his dad πŸ™‚ , a picture is worth a thousand words.

    I expect most of us can show impressive bits of hardware πŸ˜‰ . The really incredible thing is that neither I nor my friends can get over that my next works perfectly, just like a normal neck. People just do not appreciate sometimes how clever some of our Doctors are.

    I went out to my ?Red tractor (my workshop) ? yesterday and started making some cages, the start of a Zoo I think, for my Granddaughters? increasing number of toy animals.

    Kindest regards




    Well done Mark that is the spirit.

    For your interest I had a large tumour on my neck – it ate my fourth vertebrae ? and I broke my neck getting out of bed on the 11th July 2009. They screwed in posts and pillars as you will see from the attached x-ray. Now when somebody says to me ?You have got a brass neck? I can say ?No, it's titanium?. I am 68 by the way and I find it truly amazing what the old saw bones can do nowadays! I look forward to hearing of your Dad?s progress.

    Kindest regards




    The flow of information is interesting. After each appointment the Consultant writes to my GP informing him what is happening and the latest blood readings etc… I get a copy of that letter.

    Kindest regards




    Absolutly brilliant. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Kindest regards




    Perky mite translates in my mind to – happy little insect or cheerful small person!

    I used to play Age of Empires on the internet and I played under that name, why I picked it I am not really sure. I am now regarded as small 5'7 1/2, (I was 5'7 1/4 but when they fixed my neck they found they had increased my height by ΒΌ inch ? this is true not an April fools joke) and I would regard myself as cheerful so perhaps there is the reason, who knows what was at the back of my mind at the time, it is so long ago. I do know my wife thinks it fits me to a T:-S

    Kindest regards


    p.s. I had the snip 35 years ago so Infertility is not an issue πŸ˜€



    OK, I forced myself to read the articles in the Dailey Mail Online , please do not tell my friends, under the banner "it will be character building", just joking of course.

    I thought the Myeloma story was very moving.

    Kindest regards

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