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    Yes it is difficult. The thing is you think you have done everything and then you will hear or get a letter from someone else wanting something.
    Hopefully I've finished.Its 2.5 months ago and I'm starting to grieve slowly every day. I've had some canvas's made with the pair of us on and he looks so life like I feel like I could hold him. I keep saying things can only get better, but that is really a long way off.

    All the best




    Hi Sarah
    Have a good holiday, and enjoy yourselves.




    Hi Ruth

    Sorry to hear about your bad news.

    My husband got diagnosed just over 2 years ago but he was ill for 1yr before that. He got told his age was young then and he was in his 40's and because of that lots of good things were on his side.
    Every body deals with this illness differently., because it is such an individual disease.So don't take too much on at once, learn to live together with this illness.
    My husband had tablet form chemo and blood transfusions when he was eventually diagnosed. He was told he just had artheritis at first. After the good response from his chemo tablets, he has a SCT done. They tried to do everything while he was responding well.

    He also had all different treatments and responded well, then had bad times. Just because of that does not mean your husband won't respond well. Some people live over 10 years or more at stage 3 some people don't
    My husband died December 24th 2010. He was an unlucky one. [b]But[/b] and I mean[b] But[/b] it does not mean your husband will go the same way. So try and think positevly.

    All the best



    All the best to Peter Min

    Don't think about what happens when this stops working, just live and cope day by day. Remember, if Peter is at home having his Revlamid then things are fine. Michael never got to go home to start his.

    Please think positive. Fight and live for today and bug— what happens next.




    Hi Keith

    This is something else Michael got while on velcade. Even after it and he went on the last treatment he could not stop with these spasms and it is all down to the treatment plus the Myeloma itself.

    All the best for the future.

    Fight all the way




    Hi Keith

    Sorry you have got this problem. Michael had it too. In the end everything went interveniously for Michael. Hope I've spelt it right and you understand.

    If it cannot be taken one way they have to find another way. Michael looked battered, so I'm sorry your the same.

    Hope things improve for you
    Luv Roz



    Hi Sara

    When my husband went in for his SCT we took, 2 toothbrushes to be on the safe side. lots of creams, radio, photos, mouthwash the one we were advised to bring. But you may find like I did that things you haven't got or run out off are found and given to you.
    Always take plenty of night clothes and underwear because these things cannot be found. You will find that you don't need to take everything at once because you visit and can take things as and when they are needed. It all depends on the after effects to what each person is able to do.

    Hope this helps and your mum is ok
    Luv Roz



    Thank you Ellen

    I'm not upset I just needed to know it had been recieved by you.
    I was weary sending it by the post, because I've known mail not being delivered.

    Hope it gets put to good use, on behalf of Michael.




    I got the very same email.
    It was in my junk at first, but because I thought it was from here, I put it to my mail box. Then I junked it and deleated it becaue it wasn't from myeloma uk.
    All my mail gets checked so no viruses were in my box.

    All the best




    I still feel guilty and in the way to do that just yet but its a good idea.




    Hi Sean

    So sorry Sean to hear about your transplant.

    I'm disabled. Michael was the one with mm and has recently died. But enough about that! about you and disabled. You get the disability living allowance form and fill it in or get your nurse, even Dial will come out and help with it.
    At the begining Michael refused to fill it in, then took sick pay but when he was advised to not go back to work he filled it in. For 3 months he got what they believed to be the correct money, but if things change you notify them and it is changed.
    Depending what your job is and your treatment will eventually decide if you can work or not. Michael was going back to work at one bit. So things do change.You can email me if you want and I'll explain alot more, because Disability things is something I really know about
    All the best
    love Roz



    Hi Min

    Sorry to hear the velcade has stopped working. The revlimid is a much kinder treatment. He'll still take the dex with it. 🙁
    Hopefully the revlimid will do wonders, I've known it to.

    All the best for you and Stephen
    Love Roz



    Great news David,

    Just remember don't over do things just because you feel fit and well! Remember things take time to heal. But good news any way.
    Hope you carry on tis way.
    Love Roz



    Thanks Bridget and Tom

    I'm trying to go one day at a time. Sometimes its worse than others.

    Thanks for your thoughts and hugs, and keep on fighting your illness.

    Love Roz



    Hi Kieth
    Thanks for those kind words.

    Keep yourself together, and fight round two like you did the first round.

    All the best for the future


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