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  • #91808


    Hi Eve and Slim

    Congratulations some good news at last!:-D You keep smiling Eve I would.
    Save a glass for me when you crack open the champagne.

    Keep up the good work you deserve it.

    All the best
    Love Rozxx



    Welcome home Welcome
    Thats me Min Singing

    So it's ING again



    How about [b]Oligosynthetic[/b] some sort of language

    That leaves [b]TIC[/b]

    All the best




    Hi Jean
    Don't be sorry you let it out,
    I'm sorry if my messages upset you any and like I said to Min when my head gets around things I'll do a Dear Michael book, I've got the photo's down but can't do anything with them yet.All the best



    Hi Min,

    Have a good journey home, don't mind the cold weather you may start shivering, I did after our Carabean cruise.

    I'm still waiting to hear about my counselling, this was classed as an emergency but nothing has happened. So once I get my head around things I may take your advice and write a dear Michael I wish book.

    All the best#
    Love Rozxx



    Hi, Sorry your not very goos Dai,
    🙁 All the best for a full recovery.:-D
    I take inhalers for my bronical asthma. A Purple one called Tilade to take 2 times a day and a blue one to take before lots of movement and shower,
    A bit silly I know cos I can't do alot of movement.>:-)

    Get well soon
    Love Roz xx



    Hi Georgina,
    Your right when you say we don't believe it, it took be ages to realise Michael was never coming home again. Even longer than most because he spent the last 4 months of his life in hospital.
    I can understand how you feel being angry because your mum was taken away before your kids grew up, but I bet she's there watching you encouraging you to walk by her grave daily.
    I don't know how my daughter feels because she has took her dads death out on me. Because he has died she won't come to see me.
    Anyway I'm glad your mum was part of your life which was good. Even though I'm going through a bad time right now Iknow Michael is telling me to get on and in his way watching me, so you Georgina just remember your good times, tell her you love her and miss her and promise her you will get on with your life like you know she wants.
    I'm good at giving advice but trying to carry on alone I find hard but I hope I can tell Michael I'm going to carry on one day.
    Hope this message makes sense.

    Love Roz xx



    Hi Min,Sarah

    Don't think about what will happen when you come home just enjoy yourself while you can!

    Everyone deals with grief differently, I've seen this so just take it in your stride and if things happen and you need help ask for it, don't be a Marta like me. I've learnt the hard way.

    Your holiday sounds fantastic. Michael and I were going to New York for Christmas we often spoke about it, so all I do is dream about what could have been.

    Sarah if your up to your dinner party have it, you may find you enjoy it. A few weeks ago I took my friends and family for a meal to say thank you for everything. It eas fantastic and I felt great until I came home to an empty house in the dark.
    All the best to you both
    Love Roz xx



    Hi Tom

    Nice kitchen, I know what it's like with taps and everything all around the house.

    Keep cooking and enjoying your new kitchen

    Love Roz xx



    No Tin

    My words [b]STRAINED[/b]

    We all do this now and then

    NED anyone



    Hi Dai,
    I don't know if you remember me but I belonged to many disability groups and still do when I'm up to it again.

    I don't want to sound rude but your health comes first!! Also what you are trying to do and show is what we the disabled have been saying for years everyone is different but we get labeled as the same. Money and post codes come into alot of health decisions. Michael got treated better at Sheffield than at Doncaster. We got told by them at Sheffield if a BMT was done and you were in hospital or getting treatment it would be up on the computer in so many hours. But if he had it at a day appointment and back home without treatment, then appointments would be booked to give out results. Thats another cost issue.
    I havent been keeping tabs on your posts so I will shut up now but what I'm trying to say is all the best for what your trying to do but as we the disabled have found out it takes more than 1 person or a few people for change you need many to get A VOICE.
    Get well first l
    Love Roz



    How about this word site

    ING anyone

    Roz xx



    Thank you

    I am starting with positivity if posible and hopefully improve day by day.

    Its like you say you loose your soul mate or other half of your heart.

    I'll keep an eye out for white feathers because he should be watching over me, I bet he's shouting actually.

    Love Roz xx



    Thanks Sarah,Sorry you feel it badly too

    I agree with everything you say about it getting worse! So if I was you I think counselling is a good idea. At one time I thought I was coming to terms with things and joined the disability group again. But I found I wasn't taking things in, flashbacks happened and my sleeping never improved.I thought I was being brave instead I was hurting myself more. So please don't get as bad as I am, if it's offered take it.

    Sorry about your young Ram too..

    Love and all the best
    Roz xx

    Haven't found any white feathers though.



    Thanks Gill and Bridget,

    I'll do my best to be kind to myself but it's abit hard when my daughter and grand-daughter won't come and see me or phone me up. The weekends are the hardest especially Sundays.
    I love all of you on this site you make me realise I count too. I tried my best for Michael but he had it too bad. Only 8 weeks to go to 1 yr and its hard to bear.

    Thanks anyway

    All the best Roz xx

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