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  • #106420


    Hi Gail
    How are you getting along?
    Are things calming a little yet or is everything still too new and complicated to think about?
    So many issues to deal with in such a short time it is so overwhelming.
    Hope to hear from you when you feel like it
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    Thanks for the compliment but thehair at the back near the neck is still very dark for some unknown reason.
    To lose it would absolutly terrify me and most of the neighbours. I can not imagine how you or so many others can come to terms with hair lose due to radiation/chemo just terrible.
    When my mum was ill and I went over to visit and went out with dad people thought I was his wife, that's grey hair for you. Mind you he was only twenty years older than me and looked obviously a lot younger for people to think I was his wife, nothing to do with me looking older!!
    I can understand you not wanting any additional treatments related to cancer, a normal life is what we strive for and if it isn't going to help you, or maybe even hinder you best not go there. Going back to work is all part of being in the main stream and not off to the side. Not quite believing this has happened to you is so normal I can't believe it has happened to us after all these years and so many years in remmission when we merrily went our way. Best to just get on with everything and not think too deeply.
    When I reitred (?) to look after Peter I was working in an architects office as the book keeper. I retrained as this when the children were young so that I could work from home, then went back to a busy office full of draftsmen and builders. After I became a carer I job shared for a bit with a girl out in Red Deer Alberta. That's the beauty of computers you can be anywhere and still work, now I do even less as Peter becomes less capable. My son comes every Monday to try and finish up al the jobs Peter started and will never finish so that really is great.
    Have a really good time in NZ look forward to hearing from you when you have time
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    I guess you are just coming to the end of your dex days so maybe feeling a bit more human now.
    I am looking forward to photo of hairy you.Even though you were a lot younger. but isn't it great to be getting old.
    Glad to hear you have planned a trip and hope nothing prevents you from going.
    I am off on Mothers day this Sunday for brunch at the brew pub and have made a list of what you want me to taste will report back when I am capable!
    I will leave everything ready for Peter He can manage to get to the micro wave and back to the family room without too much pain and as a special treat I may bring him back a brew or three, the drugs aren't that effective with sleep and pain maybe the beer will be!
    Take care
    Talk soon Love Teresa



    Hi Janet and Dai
    OMG I can't believe what you two have just been through. I feel so sorry for you both and on a bank holiday just to make things that bit worse.
    I sincerely hope you both make a good recovery and have an infection freen rest of the summer.
    Do take care Dai and of course Janet who I know has all the worries as well as the infection.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Gail
    I think I just answered your post on newcomers. I guess I should have answered here under careers. sorry.
    I am so glad Helen has explained the emotions form an MM patient point of view, I also had all those emotions as a career and it's not easy to take or understand when everything is still so new and raw for you.A complete change of life for you and the family is hard to adjust too but it can be done and then it won't seem as worrying or upsetting.
    Take care I feel for you it certainly can be like living with the energizer bunny at times.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Gail
    I also am a career. My husband was diagnosed at age 57 that is 8 years ago now.It is not the easiest roll in the world and I so wish I had found this site back then. I was so worried in the begining all through the back surgery the SCT and the trial, then when the meds kicked in I was mad. How dare this person treat me and talk to me this way and upset the children and neighbours. After a while we realized he was our little junkie and we just went along with what ever, often not even telling him things as it would start him off. I just wish i knew it could have been talked over and explained to me back then,so please go for help and guidance to help you understand.
    We did have 4 years in remmission when we almost forgot about MM except the dex days so all will be well and it's a new job for you and if you can get your head around that and not hanker for the old life it will help.
    I went to yoga classes given by the cancer society so every one there was in the same boat so a few tears, some bad days, were just taken in their stride and it felt so good to be with people who understood everything without having to say stuff and put on a smile and say all is fine when it wasn't.
    I wish you the very best with adjusting to your new role in life and hope you have a long remmission granted to you soon.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy,
    So glad you are feeling good and enjoyed a night out and as Helen says maybe a before pic would be nice to see what used to be there!
    Glad to read you have a few nights away planned. Yes I sort of know the Lake District we have walked around a bit up there, Windermere, Keswick and Buttermere spring to mind. Since moving away from UK we have explored more of it especially with the children, showng them their roots.
    I do hope it stops raining for you, as well, and you have convinced me to try the beers. My son in law will let me have a little of as many as I want to taste so please tell me which ones so that I can report back. I really am more interested in the food they serve.
    I see you were up early in the morning is that the Dex or is that your normal hour?
    I hope you continue to feel good Love Teresa



    Hi Helen,
    Hair was dark brown which is odd as my mum and one of my sisters has bright red hair! The only good thing about grey is that younger servers always give me the seniors rate on food and coffee, of course I qualify now but had years of dicounted items.
    I can understand your need to get back to work I certainly didn't have retirement in mind at 55 when I became a career overnight! Such a shock and I missed work, so as long as you take it easy and go when you want all will be well.
    Hand massage foot massage all sounds good one of my sisters gives Indian head massages maybe that would give back my hair colour or give Andy his hair back ha ha no offence intended andy,
    It is so wonderful that you managed to have a normal night out it must have been so good for you, I hope you manage many more. Truly a great milestone to reach.
    Glad my email arived and no hurry with the pattern I know you will be busy this week.
    I will miss our chats when you are on vacation bu look forwad to your return
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Eve
    I will be thinking about you this week as well,and sending all my positive thoughts to you. Hope your daughter has an uneventful trip back to NZ ans Slim gets into SCT hospital without any mishaps. Take it easy, lots of deep breathing and all will be calm and settled soon.
    Love Teresa



    Hi Andy
    As long as everythng other that the Mprotein is fine I am sure the levels will come down eventually. It is rather an alarmingly high reading but you are feeling good and it's for the medical team to sort out and they will I am sure, they love the challenge!
    Take care and stay positive.
    Love Teresa



    Am I supposed to reply here at the end or at the end of someone's post?
    I seem to have replies for May up in the April date I guess I just don't know what I am doing!

    Anyway Andy
    Thank you for your concern it took the wind right out of our sail as well. Do hope you are feeling better? Glad you liked the bellwoods brewery site.

    how are you and your family? I will think about you especially at the end of the month that is when Slim is having his SCT I thnk?

    Dai thank you for the instructions on how to put a pic on here, just the right amount of info , and thank you
    David for telling me where to look.

    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    Thanks for liking the photo. I turned greay almost overnight age 55 when both my parents died and my husband was diagnosed, Can't be bothered dyeing it
    At the brew pub funnily enough I won't be drinking beer I don't like it but I will have the food and anything else they offer.The palliative care nurse who visits said I should try and do something for myself not so easy but I went to the market for the seedlings and hope to go to the brew pub, both local so I am not away shame!
    I was so sorry to hear about your plants what a rotten thing, but it must be lovely to habve a green house I only have a cold frame and have everything tucked up for the night. So on your way home from NZ pop in and help yourself.
    I have I think emailed you my address if I haven't I will post it on here next time.
    It would be lovely if you have time between your appointment and packing to receive the pattern.
    Your neice must be so fed up waiting for the baby I do hope it isn't too large.
    I am so happy your are going on vacation but not so happy about you going back to work Please don't get overtired and take plenty of rest days.Your hair is perfect for going back to work or any where else I love the sticking up hair style and the colour is good.
    With sleet and 1 degree you must be so looking forward to next weekend.
    Thank you for asking about Peter, his pain is manageable but I am not going in to all the details it' s sad and we have had 8 years and none of us want to think about the future when it is so limited.
    Have a great week and hope the clinic goes well love Teresa



    So you will be off to NZ next weekend with that lovely jumper in your case maybe the pattern isn't too hard and I can try and knit it while I am sitting around being quiet.

    I hope your clinic appointment goes well and you can rush home and pack such excitement.

    I am hoping to get down to my son in laws brew pub while my son stays with Peter.
    I am also off to buy all the little plants to put under lights shall I plant some up for you ready for your return?
    This time of year is so beautiful in England. I have seen on the news all the rain and talk about a hose pipe ban such strange weather for you.
    Not sure if I am suppossed to talk about MM on this site or is this chit chat ok?
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Bridget
    so sad to hear about your pain lack of appetite and overall tiredness. What a struggle each and every day must be for you.When is your next clinic and I do hope they have something good to offer you.
    You are in my thoughts Take Care and we all hope to hear good results from you so very soon.
    Love Teresa



    Hi Andy
    not quite sure how I have managed to be so un informed on these terms but thanks for the explanation.Peter is on C. D. and Velcade and Revlimid may be added on Tue to keep his pain manageable.Hope you have recovered from your hospital stay.
    Love Teresa

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