Hi All
what a beautiful place the yorshiren dales are lovley weather , pity gordon saw the inside of Airdale Hospital for three days, we were supposed to be away for only 4!! In hindsite we should not have gone away, he says he will never leave sussex again:- Airdale hosp was very good, there was a very big comfy sofa in the day room with a sunflower on the wall above, have a fealing it was something to do with the calender girls.
Gordon now in our local hospital back on revlamid and the dreaded steroids seems to be responding well,his scan showed his right hip is in danger of fracturing at any time, rather a shock as his left hip hurts due to arthritis, never has had any pain in is right. Not sure how we are going to get him on his big red tractor.
Have any of you lovley people have blue badges and are they lomg winded to get, gordon really does need one, so handy for shopping!!
love to you all