Are we new ??

This topic contains 31 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  dickb 11 years ago.

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  • #111952


    Hi Liz

    Before Frank starts treatment we insured with Columbus and after treatment we took out a yearly policy with All Clear. I hope you can get sorted as we feel Bret when we get away

    Best to you and Kecia
    Love Jean x



    Liz that should be Kev. New site at the moment doesn’t alllow you to correct mistakes




    Hi jean,

    Thanx for that I will certainly look into the two you’ve mentioned,
    When I tried to get insurance for kev last year as soon as I put that he was on strong pain relieve they refused him, I’m wondering weather to mention it next time?
    I always feel its best to be honest in these matters, but then kev says we’re only going to mainland Spain (two hour flight away) him meaning it’s not that far to get back quickly if need be, I’m not convinced!

    As for the new site Stuarts got his work cut out with all the teething problems! I can’t edit at all everything just disappears! But I did manage to finally put a photo on although I changed the the first one it was horrible of me! lol

    Love liz xx



    Hi Tom,
    Welcome back glad you had a nice break, as I’ve told jean we only want to go to mainland Spain (two hours away) so we’re thinking the same as you? It’s me that’s worrying kev would go tomorrow if he could, I’m going to try a couple that jeans suggested.

    Love liz & kev xx

    Ps Tom has your new treatment been sorted?



    Hi Liz

    I am not advocating going to Spain WITHOUT insurance BUT we have been to Costa del Sol many times and we did not have insurance. I remember Gills husband Stephen, when they went to France, saying that he was not going to break out in a severe case of Myeloma. Kev, like Frank knows his own body. We had been looking into going to Tenerife, and we have insurance but last night he said that he just wasn’t up to it. I asked him if he mentioned telling insurance company that he was on strong medication but he couldn’t remember. I do hope you get something sorted, as I don’t know where you are living but here in Belfast it is BALTIC. It would do you both good to get a bit odd sun

    Take care
    Love Jean x



    Hi Liz

    No dont know what treatment will be as yet just guessing at the moment but am sure he will tell me what on Thursday as thats when I go and get my BMB results.

    And Jean Elaine and I just might do Belfast this year 🙂

    Catcha all Lata (now lets see if ths post goes lol)

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx
    Ps photo of the young bride and I on our Holls xx



    Hey Tom vodka on you. No make that gin




    Hi all

    Thank goodness I’m not the only one with logging in problems! First of all, happy new year all. Apart from the login in issues we’ve been busy. Colin’s mum is moving down close to us and so we too have been doing the packing, and all the other things that go with it! D day is this next Monday so fingers crossed.

    Tom hope you have a great holiday….we too are trying to buck up the courage to go over seas….anytime soon as long as Colin’s remission continues. We hope you are still feeling ok Tom and you and the young bride enjoy your hols. You’re probably back by now given it’s taken us so long to long on!!,

    Keep well all

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Hi Tom,

    What a faff on getting into this new site! Please forgive me I’ve been off this site for a while as my mum has been doing well and we’ve tried to put MM to bed for a while so we could enjoy the Xmas period considering last year was pretty pants. Now catching up and discover you will be going back on treatment. I always think about you so when I saw that my heart sank a little. That said, you’re Onwards and Upwards Tom, positivity is the key! On to the next step in this journey. Best wishes. Incredibly sad new about Dai.

    Emma. X



    Hi Emma

    Am ready for it as I knew it would come back and four years remission I think was good.
    Yes the site has had a fair bit of logging on that bad I changed my password a few times thinking it was me ha ha.
    Pleased your Mum is doing well and you had a great Xmas.

    Love Tom onwards and upwards xxx



    Hi Tom
    Are you OK? Have missed your positivity. Have no computer as we moved too. No home yet.
    Soon hopefully. Missed everyone from the site.

    Love Charlie and Mary



    Hi Charlie and Mary

    Yes am fine Thanks, yes its come back but to be fair I look and feel better than I have for some months to be fair.

    Aww and dont mention No Computer 🙁 when we moved all I had was my Mobile phone to go on tinternet and it just aint the same Ha ha.

    We sold our Home and are now in a rented Bungalow put the money in the bank and gonna have some fun with it he he.

    Love to you Both Tom Onwards and upwards xx



    Hi Tom
    big hug
    Love Jo xxxx



    Hi Jo welcome back. Hope all is good with you

    Love Jean x



    Hi Jo and welcome back to the forum, it’s still playing up with me at times not posting half postin and blooming double posting, hope your ok Jo and it’s not too cold for you

    Love Tom onwards and upwards xxxx

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