Appointments in Dairy

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #90399


    Hi Everyone
    I thought i would share with you,all the appointments for next Week.

    5th sept—bloods 11am
    5th sept—cat scann 6.15pm
    6th sept—bloods 9am
    6th sept—treatment—1pm
    7th sept—zometa 4pm
    9th sept—blood 9am
    9th sept—treatment 1pm
    11 sept—mri scan 11.40am

    Each trip 30 miles round trip,the 1 clock appointment never is on time usually by a couple of hours so to give my husband a rest we come home and go back for 1 o,clock. so we will be clocking up 240 miles that week.
    we have tried to phone on Tuesday only to be told the person who arrangers appointments was on holiday,phoned Wednesday left telephone number never phoned back,rang again in afternoon to be told she has gone home sick.

    Am i being unreasonable to expect them to be more organised ????



    Are these people absolutely stupid. don't they realise the reason slim is attending hospital is because he is unwell
    Time to throw in the hand grenade methinks.
    couldnt organise a Pee up in a Brewery comes to mind.
    I think you need to take the camper van and park on double yellows for 3 hours in protest eve
    Cant you persuade them to do the zometa on a treatment day while he is waiting for the velcade to be made up in Phamacy? at least that will be one day to lie in bed if you can!
    Love Min



    Hi Eve

    Tried to cuss but this site wont allow it ha ha (get on the over 50's)

    That time table is taking the w e e , w e e (hope it lets me post this one ha ha) I am having a Zometa infusion tomorrow at 9 am then see the consultant at 11.45 🙁 BUT bless Dr Jalihal he tells me to go straight up to his clinic as soon as I have had my infusion 🙂 aint he a clever bloke 🙂 and am normally done before my proper time. god i could just cuddle him some days a consultant with brains 🙂

    Get them Sorted Eve

    Tom xxx



    When I first started, July 2009, at the Beacon Centre, The Musgrove Park Hospital unit in Taunton that deals will all cancer patients, it was very much like that, but, to be fair to them it was a brand new unit. Previously cancer patients in Somerset had to travel to Bristol, 46 miles away from Taunton and with the most horrendous parking problems you can imagine. Fortunately The Beacon Centre is just a 500 yards walk away for me.

    My impression is that over the last 2 years they have got a lot more organised. I used to wait up to two hours to see the consultant now if I am early I go in early or at the very least on time. My wife was caught out last time, she followed me across to the centre, I was already in with the Consultant by the time she got there. She said knocking on the Consultants door was like being late for school 😀 .

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    I agree Min we should be able to double up at least 2 of those appointments,We rang last week just to remind them of things that needed to be done,and was told not to worry things were in hand!!!!
    when we went on Friday no appointments had been made,nurse made blood and Zometa.Told me nothing had been arranged to late to get hold of anyone.
    bank holiday Monday,then Tuesday on holiday,Wednesday is now 9 oclock on Thursday morning so will try again.

    What I question,if we did not check to see when are appointments are,when would they tell us??
    we have not got round to the bone marrow yet,or samples for the trials which in theory should be done at end of cycle. Start phoning now,was hopeing not to have to think about hospital on week off.EVE
    ps managed two double up on 1 appointment plus might be able to do same on another,nurses comment .b—–y s——d

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