Hi Keith,
I am surprised to see that you had to go the full max with Velcade but if its brought you in sight of your 2nd SCT then it will have been worth it.
I am fortunate that it seems I might achieve CR after 3 Cycles after a dramatic plunge from my starting point of 264 kappa light chains down to just 13 after 2 Cylces… but that's where my story hits the barrier as I only just managed a paltry 2.1 million Sten Cells in total which were all used for the !st abortive transplant which only gave me 10 months.
Still, I am looking forward to some sort of remission from the Velcade, my consultant being a bit cautious with a prediction of 6/12 months… I hope to prove that wrong by aiming for 14/18 months… we will see.
The very best of luck with your SCT, the Mephalan isn't pleasant we know but it clears the way for the Stem Cells, allowing them the space to do their work and hopefully give you a good, healthy remission. 🙂
I will be rooting for you, please stay in touch.
All the very best 🙂