Anti Biotics

This topic contains 40 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Tom

    Sorry you have been poorly. Hope you are wrapped up in your onsie with a G & T.

    Take care of yourself.

    Maureen & Ian



    Hi Tom

    I didnt give it to you honest!! I had a temp of 39 when Geoff phoned the
    Hospital doesnt it make you feel rotten I hope you will be better soon penicillin soon put me right they said in the hospital they have had so many chest infections that turned into pnuemonia so you be CAREFUL DONT WANT YOU TO GET GET ANY WORSE:-(
    lots of love and hugs;-)
    From Jo xxx



    Hi Maureen & Ian

    Doing Better now been on Anti B's for 5 days now so think am ready for back to work Tem is Normal now and last nite so its gone 😀 ps its Vodka and lemonade Lol

    Hi Jo

    Am sure you didn't yours was bad I dint need hospital am pleased to say just a couple of extra days added to our week end and fixed.
    My Tem was running around as high and it aint good is it, normal yesterday and today is looking good so work in morning me thinks.

    Thanks you all

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    You and me both, I too have a dreaded chest infection-n who gave me mine I too want to know!
    We saw consultant on Friday morning and I said I had had awful cough for months now which was deffinately getting much worse, he sent me off for chest x ray, we then travelled on our way to the hotel for our weekend break away.
    Cough just got worse – we had forgotten to pack the phone charger so only one phone – not good as our mobiles have become our life line between each other – thermometer and box of anti biotics!!!! Not good. I gradually got worse and by Sunday was just wanting to get home, My hubby said my chest sounded like he imagined the death rattle sounds!!! Not good so once home he got me appt with Dr and yes I have the dreaded chest infection so I am too on anti bioitics!!!! why cant we MM sufferers just have a good old cold!
    I hope you are better soon, I know what you mean about time in bed – I don't have a onesie to lounge in though!:-) these infections just completly wipe us out don't they!
    I wish all on here with chest infections quick recoveries.
    Love Babs



    Hey Babs
    Thanks for that but am a lot better thanks to the Anti B's and am now back at work.
    Yes I wish I could have Just the good old fashioned Cold Lol.
    Get one of those Onseie's bought they are very warm and that's what I want.

    Hope your Soon Better Babs

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxxx




    Hope everyone is on the mend now. My Mums in hospital with it :-(. Being stuffed full of iv antibiotics.

    When (if) the warm weather arrives, will the risk of chest infections decrease?

    Love Ali x



    Hi Ali, sorry to hear that your Mum is in hospital hope that she recovers soon, my Mum is still in hospital too but slowly getting better and on her 2nd cycle of chemo, she has come a long way and we hope that she can come home soon, yes the risk of infections will decrease when the better weather gets here and we all open those lovely windows they won't stand a chance then ha! best wishes San x



    Hi Tom
    Sorry to hear you've been poorly, but glad you're on the mend now. Tried to get my other half to get a onesie, but he refuses, mind you he doesn't wear jammies either;-). Let's hope we get some warm sun soon as I'm sure all this cold weather isn't helping everyone on the board complaining about chest infections. Since my mums sepsis and hospital stay, she is now on 250mg Penicillin twice a day. Seems to be keeping infection at bay. Am wondering why others aren't being put on long term anti. whilst on chemo?
    Keep happy on the vodka:-)
    Lots of love Sandie x



    Hi Tom,

    Glad you are on the mend but take care to finish your AB course and don't go jumping in puddles… as yet.:-D

    What you need is a [b]'Work Onesie'[/b] TM… [quote]Made of a rainproofed but breathable soft Nylon outer skin with a brushed Raylon inner, the [b]'Work Onesie'[/b] is extremely flexible, promoting an ambient skin temperature that keeps you comfortable inside or out, while working hard or simply relaxing, or taking a break with a hot or cold drink.[/quote]

    Just an idea at the moment Tom but you design it, I'll produce the Bumff and we will practice for a joint presentation to the Dragons. 😎

    Remember… 'Drugs and Alcohol Don't Mix'! Well they do but they will make you have a very deep and long sleep and you will be late for work.:-S




    Hi Dai and Tom

    May I suggest a design problem with a onesie it concerns men and women,not so much kids as there bodies are flexible .you do need an a functional escape area,were you can quickly remove part of he garment,to attend to you normal body functions.

    Love Eve



    Hi Sandie
    Yes I am on the mend am well into this back to work Lark, honest just go out and buy the Onsite he will love it, I don't wear it too Bed Sandie its just for loling about downstairs Lol .

    Ali sorry to hear about your Mum 🙁 I think the chest is now ONE of our weak spots am afraid winter or summer, Hope your Mum is soon sorted Ali xx

    Morning Dai
    Now that sounds a greatConcept of a "Work Onesie" I will give it a bit of thought Lol, if nothing else it will get a good giggle in Dragons Den Lol.

    Eve trust me Girl I have never been Shy Lol xxx

    Have a Great Day you all am Of to work then the Week end Begins 🙂

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xxxx



    Hey Tom

    Hope you are feeling a lot better, can't get the imagine of the onesie out of my mind :-)you and Cheryl cold both would have one!!

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Tom

    Oh you take care, hope you feel better soon!

    Ann and Pete



    thanks folks all better now. 😀

    And this great weather is dong me great guns

    hope it lasts

    Tom Onwards and upwards xx



    Hi Ali,

    How's your mum doing? Hope she is feeling a lot better. Isn't she due to go on holiday soon?

    Best wishes….Colin less tired but now his back is playing up. He is cutting down on painkillers due to pain specialist advice due to being morphine based, they are planning to put him on something else. He says its muscle pain…..but I always worry wot if?

    By the way my labrynthitis seems to be ok 🙂

    Tell your mum the suns shinning so she can't be in hospital for nice weather!

    Vicki and Colin x

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