This topic contains 35 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #110015


    Hi Tom,
    What lovely pics and I love your xmas tree. I tend to try to enjoy xmas as much as I can now, and put Myeloma on hold for a few days. My lovely hubbie is very 'bahh humbug' but I soon change that with a few special treats and my xmas stockings (nudge, nudge, wink wink !!) I must admit I think the run up to xmas is hard work, but all worth it on the day.

    No Snow in Wolverhampton either !!

    Love Sue xx



    As I write this hubby frank is snoring like a buzz saw and the snow is falling quietly. Really beginning to feel like christmas.

    Jean x



    Will try to attach photo of snow falling. Looks so nice. No it didn't work. Not sure how to do it. Aw well

    Jean x



    Hi everyone

    And only three more weeks to Christmas!! I am praying for a snow free one this year as for, the first time, I am hoping to make the the journey from Yorkshire to London to spend Christmas with the grandchildren, four and 19 months. The last four years I have had Christmas services to take so haven't been able to get down. You can imagine how I am looking forward to it.

    Because we have moved back to our adapted bungalow, we have already sent all our cards, and I have wrapped about half of the presents! Now waiting for Gordon to do the tree, he really does a loevely one.

    Hope all your plans are coming together and you all have a really good and peaceful time.


    Mavis x



    Hi Mavis I do hope the snow stays away so that you can get to your grandchildren for christmas There is nothing like the seeing childrens faces on christmas morning, I bet they are just as excited as you are! All fingers and toes crossed for you In my house my husband and grandson are the tree decorators they do a much better job than I could Not long to wait now Mavis I hope you have an advent calendar to help you tick the days off love Bridget x



    This is the week I dread before Christmas,shopping done even went to France for some goodies most Christmas presents bought,trying my best to keep away from the shops,because I know I will not be able to resist the so called Christmas bargains,I am a sucker for a bargain,and we all know the previous price was inflated.It is all a mind game,and I think this year is going to be the worst,people waiting last minute to see if prices get slashed.:-P
    Will make out a last minute list of what I need and will do my best not to buy any extras.Eve
    ps the list is getting longer lol

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