
  • From when she enters the isolation ward and obviously how she copes, it takes a minimum of around 15 days to complete the treatment before she is allowed to go home. It’s then that her recovery will start and where she will need people around her to help out.

  • Hi Again. She will be allowed visitors into her room but should obviously avoid them if they have any coughs or colds, as her immune system will be pretty much shot. Saying this, she will most probably not want that that many visitors as she will be tired and just want to sleep for most of the time, as I did.

    During the stem cell extraction, she…[Read more]

  • David et al. Thanks for your feedback. My son is not running for the Myeloma charity as he ran the marathon before and because he did it in under 3 hours, gained an automatic entry for this year. As I tell everyone, if they are looking to offer a little from their hard earned money, then please do this to any charity of their choice as this would…[Read more]

  • Hi. I have just celebrated 12 weeks since my stem cell transplant in Nottingham City Hospital where all the staff, were just amazing. I am diagnosed now as being in a “very good partial remission” which is what the majority of patients achieve. It is indeed as rocky ride at times so tell your dear sister to stay strong as it’s a positive attitude…[Read more]

  • Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear that you are suffering from PN as I am also suffering from the same issue. I had 2 cycles of VTD  but suffered from servere stomach pain where I ended up in A&E, so they took me off the thalidomide all together.

    Even after one cycle I started to feel issues with my thighs, calves and feet where they were feeling numb…[Read more]

  • Hi Jan,

    Just thought I would update you on where I am now as you were kind enough to offer me some advice on my issues with PN.

    My wife and I yesterday, paid our first visit to Nottingham City Hospital where my stem cell transplant is now tentatively planned for around the beginning of January 2018. Not looking forward to it but what else can we…[Read more]

  • Good Morning Jan,

    You timed your post perfectly as this morning I have an appointment at the hospital to see where my Paraprotein levels are, as I have just finished my first round of chemotherapy treatment over the last 4 months which I must admit, has been a very rocky ride to say the least. Still, I have to see it as a means to an end and in…[Read more]

  • Hi Alice,

    Thank you for your feedback. To start off with I was on a VTD regimen but suffered so may side effects from the thalidomide they took me off this pretty much straight away and have replaced it with Cyclosphosphamide which I seem to be far more tolerant to. Then came the side effects from the Velcade where I read somewhere that there was…[Read more]

  • Hi to everyone,

    I’m currently in my third cycle of chemotherapy prior to a SCT around December, early January if my Paraprotein levels continue to fall as they are doing however, a major current side effect from the Velcade chemotherapy, is that I am experiencing quite severe pain in my thighs, calves and feet which is causing me sleepless nights…[Read more]

  • Hi,

    Sorry for the late input but I have not been on the site for a while.

    I was diagnosed with smouldering Myeloma around 21 months ago and after reading “Margaret’s Blog”, decided to try a supplement regime which includes both Curcumin and Theracurmin. I read somewhere that it’s not about the dose, but more of what you can absorb. Evidently,…[Read more]

  • robert0439 replied to the topic returning to work in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Debbie,

    Sorry to hear of the dilemma which you and your husband are facing.

    Do take a look at the Spring 2016 copy of the Myeloma Matters magazine where on page 10 and 11, there is an article on the role of the welfare rights advisor, who I suggest you speak to. You should be able to find one at your Macmillan centre where again they should…[Read more]

  • robert0439 replied to the topic Food !!!! in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Paul. I was diagnosed with smouldering myeloma around 18 months ago which was found after I had continuous back pain. I have no lesions so far and consider myself “lucky” to have been diagnosed early and the hospital have me on a watch and wait programme which is basically do nothing. Being the person that I am, I had to try something…[Read more]

  • Hello Pav,
    I have been away from the blog for some time but have just noticed your message. I see that your last post has some text which is relatively jargon, which may be due to you having written a response in a text editor such as MS Word and then pasted this it into the blog, as this happened to me once. I now just write any feedback directly…[Read more]

  • Hi Helen,
    You may remember that we had a few related conversations some time ago, so I hope you don’t mind me contacting you again and of course, I hope you are still continuing to do well under the circumstances.

    It’s now around 18 months since I was diagnosed and am still smouldering, and I am wondering what your Paraprotein levels are? Mine…[Read more]

  • robert0439 replied to the topic Diagnosis in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Ceri,

    I had my scan one day and then the following day, received a call from my GP as the results from the scan were through. It was then only a few days before I saw my encologist at the hospital for the first time.

    As another member of the forum has indicated, this seems like fairly good news for your mother.



  • Hi Jan,

    Sadly, I too have been suffering from a flu type virus for the last couple of weeks although saying this, I am now fortunately starting to come out the other end.

    I started with a really high temperature(39.2 degrees C)  so call the local Myeloma help line who suggested that based on what I had to tell them, a visit to the hospital was…[Read more]

  • robert0439 replied to the topic Vitamin B12 Injections… in the forum Treatment 10 years ago

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for your comments as they are really appreciated.

    I’ve not really asked about any future B12 injections but will do this in due course. The health professional who administered the injections, did suggest that I may need a continuing top up every 3 months, which would be fine by me. My wife also tells me that my skin tone has c…[Read more]

  • robert0439 replied to the topic Vitamin B12 Injections… in the forum Treatment 10 years ago

    Hi Jan,

    As promised in my last post, I thought I would send you a further update.

    This morning I had a scheduled meeting with my haematologist at my local hospital. All my previously recorded paraprotein levels had been around 26 or 27 however, this time they had fallen to their lowest with a score of 24, so I was really pleased. As I have…[Read more]

  • Hi Jan,

    May thanks for your response.

    Since I was diagnosed in June of last year, I have had five appointments with my haematologist and on each occasion, I have obtained copies of my blood test results. As a side issue, I am under the Derby Royal Hospital who I have to say, are excellent. Anyway, I am plotting in excel around 18 different it…[Read more]

  • Hi to Everyone,

    In June of last year, I was diagnosed with smouldering Myeloma and have a session with my haematologist every 8 weeks.  During my last meeting, my blood test results revealed that I was low on levels of vitamin B12 and therefore, I am being asked to have a course of six injections, over a period of 12 days. Just wondered if…[Read more]

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