avrilro55 replied to the topic Travel Insurance in the forum General 9 years, 7 months ago
Avanti quoted me £820.00. Think i must be older than u i am 73 , but i very fit not on treatment except Zometa light chains only 100 all other bloods good. No pain. I have been off treatment for a year see Consultant end of October, 4 monthly interval between appointments. Strange how they can quote me so much. I not had sct and do not intend t…[Read more]
avrilro55 replied to the topic Travel Insurance in the forum General 9 years, 7 months ago
I also used All Clear for my trip to Goa in January very good price; however when I enquired about America, as we have to go next year, they want £800 plus. I have been off treatment for a Year after only 4 months on initial treatment. Have no bone problems and consultant says I fit to travel. If anyone knows of another company would greatly…[Read more]
avrilro55 replied to the topic Hi in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 7 months ago
Hi Bijou
Good luck with your blood results. Try and get them to write them down for u. I have kappa light chain myeloma and they measure my light chains and other bloods. I dont have to go back until end of October. I have been treatment free for over a year. I decided SCT was not for me, so going with regular treatment. My light chains are…[Read more]
avrilro55 replied to the topic Do you deal with a single consultant or a rotating team? in the forum General 9 years, 7 months ago
I have seen the same Myeloma consultant and Myeloma Speciality Nurse (who i am sure has hidden wings) at Addenbrooks since first diagnosis in January 2014, with the exception of my last visit as my Consultant has taken 6 months sabbatical to do some research. He due back at year end. As i don’t have to go back until end of October I expect i will…[Read more]
avrilro55 replied to the topic Hi in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 7 months ago
Hi Bijou
so sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with Myeloma. Yes its awful the medication and the process we all have to go through but its not the end of the world! If u can, stay as positive as possible, even though u may have some awful side effects from the medication. I read your story with interest, i was diagnosed in early February…[Read more]
avrilro55 replied to the topic Awaiting consultation with haematologists in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 12 months ago
Where in the country do you live. I was seen within a week!
avrilro55 replied to the topic Benefit Assessmsent / Claim – Where do I go from here? in the forum General 10 years, 5 months ago
I would suggest you get in touch with your local carers association. We have one in our village and she filled iut my forms enabling me to get a blue badge and attendance allowance.
avrilro55 replied to the topic Newbie in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 5 months ago
I also live in Nofolk and was diagnosed in February with Myeloma. I ws taken illen route to my holiday in Goa and taken straight to hospital when we lanses . I had a scan which showed a plasmacytoma in the skull. Was flown home by air ambulance and admitted to Addenbrookes Cambridge who have been fantastiic, thats where tests showed i had early…[Read more]
avrilro55 posted an update 10 years, 8 months ago
Stage 1 Myeloma
I am on my fourth month of CTD with excellent results not too many side effects. Last month treatment in August, almost within normal limits after two months. Picked up very early due to plasmacytoma of the skull whilst on holiday in india . Had radiotherapy which cleared this up but they discovered borderline myeloma and decided…[Read more]
Avril, I am just 56 am
And in remission for the first time after CDT. Whilst being treated at Peterborough I have opted for SCT which will be at Addenbrookes and due around end of Oct 15. If you are interested I can let you know how it went and drawbacks / advantages after I have completed it.