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  • #105984


    Sorry about missing your post Min
    hope Peter contiues getting over these terrible infections.

    Love and Best wishes to you both

    Please tell him I'm crossing everything for him to recover

    Love Roz



    Hi Susannah

    Sorry about your Michael having to come off Revlimid. My Michael never got the chance for this trial your talking about, if he had I'd take it with open arms. Michael died Christmas Eve. Please don't take this the wrong way when I mention that, I know it's an individual disease that works differently for different people. My Michael got took off Thalidamine cos it made him loose his balance and stuff, he fell over. But to know I would have had him longer and he agreed to it I'd accept the trial and maybe if things improve then you'll know where you stand.
    What I'm feeling today I don't wish on anyone.

    So I've everything crossed that everything goes right for you both and your Michael is with you for as long as possible.

    All the best



    Hi Dai

    Thanks, you must have known. It's one off them days today, crying not wanting to bother,getting out of bed wondering for the thousand plus time why Michael??? I come on site to console myself and listen to this, I'm sobbing again cos it's how I feel only I'm all alone with no-one to turn to. It was 6 months ago a few days ago, times flown in one respect but by god it seems as if its 6yrs since I've seen him, I want to join him too.

    Sorry for this,



    Glad to hear it Keith,

    suppose when no-one knew what had happened I set a ball rolling, Sorry and I'm glad your still kicking.
    Have a good break, enjoy yourself
    Love and best wishes



    Great to hear your still ok Keith! I was worried.

    I came on site this wk first time for ages, left a post saying hows Keith cos saw you hadn't been on either, but no-one replied.

    Keep up the good work, plus get the break you deserve.

    All the best



    Well done!!

    Keep up the good work.

    All the best



    Hi Dai

    I haven't done anything with his ashes.

    Like I have explained in my email a quick hello, Rachael my daughter and Lauren my grand-daughter have just disowned me since Michael has died, we never fell out either. So his Ashes stay with me till mine goes with them. Then its up to them two.
    But my new will says both ashes go together.





    Shall I tell you what my GP phoned up and asked me after loosing Michael..
    It was "Do You Miss Him", I just sobbed my heart out and then he said "of course you Miss Him"

    I then said to my carer what a thing to ask me.




    Hi Gill, Steven

    Sorry to hear Steven is feeling so bad. I wish I had a wand for you all.
    Now he is home he may start feeling better. Michael did he used to say no place like home.

    Love to you both and hope you both recover from this 2nd S.C.T.



    I do miss him, I miss him more than anyone knows




    Hi Bridget
    So sorry your feeling alot of pain. I hope they sort out your package properly for you and it becomes more bearable.
    Michael was on alot of pain relief but his body never could take it, he some times went high as a kite.

    Any way
    Hope you start feeling better soon, well as better as you can

    love to you



    Hi Jo

    It is a struggle on my own; especially now I've only one carer and have to pay myself. So I try to manage with around 80hrs to 100hrs a week, plus what my Brother-in-law does for me to get me to town, hairdressers and places like that.
    I've got a few disabilities, I've got Asthma,Arthritis in my hands, legs spine ,Neuropathic pain in my legs, my left knee won't bend and I've got lots of trapped nerves. I manage around my home with my stick, cannot stand or sit too long cos I get stuck but to go out I have my wheelchairs.
    If I get more care I have to pay more and to get individual benefits from the council I'll have more to pay than they will give me, so I'm out of pocket and have to beholden to their rules where doing it my way I can have the care when I need it, except weekends because my carer/pa has weekends off. After being disabled for so long you learn to live with it and I'm trying to stay independent. When my legs give in all together and I have to use my chair in the house then I know I can't manage alone because I will not be able to push myself and carry a cup of tea. So fingers crossed I slow down again.

    I miss Michael like mad too, some days I just am not here I'm just somewhere else and another day I cope.

    Thanks for asking after me
    Love to you all



    Hi Michelle
    Sorry to hear about your mum. Glad to know the doctors are on the ball with her. I've got everything I can possibly cross for her to get through this phrase and comes out the other end, feeling good.

    Nice to see you on here its first week I've been on for ages. Now I can't keep away.

    Love to you and your mum



    Hi Jess
    Sorry about your mum,

    I believe you can come off dialisis if your mums kidneys recover enough, but I also believe its something different hospitals do with and for different patients. Michael was on and off all types of treatments while he was here and this was one of them.

    All the best to you and your mum



    Hi Eve

    I found out it did this months ago, so instead I start saying the word and put down *** to finish off, thats the only way.
    It won't even take it in jokes I've tried.


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