Got appointment

This topic contains 18 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi All
    Just saying thanks for the support. I've at last got my counselling appointment. Next Tuesday 29th November at 10.30am. I'm scared stiff for some reason.;-)
    Rachael won't take my advice and get together, so until she works out why she can't see me or meet me, don't think I'll ever come to terms with everything. But that's another problem.

    Thanks again
    Love Roz xx:-D



    Roz I'm so glad that you have at last got an appointment. First appointment feels a bit weird but it does get better. I hope at long last you get sorted.

    Keep strong
    Love jean xx



    Keep strong Roz. I am sure it will all work out for you in the end.

    Kindest reagards – vasbyte




    Thanks Jean, and David.

    I can't believe that Michael passing away has caused all the upset at our house. Been told Rachael's probs are to do with guilt, she promised her dad and hasn't kept to her promise. So until she forgives herself instead of taking it out on me, we won't get back together.

    Thanks again
    Roz xx



    Hi Roz

    Is Rachael having counselling? At least she knows what the problem is and can get help. My sister had a similar problem when our mum died. She got it sorted.

    Don't be scared of going to the counsellor. I think the most important thing is that you like your counsellor. First time I went I didn't like her and they changed me to another who was absolutely brilliant. It was hard at first to be 100% truthful but when I relaxed it was like talking to an old friend who did not judge anything that I said.

    Take care Roz
    Love jean x



    Hi Jean,

    No Rachael isn't having counselling. She won't do anything about it. Rachael doesn't know why she's like this with me, it's my friends who keep telling me. They may just be saying it to make me feel better.
    Lauren my grand-daughter wants me to go to their house for xmas but Rachael just keeps making excuses. She said I know I'm not nice to you and I don't know why. So thats another reason I blame myself because until she lets me back into her life, I know she's blaming me. Its been like loosing three people at once not just Michael, and Xmas will be hard to bear me alone here.

    All the best and thanks Jean
    Roz xx



    Roz I am sorry that you are having such a terrible time. Rachael has to see a counsellor because SHE wants to. She can't be forced to go. It takes courage but I had got to the end of tether. At one of our sesions, Declan ( consellor) started a discussion on a certain subject and I kept thinking to myself "Why is he talking about that, it has nothing to do with Franks illness" but as the sessions went on – things began to unravel. I don't know if it helps everyone but it was good for me. I really hope that she can get some help, and that they can help you and give you some peace of mind

    Christmas is such a spcial time, I pray that you Rachael and Lauren get to spend some time together.

    Take care
    Love jean xx



    Hi Jean

    I'm not forcing Rachael into anything! I've told her I'm here when she's ready for me but until then I'm alone. She's got Lauren , new boyfriend and I'm here alone.

    Xmas will never be the same for us again, Michael died Xmas Eve so sorry it's not special it took the man I love away.

    Sorry about this
    I'll do my best with counselling. Got lots to deal with cos Rachael never even helped me through her dads illness, so she's got alot to deal with too. She can only let me back in when she is ready and I can't take any more of her knocks so untill then I'm alone.

    Thanks for everything,



    Hi Roz

    Well good luck with the Counselor, as for me I used one after my SCT ye found it strange at first but what she saidall clicked into place and I sort of missed it when it was over I always have been a strong person but I say we all might need one one day.

    Enjoy your Roz and dont be afraid to listen and talk

    Love and Cyber Hugs ((()))

    Tom xxx



    Thanks Tom,

    Hugs come at right time again, my pa/carer is off sick so trying to manage alone.

    All the best

    Love Roz xx



    Hi Roz

    Am very Happy that the Hugs came at the correct time for you Roz as we all need them some time 😀 Hope your managing Ok with your helper off sick (bless)

    Tom xxx



    Hugs {{{{{Roz}}}}}

    I hope your appointment the other day went well for you.





    It was fine, I seem to have blamed myself for everything.

    Hope your ok
    Love Roz



    Hello Roz,

    You mentioned that your session was fine, but did it help you? and are you going to continue with more sessions?

    Thinking of you

    Tina X



    Hi Tina

    Yes I'm going again on the 12th December. I came home drained, saw everything again. She told me for 3yrs I really was put through it mentaly and I'm blaming myself for everything except Michael getting Myeloma of course, but it took the doctors 1 year before they would investigate and by then he had 99% myeloma so I blame them for not helping quicker.

    She thinks it could help if I put things in some kind of order because I spoke from one thing to another. So I'm writing it down and crying of course, but I'll get there fingers crossed. Rachael has to help herself with her concience I can't do it she said.

    Thanks alot
    Roz xx

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