Discussion forum categories…

This topic contains 24 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Elizellen 14 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)
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  • #88768


    Welcome Norman
    Good to have you on board,and sorry that you find yourself here, no one who posts here wants to be part of it, but I can assure you, you will find the answers to your questions on here. If not on the help screens, dont know if the are here yet off the old site. Most definatly from the myeloma infoline which is manned by a very able specialist nurse.
    Someone on here will be able to answer any questions you have about symptoms you may have as there is always someone with experience of some kind, willing to help.
    Pain is not something you should have to suffer from and paliative care, can and should be sought. (Specialised care focusing on the pain) Bone pain is common, back pain fairly normal, have you had any xrays, mri's or nuclear scans, as bone damage often not always goes hand in hand with MM. My husband has several crush fractures in his spine and the pain of them is what helped to bring about his diagnosis. Severadol, morphine and or tramadol help him cope with the pain.
    Your MM nurse specialist will help you find someone who can give you the appropriate medication to deal with and live with the pain.Occasionaly a blast of radio therapy will help.
    Ask away and we will endeavor to point you in the right direction.



    Hi Norman welcome to our gang sorry you find yourself here though As Min has said you will always get answers on here and all the support you need from people who understand and care . You definitely should not have to put up with pain ,I have extensive bone damage and take mst morphine and severodol for pain Pain relief is the first issue dealt with in clinic . Look forward to your posts Bridget



    Thanks Norman,
    Great suggestion, I've added a Newcomers heading and I'll be adding some quick guides shortly about registering and editing the profile photo. I guess we should have had these from the beginning.

    We're still pondering the wording for the other suggestions.




    hello minimouse (do you prefer min or minimouse?)
    thankyou for the quick response it is good to know that there are people out there that are willing to aid and abet with problems
    i saw my specialist nurse at worthing hospital today and she immedeiately took on my concerns and problems with pain control so now under a new regeime of pain control completly different from first
    now on liquid Oxycodone 3 times a day as required and a slow release tab oxycodone hydrocloride + paracetomol
    now have to bide my time and see if it works
    get rid of the pain and the lives of my wife and girls can get back to some normality i.e. get back to my ballroom dancing and as retired the washing up, washing, ironing, hoovering etc iv'e never been so busy
    one question can i send this message to more than one person at a time or do i need to to redo in reply to Brocho?



    Hello Brocho
    hope all is well with you
    please see my reply to minimouse as the same thoughts and feeling go to yourself also



    Is it possible to have the last post first, after the intial discussion post, as opposed to the present system where we have to scan through sometimes 26 posts to get to the current one. Normally you can reverse posts on sites I visit but I have not noticed a button for that – sorry if I have missed it:-)

    Kindest regards



    Hi David,
    It's something we could set as a global setting, a bit like the threaded vs flat default setting. I will add your suggestion to the developer list as it's a good one. I'm pushing the developers to add more of the features you find on other forums and individual preferences for this sort of thing is high on my list.




    Hi Folks,
    After much deliberation we've added some categories and changed some others. It's quite difficult to get titles which will satisfy everyone but hopefully we have a good start. We've opted for "Off topic" for jokes, photos etc. anything not specifically about myeloma. We tried hard to think of an alternative but eventually settled for "Carers" as it's the term used in most of our literature.

    This is by no means the end of our changes and tweaks so please keep the comments coming.




    Hi Stuart a big thankyou to all of you the site is becoming even better each day!!Its great that you are taking our ideas on board too Thankyou again Bridget



    Thanks for all you are doing, Stuart!

    And thank you for fixing it so we don't have to fill in the subject box unless we want to change it to something different.


Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

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