Franks appointment

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jmsmyth 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi all

    I never know under what subject heading to post. Anyway today we went to see consultant. We actually saw the consultant, not a registrar, and she said that she was happy with the bloods. Although the protein had risen from 26 to 28 she was not concerned as it had been 31 at one time. Heamaglobin had improved and said the other bloods and kidney function were stable. When Frank told her about pain in side she examined him and said that she thought he had fractured a rib – well a red rag to a bull. He told her it was a pulled muscle and the two of them went at it. Anyway she sent him for a full skeletal xray. Results – dont know -Easter. But before we went she started to discuss treatment – but emphasised IF necessary. She said it would be thalidamide (??) and then SCT. She said although Frank will be 68 on next birthday – he had the "health" of a 58 year old, and SCT was viable. As this has been the first time of treatment being mentioned – it scared the life out of me. She saw my face and emphasised again that although treatment was going to come about eventually, she did not know when.

    Sorry for such a long post – on a happier note our new grand daughter – as well as her parents are visiting us from Southampton on Saturday. Something good to look forward to.

    Hope you all have a great Easter break and that the weather stays good. Thanks for listening.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean

    Hope Frank is right and it is a pulled muscle! But, whatever, I hope you can still stave off treatment.

    One thing I can't quite work out is if chemo helps bone pain anyway as lots of folk on drugs still seem to have lots of pain. Perhaps someone can enlighten us.

    Very best wishes to you both.




    Hi Jean,
    Its good news mostly then, I had a wry smile when you mentioned red rag to a bull. These men can be such a pain in the kneck when it comes to their health.
    Enjoy you Easter and your new Grand daughter and family. Don't waste your energy worrying until you have to, thats where I went wrong. Im in a permanent state of worry mostly because he wont do as he is told, or cant remember what he was told! By the Dr not me. Just as well I go with him or he would do just as he likes.
    Take Care
    ps Mavis the pain my husband has is due to bone damage. Crushed vertebrae's due to the disease eating its way thru the bone.



    Hi Jean that sounds like a lively clinic appointment , you should have had a bet on who was right!! Good news though which is great and the fact tht Franks health is good enough to consider an sct should he need it is great Hopefully it wont be for a very long time Have a wonderful weekend with your lovely new grandaughter , I cant think of a better way to spend easter Put myeloma and all its problems in a cupboard this weekend and relax and enjoy yourselves love Bridget x



    Hi Jean that all sound very promising. Loved the image of Frank and the Consultant going at it hammer and tongs! I am the total opposite to Frank if the Consultant says I have grown a third leg I ask about trouser material:-S

    I had my SCT at 68 and my general fitness was a big decider in allowing it to go ahead and apart from a very bad throat, loved the morphine they gave me for it, I sailed through it so I am sure frank will do the same.

    Kindest regards



    😎 😎 Hello Jean
    I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that clinic good for Frank
    I sometimes feel consultants talk at you not to you although he will end up with egg on his face if she is right positive vibes about the treatment at sixty eight at the hospital I attend they would not consider it
    Have a lovely weekend with your new grandaughter something to look forward to

    Love Jo 😎



    Thank you all for your kind words and support, and laugh. I don't know what I would do without you lot.

    Weather still good here. Hope so where you all are. Have a great weekend.
    Love Jean xx

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