Hi Min, Tina and all,
Ive tried Samaritans, they only really help when your suicidal.
They are so busy, you only hear so often. The reason I'm not celebrating Christmas is because Michael died Christmas Eve. I cannot raise a glass to him dying. Our Rachael my daughter and Lauren my grandaughter feel the same way. Until I can get over these feelings It will be a long time before I do. No way can I say merry christmas Michael, its like saying glad you died on Christmas Eve. I dealt with alot when he was in hospital, he never told them anything so everything was left to me and I feel like I've put him down, there is alot more to it than that, but it's too complicated to explain, He had things so bad that when I was alone in the room it was horrible watching every step of him dying happen. Also I went home and left him to die alone something he didn't want me to do.
My Gp has told they have passed me over and nothing else can be done from them, they said no to antidepresants,till had therapy. The therapy place have also told me I've had my name down for a long time and they didn't realise, the papers from 10 months have caught up! so I've to wait till st johns hospice get in touch which can take up to another 4 wks. There is no where else in Doncaster. We have one of the worse councils for giving help and advice.
Michael never really liked christmas unless he saw his daughter, me and grand-daughter, we were going away but not no-more.
All the best everyone