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  • #85865


    Hi Ann and Pete
    What is CDT? An hour a month on a bone stregnthening drip? I think that may be what my husband had Pamidronate they also called it bone glue! After a few treatments we were allowed to take the bottle home attached to his arm and after it had dripped through remove it ourselves. It made for a better day as time at home is better than the hospital. Maybe you will be allowed to do the same.
    Sad you had the dreaded MM join you and your family it really is a life changing diagnosis.
    I usually write on the careers site so maybe Ann will join us there.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    I want your Aran jumper please bring it back for my grandchildren if your neice doesn't want it. I will knit something light for NZ. I have never mastered aran patterns.
    We are a good month 6 weeks ahead of the usual spring here which is a delight I really do not like the cold and snow. I have lettuce seeds and garlic growing and bought carrot seeds today. Usually I have everything under lights in the basementby now but this year I will buy all my plants too much going on.
    It must be so lovely to have an army or relatives around you but when it's time for you to go it's great to be able to just go and not think about any one else. This is your time now and our time,being a bit selfish doesn't even bother us.
    My neighbour has just returned from Auckland and gave me a lamb skin rug which is living on the end of the sofa ontop of Peter's legs to keep him warm. I will have to hid it when the vegans of the family visit!!
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Tracy
    I am a career for my husband Peter and really know (as does Eve and all the other careers reading this)just how you feel. You look very young to have MM in your life already that makes me so sad.
    Peter was also very ill after his SCT but it gets better and if the transplant works hopefully you will have a nice long time in remission.
    We are almost 8 years on from his first diagnosis and know people much further along than us.
    So come on here rant cry moan share there is alway someone to answer.
    Re neurothapy I have friends with other treatments for other cancers and they have the same side effects, On a lighter note on one vacation my husband had more shoes in his suitcase than clothes to help him be comfortable walking with his neuropathy.
    You also made me laugh creosote for painting fences long ago banned but now more chemicals into our bodies to help fight cancer!!
    Take care things will improve it's amazing what youy can endure and I am glad you have found this site it took me almost 8 years before I felt I could share with others and am so glad I did. Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    There is always hope until the medics tell you otherwise. So hang in there. I am sure it was a shock and very upsetting for you but there are so many other treatments and combinations. The right one for you is just around the corner and don't forget they look at a whole lot of data not just one Mprotein reading. So chin up you have to get to the Belgium (Beer Xmas)markets in December.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Helen
    Hi Andy
    Hi Eve
    I think I have caught up and answered your individual notes to me, hope I have anyway.
    I like the name cyber friend it is so lovely.
    Have had a busy week at the hospital everyday and a few nights as well. The doc insisted Peter have radiation everyday to help with the pain from his broken ribs. The ribs on the other side aren't so bad so he can decide when to go back for more radiation on that side. The pain meds have been sorted out and a nurse comes to give eprex injections, they also want a paliative care doc to come to the house but Peter says he would rather go to the hospital (albeit in a wheelchair) as he isn't there yet! Luckily he has his bloody minded hat on and insists he will hang around until our son has his first baby in September. Here's hoping the will is greater than the MM. The shock is wearing off and we are just getting on with it as you do and can even joke about things now.
    So glad you are all out htere and we can continue our little chats,
    Helen have a great time in Auckland? are you going soon??
    Take care and love from Teresa.



    Hi Eve
    yes you certainly have a real definition on luck. I have replied to you on the other site and will say again how sad and sorry I am to hear about your dear little grandson.
    I know you are a career and your husband has MM just like mine. So we know what we go through everyday. I do hope Slim will have his SCT soon when you are both recovered and strong enough to go through with it.
    I think about you and wonder if some of your days are trying and how you cope and stay strong. We think we are so prepared and then along comes another force and topples us over.
    Sending good thoughts and positive feelings to you
    Love Teresa



    Hi Andy
    I hope my pic has gone and you can read this. It was so annoying trying to read through the photos. I do hope your raised temp was nothing to be concerned about and it is back to normal now?
    So glad you like the bellwoods brewery website and the fact that they have Belgian beers on hand(or maybe that's tap?) I do hope you can get back in December and have a pint for my son in law Luke. He would love to go to Belgium and maybe one day he will. It is such a journey for him and now with the new brew pub and a small family it seems a long way off. On a positive note the brew pub has taken off and they are doing really well Long may it last and then maybe my daughter can stop working and stay home with her little boys, When a disease like MM takes hold and then turns nasty everything in life takes on a whole new meaning and we realize we are here for such a short time.Love Teresa and wishing you good health for a long time to come



    ……………………………………HI Andy so sorry to hear about your fever and stay in the hospital. It is such an unsettling disease all going well then a little blip. The worry it causes to everyone and the stress levels going up can not be good on top of having the dreaded MM.
    As you know Peter had Rev/Dex for over 50 cycles so if you can live with the glitches it will serve you well I hope. Will catch up on my careers post now and hope to chat again soon.
    Why can't I make the pic small??
    LOve Teresa



    …………………………………. To my very dear Eve,
    …………………………….Nothing …………. ……………..Ican say to make you feel better.
    ……………………………..No..p.ain more far reaching and deeper
    ………………………………….than..losing..a child
    …………………………………..My heart goes out to you and
    ……………………………………your family.
    …………………………………….My words are not
    …………………………………………adequate enough to
    ………………………………………… the sorrow
    …………………………………………..I feel for you and
    …………………………………………….your daughter at the
    ………………………………………………lose of your
    ……………………………………………..dear little boy.
    ………………………………………Love from your computer
    ……………………………………………….friend Teresa.



    Hi Helen, Eve, Andy, Dai, Mavis, Gill, Bridgit, and every one else who has answered my post or read them.
    I will answer individually later in the week,
    We went to our appointment on Tuesday and haven't stopped crying since.
    Had the saddest worst news ever.We always knew this disease was terminal but when we were given a date it really hit home.
    So thanks for everything will be back during the week in a better mood. Just not sure what to do now? tell the children tell others? buy a headstone tell the insurance I just don't know and will have to be a bit calmer before doing anything.
    Love Teresa.



    I think I have managed to attach a pic not the one I wanted but I don't know how else to change it. So now I and my daughter are on the square I am feeling very proud that I managed it and want to thank you Dai for you instructions.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Eve
    first let me ask you how do I put a photo on here?
    I just love your dog and all the other photos it seems a bit more personal than a black square, mind you that's how I feel some days!
    You have certainly been through the mill with Slim. The SCT isnt a picnic either.I will be thinking about you on 23rd and for the following month as you travel in and out of London and worry about Slim. I am glad you feel lucky I often get told how lucky I am for this and that reason but believe me on some days I don't feel at all lucky and want to tell the person if I am so lucky you step into my shoes for a bit of luck!!Anyway off to the hospital tomorrow to see if they can offer anything other that pain relief.On a lighter note:
    I would love to hear about your years of traveling in a motor home (if you want to share) it sounds really an amazing thing to do.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    just a quick reply as we are off to the hospital in the morning and a bit nrevous about what they are going to say to us.
    On a happier note my son in law's micro brewery is called bellwoods brewery if you know how you can google it the address is 144 ossington ave that is downtown toronto
    hope you enjoy reading about it. You can tell me which beer my husband can try for you when he is allowed to drink again amnd is able to get about.
    Love Teresa



    Hi David
    I am so happy for you enjoy everything
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy,
    I am glad you are O.K. and had a busy Easter even though you are paying for it now by being tired out. I wonder what you drink in the pub if it's beer you may be interested to know my son in law has a micro brewery here in Toronto and grows all his own hops on rooftops around the city and brews all sorts of lovely stuf. (I don't drink beer shame)
    It is early days for you Oct _ Apr isn't so long to have had the dreadful MM and I hope the Rev-Dex combo suits you and you stay on it for years. Peter had stem transplant the first year but he had his own stem cells, his brothers and sisters weren't even considered. So let's hope they have moved forward and they have lots of un cancerous (is that a word?) cells for you.
    I am glad you can go for a little walk even though it's not a marathon any more, life with MM is a marathon all by itself.
    Love Teresa

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