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    Hi Eta
    Hope all goes well with your collection and they get enough the first time
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Ali,
    I am so glad your mum is home and happy that the 24hour cyclo drip is over.
    Her own hair will regrow very quickly so the darn wig won't be too much of a problem for her I hope.

    Eliz I am so sorry to hear about your awful back trouble just like so many with MM the back seems to be the spot if attacks..

    Eve you are right the caring after all the treatments is the hardest part.

    Helen so sorry to hear your aleeping is backwards but glad you are feeling much better now and going back to work slowly.

    We all have such different lives once MM enters our old life.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Tom
    I am so happy Elaine is cancer free aftr almost 5 years. That is so good.
    I am also so happy to hear you are still in remmission and don't have to go back for a check up for 4 months. 4 whole months how great is that. Eliz is right behind you at 3 months it is so good and hopefully you can enjoy your grankids even more now.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    Sorry to hear the sct isn't an option at this time and your siblings weren't the right match, but they can surely take your stem cells when that time comes.
    Glad to hear you are off to see a national expert on MM and hope that he can improve on the stable condition you are now in, which is ok but can be better. Maybe the dex rev and added cyclo will kick things into action for you.
    If you meet up with Helen have a coffee for me I would like to meet up with you two in the coffee shop and pretend all is normal
    Back pain is so terrible I reallly do sympathize with you and would like to know what Vikki managed to get for Colin to help his back pain?
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Mavis
    I truly hope you get a long remission and become more mobile and can start to look forward and enjoy.

    Wendy glad to hear you are doing reduced hours at work and loved the photo of you finishing the Manchester run.

    Helen I do hope all the infections are cleared up and you get a pension forecast soon and can get back to work if you want too.

    Eliz glad your p.p.'s are zero again

    Love Teresa



    Hi Helen
    what a lovely photo of you and sister?
    Glad to hear you are still in complete remission and hope you go on for another 50 cycles of Revlimid.
    Nice new hair
    Love Teresa



    Hi David.
    Let us know how the three monthly check up goes. Hope the pp's stay under control
    Love Teresa



    Hi Judd
    I have just read your post and what an experience,
    I will add that I can really relate to it as it is almost the same as my husband only it happened to us over the christmas vacation 2004. His spine finally collapsed just outside the hospital and they operated on him that night. We have been 7 years from that day now and with lots of hardware in his spine and a walking stick he went on to go into full remmission and do lots of travelling and enjoying life with all the usual treatments and trial drugs and sct So it may seem bleak at the moment but there are beter days ahead. Just one day at a time and as Eve says deep breath.
    We are all thinking about you.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    I love the hair it is gorgeous I want it!
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Eve
    I love your saying about being strong. i have also been told we are only given the cross we can bear but I feel as if mine is dragging on the floor some days
    Going to the bottom of the garden to look at the birds is not an option any more just looking out of the window and we saw a very large hawk circling over this morning.
    I have no idea how you come to terms with losing a young one it really is the wrong orderand impossible to imagine.
    Free time I come on here.
    The family have been told but only our son and daughter live in Toronto.
    It was heartbreaking to watch Peter say good bye to his brother from Sydney as he passed through on his way to UK.
    Peter has been receiving a lot of treatment, radiation for all the new tumours and cracks and breaks to his bones, Also lots of pain meds but they are hopng fo give him Rev Dex Velcade and somethign begining with B
    or pomalidomide starting tomorrow to try and put a halt of the MM just as a pain control.
    I hate saying all of this as you are in the same positon as me with a husband with MM and all that entails.
    I will try and remember to breath sometimes I forget!



    Hi Andy
    so glad to hear your pp levels are going south and hope you are feeling good.
    Dont; get over tired on your trip and stay well
    Love Teresa



    Hi Andy
    I hope you are enjoying yourself in the Lake District and hopefully having good weather.
    You may be interested to know my son in law won gold for his Porter.
    You can see it on if you want.
    Looking forward to reading about your trip and hoping you are staying well and not too tired out from all the travelling.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    Still waiting for a photo of you with blond hair.
    I am so sorry about your garden I hope you get it into some sort of shape before you go back to work. Is that soon?
    We have had really hot weather and everything is growing like crazy even eating stuff already.
    Peter is now in palliative care at home, but is hopeful that the drugs being given as of Tuesday June 26 will slow down the MM and grant him a bit more time.
    I do hope you can tell us all about your trip and how you managed with everything. Did the baby like the jumper?
    Take care don't overdo it and enjoy Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    I am so looking forward to a new photo on here to show us your blonde "do"
    I bet you look great
    Luv Teresa



    Dear Siobhan
    When my husband relapsed after 7 years with MM I came onto the forum and Bridgit was among others who helped me through this time.
    Bridgit also told me which pain meds to ask for, to help my husband.
    I am very sad for you and the family at the loss of your dear mom but comforted by the thought that she passed away quickly with you all around her and now there is no more pain for her.
    With thoughts of happier days to come and lots of good memories love Teresa

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