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  • #109969


    Hi Tom,
    thanks for replying to one and all. This has been the longest yr and its still not sorted family wise, so your hug is great. Thankyou:-D

    Michael was born 1953 so he lasted till 57 I think told you my brains a shed:-S

    All the best to you all
    Roz xx



    Thanks Tom,

    Hugs come at right time again, my pa/carer is off sick so trying to manage alone.

    All the best

    Love Roz xx



    [b]Ignited[/b] is mine

    TED is left for next one



    Hi Jean

    I'm not forcing Rachael into anything! I've told her I'm here when she's ready for me but until then I'm alone. She's got Lauren , new boyfriend and I'm here alone.

    Xmas will never be the same for us again, Michael died Xmas Eve so sorry it's not special it took the man I love away.

    Sorry about this
    I'll do my best with counselling. Got lots to deal with cos Rachael never even helped me through her dads illness, so she's got alot to deal with too. She can only let me back in when she is ready and I can't take any more of her knocks so untill then I'm alone.

    Thanks for everything,



    Hi Tom

    No Scunthorpe isn't far. Feel I'm past it now only 4 wks to go and a yr has past.

    Hope you and all mm sufferers are doing ok I love you all. You keep me sane.
    Onwards and Upwards



    Hi David,
    Had some wine so can you tell me what vasbyte means???

    I know I'm thick but your a mate
    Love Roz



    Hi Tom
    I'm in Doncaster S. Yorkshire..Born 1960 now you know I'm getting on. Real name is Rosalyn.

    All the best to you all
    Love Roz



    Hi Jean,

    No Rachael isn't having counselling. She won't do anything about it. Rachael doesn't know why she's like this with me, it's my friends who keep telling me. They may just be saying it to make me feel better.
    Lauren my grand-daughter wants me to go to their house for xmas but Rachael just keeps making excuses. She said I know I'm not nice to you and I don't know why. So thats another reason I blame myself because until she lets me back into her life, I know she's blaming me. Its been like loosing three people at once not just Michael, and Xmas will be hard to bear me alone here.

    All the best and thanks Jean
    Roz xx




    What about [b]REDESIGN[/b]

    that leaves IGN

    lOVE Roz with no mates



    Wish I lived nearer Sarah.

    Any way all the best for your day and hope you make loads.

    Love Roz xx



    Thanks Jean, and David.

    I can't believe that Michael passing away has caused all the upset at our house. Been told Rachael's probs are to do with guilt, she promised her dad and hasn't kept to her promise. So until she forgives herself instead of taking it out on me, we won't get back together.

    Thanks again
    Roz xx




    I don't know how to start new thread, brains not in gear!!!:-S

    ING anyone




    Hi Min, Tina and all,

    Ive tried Samaritans, they only really help when your suicidal.

    They are so busy, you only hear so often. The reason I'm not celebrating Christmas is because Michael died Christmas Eve. I cannot raise a glass to him dying. Our Rachael my daughter and Lauren my grandaughter feel the same way. Until I can get over these feelings It will be a long time before I do. No way can I say merry christmas Michael, its like saying glad you died on Christmas Eve. I dealt with alot when he was in hospital, he never told them anything so everything was left to me and I feel like I've put him down, there is alot more to it than that, but it's too complicated to explain, He had things so bad that when I was alone in the room it was horrible watching every step of him dying happen. Also I went home and left him to die alone something he didn't want me to do.

    My Gp has told they have passed me over and nothing else can be done from them, they said no to antidepresants,till had therapy. The therapy place have also told me I've had my name down for a long time and they didn't realise, the papers from 10 months have caught up! so I've to wait till st johns hospice get in touch which can take up to another 4 wks. There is no where else in Doncaster. We have one of the worse councils for giving help and advice.
    Michael never really liked christmas unless he saw his daughter, me and grand-daughter, we were going away but not no-more.

    All the best everyone






    That leaves ECE

    Roz x



    Hi Mine is

    Think it's spelt right,
    Leaves EEN anyone

    Roz x

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