Bridget… 10:30am today and beyond

This topic contains 29 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  gina45 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi Eve,

    Janet bought me a six pack bottles of Guinness in the New Year… I have five left. But I too will raise a bottle to Bridget's memory tonight… and enjoy it thoroughly I will too.:-D

    All the very best to all of the very best.8-)




    I would do it now,but my dead mother in law use to tell people i started the G&T at 10am,but you have no excuse enjoy one then have a snooze,Bridget would be laughing at that, Eve



    im sitting on the train home going to my first counselling session and crying my eyes out 🙁
    Bridget sent me some very supportive messages and i could always really on a response
    from her when i posted a message. this is all so sad. god bless bridget xxx



    She would indeed Eve, she would indeed.:-)

    And perhaps she is.:-D




    What lovely posts

    I agree with Dai Bridget will not be resting on her laurels but making friends and welcoming everybody. She will probably make people some very angel like brocho hats.

    Thank you so much Bridget for your support, words of wisdom advice and, sometimes, just some silly fun.

    With much love and sadness from Gill xxxx



    Well I had my bottle of Guinness and I raised it up to Bridget and said farewell.8-)

    I think I'll leave it at that for today… but I know her influence will be a lasting one and her approach to life and death will always be a comfort to me. xxx 🙂




    Hey you tear maker's Yep I have tears a big strong Docker with tears and am proud of them Like I am with Bridget to have known her (online) has been a blessing for me.

    Her strenth her wisdom and her unselfish manner in the way she helped not only I but many many others, and am sure that those quality's that Bridget had in abundance has been passed on to her Lovely Children.

    We here on this earth have lost a great friend but heaven has gained another angel and that angel I know is looking after us.

    God Rest Bridget you are sadly Missed.

    Love Tom xxx



    First time ive been on here for a long time, bridget you were a lovely lady and offered me great words of kindness when my dad was first diagnosed and later passed sway. I hope your children realise what a wonderful lady youwere. Good night and god bless. Heaven has gained a beautifull angel xx



    hello dai
    such sad news,the loss of both have helped so many people with your replys to our nicola i havent been on for a long time.i try & keep myself busy every thoughts are with you dai.

    best wishes



    Hi Dai
    What a lovely thing to do. We were at the hospital on July the 4th but I did have a little quiet time and remember Bridgit.
    With sadness and love to her family Teresa.



    Thank you Dai for starting this thread and allowing us (Bridgets friends) to honour her memory. I have been away for the past few days, hence my late response.As with so many others, I never had the pleasure of meeting Bridget, but yet I always felt that she knew what I needed to know when I asked a question. In other words, she inspired me to carry on and not lose faith while caring for my wife, who, like so many other MM sufferers, continues to do battle.
    I salute you, dear Bridget and will never forget you. RIP



    Heaven has gained an Angel,and we have lost a very dear friend. Dear Bridget has been in my thoughts a good many times lately. Imagining how her husband and children are coping with the reality of an event which seams surreal
    It stirred memories that I would rather forget and tears that she would have consoled me for shedding.

    Her suffering was bourne with bravery and good humour.

    The little Dash

    I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend
    He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning to the end.
    He noted that first came her date of birth
    Then of the next date spoke with tears
    But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash in between the two years.
    For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on this earth
    And now only those who loved her Know just what that line is worth.
    For it matters not how much we own The cars?the house?the cash
    What matters is how we live and love And how we spend our dash.
    So think about this long and hard Are there things you?d like to change?
    For you never know what time is left That still can be rearranged.
    If we could just slow down long enough To consider what?s true and what?s real
    And always try to understand The way that other folk feel.
    And yes, be slow to anger And give and appreciate more
    And love the people in our lives Like we?ve never loved before.
    If we treat each other with respect And more often wear a smile
    Remembering that this special dash Might only last a while.
    So, when your eulogy is read Your life?s actions to rehash
    Will you be proud of the things they say About how you spend you dash



    Hi everyone

    I missed Dia's original idea, but wanted to add my love and fond memories of Bridgett whi also supported me so strongly that I felt i knew her so well. I have also shed many tears and had many thoguhts of her greiving family.
    May we all take inspiration from Bridgett's generosity and care in our contributions to supporting other's on the site.

    Rest in peace our dearly loved friend.

    Mavis xx



    [b][/b]Bridget was a lovely lady who helped everyone on this site she helped me and my sister when we lost our lovely mum last year I am thinking of her family now Bridget will be at peace and free from pain xxxxxxx



    I am so sorry to hear about Bridget, this is the thing i dread the most when i come to check on how you all are doing. Bridget was a great support when mum was ill and always commented on everyones post making sure that we were all ok, even though she was going through her own pain. I hope that she is at peace now. we know that our friends that have passed will no longer be talking about myeloma up in heaven, they are free from it and the pain it caused. god bless
    Gina xxxx

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