Calling Eve

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Dizzyliz 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi Eve

    Hope I haven't missed you, that you haven't left for New Zealand (??). Just want to say have a brilliant time. Enjoy every minute and take lots of photos. Best wishes to Slim. Have a safe journey

    Love Jean x

    Will you still be able to play scrabble with me :-S



    Hi Eve,

    Yes, have a wonderful time away, you both deserve it:-)

    Love Ali x



    Just to let you know Eve is still here stalking me 😎 and will set off for her jaunt on Sunday I think, am sure Eve will be along soon.
    Have a good Un Eve am gonna miss you 😎

    Iccle ole Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hello Eve

    I really hope you and slim have a brilliant holiday hope you both keep well and looking forward to hearing your holiday tails
    Love Jo x



    Thanks Jean for the heads up.

    I am a putrid shade of green with envy. New Zealand is high on our list of places we would like to go but sadly we are not now going to make it unless we win a great deal of money on the lottery 🙁 .

    Have a great time the both of you 😎

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Everybody

    Yes still here,have been busy packing and going out to lunch ,will be leaving 2 friends behind who lost there husbands to cancer this year.:-(

    Nearly finished now,staying at daughter,s in Sevenoaks,and getting a taxi to Heathrow,£70:-0 ,that,s mates rates feel it,s better for Slim.wheelchair assistance on stand by.
    Taking the attitude it,s doable,son in law meeting us at Auckland,then flying to South Island again easy option.I am told its 5 star accomodation in a shed:-/ .a sleep out as they call it.Have to see what trips we can do,when we get there.8-)
    It is to see the family,
    So glad I plucked up the courage to book it,as for affording it David,with Slim not drinking at all I saved a bomb:-D ,and it will not cost me any extra money,with staying with daughter.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas,and for those that,it,s not so good,it will get better:-)Love Eve and Slim



    Eve there are limits to everything and giving up my Guinness will never be on the agenda 😀 😀 Have a great great trip

    Kindesdt regards – Vasbyte




    Not long to go now. you must be so excited. Have a great holiday Eve, the sleep outs are ok, my nephew has one out there, yes it is a shed but if the weather is good you won't notice:-P Tell slim you can put in miles of walking on a long haul aircraft, and it helps pass the time too:-) love Helen



    Hi Everyone

    Well we made it,and when I learn how to put pictures on here,you might see some.

    Has taken a fair time to get over the flight home,at the moment Slim is doing better than me,he,s waiting on consultant for the ok,it's a bit of a worry every 2months wondering if its all ok,as Slim is one of these people that it no longer shows in blood or urine,so you worry about every pain,just hoping it gets easier with time.

    I returned with lack of movement in my right arm,rather than wait fir physio I a going to a osteopath ,taking its toll on both of us,not use to being so helpless .

    So many new people on site and young people as well,I wonder are the doctors getting better at diagnosing ???

    Coming up to 2 years since starting treatment,and our lives have changed so much,looking forward to enjoying a few holidays ,it is amazing how quickly you forget about the treatment plus SCT.wishing you all a good 2013 year.Love Eve



    Hello eve,

    Lovely to hear of your NZ trip went well! Hope you get your arm sorted, don't post very much as kevs been in and out of hospital since last November with infections and hopefully got it sorted this time. I know what you mean about all the new and young people posting now its scary and shocking (too young!)

    Anyway eve and slim welcome back home to blighty! Happy new year to you both and many more holidays!!

    Love liz & kev xx



    Hi liz

    Now Slims in remission and off treatment,I find I am posting less,but I like to keep up with what is going on also if you have not looked at the site for awhile you do loose track of what is happening to people,plus all these new people coming on,if they felt anything like
    I felt when Slim was first diagnosed,they need lots of boosting up,plus they relies that there is life after MM.

    When treatment is over,it's another big learning curve,things will never be quiet the same,but looking back ,it's hard to believe ,that we have got this far,the last 2 years have flown.Have to sit down and plan next holiday,it does make you make the most of it,like a second chance.

    Sorry to hear Kevs in and out of hospital,what's going on with him.??? Evr



    Hi eve,
    We're just getting ready to go to clinic this morning, kev had 8 cycles velcade/ dex last three were reduced because of PN quite bad in his feet, then was told its not working anymore so went straight onto rev/dex 3rd cycle this week. He's got three vertabrae crumbling and a lot of bone damage to his ribs. Three hospital stays since nov: 2012 the latest pneumonia but it looks like they've got it sorted fingers crossed, he his down for radiotherapy on ribs in the coming weeks and the spinal unit is deciding what to do about his back? So all in all he's pretty Pd off at the moment so as hard as it is I'm trying to keep things normal if that is possible.

    Will report back on how clinic goes today

    Love liz & kev xx

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