He has broken his hand

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Min 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Peter slipped on the ice this morning… Because we have got snow……….lots of it. This is the 3rd time he has fallen when it is icy. Im thinking of getting some helium balloons to keep him upright.
    His diagnosis was that he had strained it, Mine was he had broken a bone. Off he went and I rang the hospital where he was going for his velcade…I grassed him up to the sister of the day unit.
    She got a Dr to arrange an x ray and sure enough it was a broken bone. They were really on the ball and as the Freeman does not have an A&E they got a plasterer to come and plaster it from the RVI.
    That is service, elsewhere they would have sent him to A&E.
    He has a half arm plaster which I am dying to write on. Particularly as I was worried sick.
    Any one got any ideas they would like me to write on it? Did not have time to take a photo of the snow but will attach one tomorrow



    Hi Min poor Peter must be painful I had to laugh at you grassing him up though just what I would have done !!Very impressed with your hospital thats what I call service !! How about writing " I knew I was right" .Hope you dont get too snowed in we havent had any yet and I dont mind being missed out despite my grandson doing a snow dance Have a good weekend love Bridget x



    Hi Min

    I am sorry that Peter has broken a bone and hope he mends quickly. Please write "all the best from Gill on the discussion group xx" from me

    love from Gill



    Hi Min – like Bridget I love the fact that you grassed him up to the day unit. Wonderful. How about 'Don't mess with me sunshine – you know I am always right' and decorate it with lots of green grass as a reminder!

    I wish Peter well and it sounds like wonderful service from the hospital – when they sent the plasterer over did he do the ceiling at the same time …………Ooops, sorry Min, I am being silly!

    I wish you both well and looking forward to the snow pictures if you get time. Thankfully in downtown Essex it hasn't yet arrived and hoping that it doesn't as what happened to Peter terrifies me.

    Love, Gaye x



    You terrible woman. You can now get snowspikes to add to the soles of your shoes. They are not that expensive and you normally see them in the little magazines that come with the papers. Might be worth considering.

    How about. [i]You can't kid me Sunny Jim[/i]! With a big eye to reminded him "you de boss man"
    kindest regards



    Here is the photo of our snow
    Thanks for that advice David . Don't have time to read papers these days but can surf e bay and have ordered 2 pairs one for each of us.
    Just learned that I can apply for redundancy so will finally find time to read the Papers if I get accepted woopee do

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