Big hello one and all

This topic contains 22 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    [b]Hello hope your all ok[/b]

    I'll try and answer some of your discussions later, tell you that paperwork is nearly done and tell you about how I'm doing. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be back if you'll have me, cos your all part of Michael and thats what I need right now.

    Write proper later

    Hello again. Thought I'd come back on site and offer any support I can after seeing what I saw with Michael. So hope everyone doesn't mind. I've just about finished all paperwork to do with Michael's death. Its a long and drawn out stage, which needs to be knocked on its head. I've only just started to grieve for him because your never given time or allowed to. Everyone wants to know when, what and how. There should be a time and a place to do that later without getting into trouble for not notifying them. Its hard coping alone. So please one and all, live for today because you will only regret it later when you can't.
    Love to you all



    Hi Roz lovely to hear from you love Bridget x



    Hi Roz

    good to hear from you, i was wondering how you are. we are going away for a few days tomorrow after seeing the consultant, like you so rightly say live for today.

    best wishes

    sarah x



    Hi Sarah
    Have a good holiday, and enjoy yourselves.




    I had been wondering how you were. My friend lost her husband to prostate cancer and she too said she didn't have time to grieve because of all the 'stuff' she had to deal with after his death.

    it is very difficult.




    Yes it is difficult. The thing is you think you have done everything and then you will hear or get a letter from someone else wanting something.
    Hopefully I've finished.Its 2.5 months ago and I'm starting to grieve slowly every day. I've had some canvas's made with the pair of us on and he looks so life like I feel like I could hold him. I keep saying things can only get better, but that is really a long way off.

    All the best




    Pleased to hear from you Roz.
    One day at a time, get thru today and tomorrow will come.
    Non of us know what tomorrow will bring and its just as well.
    Best Wishes



    Roz you must be psychic!! My daughter plus husband 2 children and new puppy came over for the day on Saturday (hectic but fun) I managed to get a few quiet moments with my daughter and we spoke about Stephen, obviously, mm and this site.

    I mentioned you and Michael and asked Donna whether she thought you would like to hear from me or whether you would rather not be reminded. Her advice was a resounding yes to get in touch just to see how you are doing.

    You are so right

    Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow is a mystery
    So live for today

    Great to hear from you, much love and good wishes from Gill xx



    Hi Gill
    I thought about keeping away, but there was such a strong period of help, comfort and information you all gave me through Michael's illness that I knew I couldn't keep away. I've missed you all and if I can help at anytime I'd like to do that




    Hi Roz, it's so good to see you. I hope you're looking after yourself amongst everything else that you've had to deal with. Take it easy and take one day at a time, there's no rush.
    Love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Thanks Lorraine

    I'm trying to keep going, I'm having a disabled kitchen fitted over the next few weeks, to enable me to look after myself more. Alot of my caring money will be getting stopped now Michael has died and his pension has come to me. So I'm to try and be more independent.

    I've decided a little at a time goes a long long way.

    Luv Roz



    Hi Roz

    Lovely to hear from you, glad you are ok. I too have been wondering how you are, keep in touch.

    with much love michelle x x



    Hi Michelle

    Nice to hear from you. I'm only just starting to greive for Michael and feel guilty. Its daft but its how I feel. Part of me wants to go to where he is waiting.

    Getting kitchen started at the moment, so its cold, damp and depressing at the min and everything Michael decorated is slowly disappearing and I don't like how that feels either.

    Enough of me moaning.
    Keep smiling and encouraging your mum



    Good Morning Roz

    Am pleased you never left this site so no reason to say you have come back 😀

    Am pleased you are getting through all this and it is a bloomin bugger all the stuff that needs to be done whilst trying to get to terms with losing your partner.

    Am sure the Goverment could link it all together and all that needs to be done is inform one place and it all gets passed down the line to all other department then it only need doing the once.

    Once your Ktchen is all done you could post a few phot's of it 😎

    Anyways Roz as they say keep yourself "Onwards and Upwards"

    Much Love and |Hugs

    Tom xxxx



    Thanks Tom

    You always cheer me wen I'm down.

    I'll send some photos if able.
    Its going to be a long wk trying to manage. I'm living on sarnies, toast, nuts, sunbites, and crumpets.

    Thanks for smile

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