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  • #147542


    Hi. Unfortunately I haven’t. I had another reply from someone with the same 3 illnesses in their parents and themselves. Myeloma, lewy body dementia & parkinsons. I don’t believe in coincidence.
    My father was exposed to DDT in sheep dip for many years and my mother obviously slept with him and she also washes all his clothes.
    I did a lot of my own research into increased rates of cancer in fire fighters through exposure to toxins in products of combustion…. as I know several training officers (hot fire) who have died from, or still have, cancer…. and I did the same jobs for a number of years so understand the risks of environmental hazards.
    I’m assuming there hasn’t been research because of the relatively low numbers affected when compared to other more prolific cancers which is a shame.
    One good thing, parkinsons can be very effectively treated to reduce or remove symptoms…. but the downside was that when she developed more symptoms they were put down to that… when in fact it was Myeloma. And by the time it was discovered it was very advanced.
    If you have symptoms you’re not comfortable with associating to your diagnosis, don’t be afraid to push for further tests….. I hope you’re in relatively good health with your conditions.
    I dont think I’ll ever be able to completely move on, it still affects me nearly 2 yrs later…. you just learn to live with it. Thanks for the reply, and if you discover anything relating to links please share if you can…. thanks. Paul



    Thanks for the reply…. the reason I asked DDT was I read a while ago a research paper from the US on the effects of DDT on the brain. Long story short is that it concluded that exposure to birds caused measurable brain impairment. And given the 3 diseases my parents have/had are all unsubstantiatedly linked it begs the question whether their illnesses are linked and/or caused by environmental factors (DDT). I’ll try find the paper I originally read and try find anything else that might suggest environmental causes

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