Hi Ruth
Sorry to hear about your bad news.
My husband got diagnosed just over 2 years ago but he was ill for 1yr before that. He got told his age was young then and he was in his 40's and because of that lots of good things were on his side.
Every body deals with this illness differently., because it is such an individual disease.So don't take too much on at once, learn to live together with this illness.
My husband had tablet form chemo and blood transfusions when he was eventually diagnosed. He was told he just had artheritis at first. After the good response from his chemo tablets, he has a SCT done. They tried to do everything while he was responding well.
He also had all different treatments and responded well, then had bad times. Just because of that does not mean your husband won't respond well. Some people live over 10 years or more at stage 3 some people don't
My husband died December 24th 2010. He was an unlucky one. [b]But[/b] and I mean[b] But[/b] it does not mean your husband will go the same way. So try and think positevly.
All the best