
  • Avril,

    That is good to hear.


    Many thanks for your comments and words of support, very welcomed.

  • Avril I am under Jenny Craig for the STC, my CDT was at Peterborough. My clinical nurse is Bev. Yes the whole NHS has been brill. I am glad you are in remission I have been since August. I decided on the STCbecause I was advised the remission period averaged 18 months. I went to an infoday and spoke with others who have had STCand also one of the…[Read more]

  • I am in remission from MM and am going through STC. I thought I woul share the high and low of the harvest I had yesterday. Prior to the harvest I had the chemo and self injecting the GCSF for white cell growth. A week of injections and by Tuesday evening my lumbar region was excruciatingly painful with a thobbing feeling. I also had a throbbing…[Read more]

  • All,

    I have now started the path for Stem Cell herapy. Last week I hadd the initial/ chemo followed by injections to grow the white cells before harvest. I am due in tomorrow for the harvesting at Addenbrookes.

    The chemo went well with no side effects. They gave me Dextamethasone, the steroid and that gave me wind and reduce my ability to go to…[Read more]

  • I went to the Oxford info day and had great conversations with those who have had SCT and those that give it. This has helped a lot for my forthcoming SCT. As I am in remission I managed to have a weeks holiday in York- certainly recommended.

    And to the crux, tomorrow blood test, Tuesday chemo and the start of the injections and 8th the harvest.…[Read more]

  • dino posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago

    Avril, I am just 56 am
    And in remission for the first time after CDT. Whilst being treated at Peterborough I have opted for SCT which will be at Addenbrookes and due around end of Oct 15. If you are interested I can let you know how it went and drawbacks / advantages after I have completed it.

  • dino replied to the topic Unexpected Results in the forum General 9 years, 6 months ago


    I have just read your story and am pleased all is going well. I was diagnosed in Mar 15 and am in remission since late Aug. I go for STC in Oct and am scared to say the least.

    It would be good to see your dietary regieme in a page of the magazine (Myeloma Matters?) which would give others assistance. I to have a reasonable diet thanks…[Read more]

  • Helen so sorry to hear about your biopsy. I had one at the start of Treatment and then at the end to correlate to the blood tests.

    The first carried out by the consultant was not nice but bearable. The second was by the F1 overseen by the registrar. She did a good job ( I was her 5th ever) but did require 2 attempts to get the bone. Being a man…[Read more]

  • I collapsed with kidney injury inMarchto be told that I had Myelom, my PP found was 38.

    I started CDT in early April and the count went down from 38 to 9 to 5 to 3 to 1 to 0. I was advised that only 20% hit zero PP. I Have seen Addenbrookes consultant (I have been treated at Peterborough hospital) to discuss STC and was advised that it would give…[Read more]

  • I would like to thank all those that have replied to my post. It is reassuring to learn how each of you managed during and after your treatment. AlthoughI will still go through with the treatment the 4% mortality sits a little heavy although so does the average 18 months remission if I just felt on CDT. I will add to the forum either during or…[Read more]

  • Hi all.

    I had a a back back last year an into this year.In March I collapsed with kidney injury and was rushed into hopital. The kidneys were functioning at 18% and I was then advised thaat this injury was secondary to having Myeloma – what a shock.

    Peterborough City Hospital were great, the kidneys recovering enough for me to be released just…[Read more]

  • dino became a registered member 9 years, 8 months ago