Facial rash following stem cell transplant

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hyacinth 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Following on from his stem cell transplant on 31st March my husband, Steve, has had a rash appear twice, mainly on his face. It looks red and angry but it is not itchy. Some of the spots have formed scabs. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it have a name and is there any treatment? I thought it might be shingles but he doesn't have any of the other symptoms-no aches and pains.



    Shingles? Is taking anti-viral tablets?

    Kindest regards




    He is taking aciclovir and restarted taking fluconazole because his neutrophils were down from 2.00 to 0.88. I wonder if it is an adverse reaction to fluconazole.



    I would not be too concerned as long as he is not trying to rive his skin off! sounds like and allergy to one of the medications he will be getting post transplant perhaps an anti biotic. If the health professionals are not concerned they probably recognise it. Following the high dose chemo, the body is very sensitive to all kinds of things that it was not before like soap with a fragrance for instance.
    Hope it clears up soon and he gets home to enjoy this uncommonly good weather



    Thank you. In fact he has been home a week now from the hospital in Oxford and he is now going to the Royal Berkshire for regular check ups and platelets if needed. Due there today so hopefully they will know what it is.
    Best wishes



    If he is taking aciclovar then it is unlikley to be Shingles. I would agree with Min.

    We all look forward to you finding the answer.

    Kindest regards




    The haematologist referred Steve to a dermatologist who we saw today.
    The diagnosis is a viral facial skin infection in the form of herpes simplex outbreak. He has been prescribed 800mg of aciclovir 5 times a day to clear it and Fucibet cream to apply twice a day (Fusidic acid and betamethasone which I think contains type of steroid)
    Thank you.

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