6 years on… still going strong

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 4 months, 4 weeks ago.

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    Hi Folks,

    Another update. As of tomorrow, it’s 6 years to the day, I was diagnosed. Wow, time flies.

    Anyway, I’m still going strong, still working full time and still doing the things we love to do at every opportunity.

    I am having some treatment at the moment (Carfilzomib & Dexamethasone) in Hospital twice a week for a few hours, but its a small price to pay to be in remission again after a slight bio-mechanical relapse last year.

    The Hospital Nurses and Doctors at The Manchester Royal Infirmary are superb as always.

    For anyone, newly diagnosed, all is not lost, keep faith in your medical team and keep strong in mind. There is life after Myeloma, you just have to adjust and live it!

    Onward and Upwards

    Kind Regards


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  willjames2.


    Hi Scott well one ‘blip’ hasn’t dampened your positive and cheerful attitude. Good luck to you and take care..regards Deirdre.



    Great to hear.
    I’m a 49 year old married father of 2 and have just been diagnosed.
    Pretty terrified still at this stage. Had never even heard of myeloma 2 weeks ago but great to see so much to be inspired on within these pages.



    Hello Jonny

    I was diagnosed back in 2006 then 48 and like you had never heard of it. Still going strong at 61. Couple of set backs but they were sorted. Just coming to the end of my current treatment at the end of November. New drugs coming through since I was diagnosed and new discoveries all the time.
    Best wishes



    Younger people statistically have the best responses to current treatments. Myeloma is more of a steeplechase than a sprint.



    I just been diagnosed at 55, like so many not even heard of Myaloma a few weeks ago. I was told I had 4 fractures in my back and it still feels not great. I do rest it a lot but I’m finding it a struggle to do things at the moment. Thank You Scott for the positive energy!



    Mine is a similar story to everyone else. I have 2 fractures in my spine. I found for me that it was a case of recognising that there were certain things I could do no longer (such as running, I loved 10k races) and accepting the fact, but there were other things I could do, so I do what I can do, such as swimming which I had not done for many years.

    Hopefully you will find your own way around things and adjust your lifestyle to suit. Keep looking at the positive side and how you can live your life to the fullest you are able to whilst at the same time living with the disease.

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