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  • #96804


    Hi All

    Michael had a SCT which only lasted 3months. His next course of treatment was Velcade which also lasted 3months. Then he was put on [u][b]Revlimid[/b][/u] this was for always until mm came back.

    There was side effects from [u][b]this drug[/b][/u]

    Even though we were told they would be less severe they still were pretty bad. It depends on the person.

    [b][/b]Remember this is an individual disease




    Thanks Sue

    I've seen alsorts, spoke to him days and nights. He last spoke last Saturday when he wanted a kiss.




    Thanks all




    I'm not imagining it, I have been told it by Andrea, but I've told them they cannot tell Michael without me being there. Everything gets sorted Monday then everyone can know cos Michael knows.




    I'm so sorry about your dad. If he has a uti water infection this can cause these problems. You must get him to drink. His kidneys will pack in if you don't.

    All the best



    Thank you Sue

    Due to the situation at hospital, we are not talking to consultant till Monday am. Michael won't know till then not officially anyway, even if he knows deep inside. I've sent the message to our daughter, so we can discuss it together. I hope you don't mind!

    I just want to spend the rest of his life with him. So he knows I care. I really really love him and know that he could go at anytime.

    Thank you



    Hi All

    Tomorrow is canceled meeting will be next week when our daughter can come with me. Found out alot tonight. Just need everything finalised by his consultant next week. Hope he survives till then
    Revlimid has stopped working like all the others did. He will be coming home to say his goodbyes soon. All carers have to be in a plan first. Think I knew Saturday and thats what finally broke me.

    I'll try and keep in touch but at the moment I don't know what to do. Just know we will be seeing his consultant before anything will get sorted.

    Thanks every one





    Tomorrow is canceled meeting next week when our daughter can come with me. Found out alot tonight. Just need everything finalised by his consultant next week.
    Revlimid has stopped working like all the others did. He will be coming home to say his goodbyes soon. All carers have to be in a plan first. Think I knew Saturday and thats what finally broke me.

    I'll try and keep in touch but at the moment I don't know what to do. Just know we will be seeing his consultant before anything will get sorted.

    Thanks every one




    Hi Bridget

    When you manage to prospone xmas let me know cos I don't want it either.

    Sorry about your washer and your cold, please watch yourself. Just moan like all men do.




    Hi Min

    Of course you get angry. We all get angry with our partners. When Michael was at home we still got angry with each other, one of my carers said stop shouting at him do you not realise he is ill with cancer. Yes was my answer but all through our marrage we have done this so why should this stop now??
    I've been told now he manipulates me because he knows where it hurts, So I say to live normal we act normal we should not have to walk on egg shells




    Thanks Tom

    Michael lost weight then too but now there is nothing on him at all. Its no wonder he screams when he gets washed and stuff. His ribs stick out and where his stomach was just sinks, he's not just flat it sinks inwards.

    When they have done this septic screening it will mean more different antibiotics, I suppose and a longer stay in hospital. It may sound horrible but I wish he could just go over the borderline he is on, then he could say his goodbyes at home and [u][b]no longer suffer[/b][/u]

    I really lost it last night. so don't know how much more I can take, just watching him like this is soul destroying.





    Been again this afternoon. They are going to do a septic screening on him yet again, so once again something is not hitting the spot.

    He's lost more weight, his arm is bigger than his body.

    I broke down tonight, so do not know how long I can go on.

    Thanks for the encouragement




    Thanks All

    Still in agony. Rested most of yesterday, doing the same this morn, then afternoon at the mad house.

    I found out from Andrea his nurse, that the nurses just think Michael is a bit odd, and always like it. I cannot believe they cannot remember the proper Michael and he is not this confused man who is in their ward. It stinks, how they just expect me to do everything when I'm there. THIS MAN IS NOT THE REAL MICHAEL. AND THEY SHOULD KNOW.

    Andrea thinks I need a break. Thats easy isn't it when your disabled and your husband is in hospital.

    Sorry if I sound bitter, but I don't know what to do any more.




    Guess What

    It never happened!!!! Istayed all day and his consultant was at a meeting all day.

    Cr– day, really really had enough. Done in, legs massive. Never got to loo till driver came at 4pm.

    Isn't life sweet. I've left a message wiyh Andrea his nurse ( She was good today) I've said on message I can not do this any more even if Michael was in Doncaster, I've had it, I'm worn out.

    Going back to lie down. Tom I may email you tomorrow. See how I am.

    Thanks all




    I'm so sorry Gill

    I know what this feels like. So remember what you all say to me.
    Take one day at a time, keep smiling (Thats hard I know) AND NEVER EVER GiVE IN.
    I wish you both all the best and hope and pray that things come around for you once more.

    Love Roz

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