HOME AGAIN then back in to stay

This topic contains 42 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    Just to say fingers crossed that he turns the corner soon adn thinking of you both Gill xx



    Min it is a real hard way for Peter to learn a lesson. I am so sorry that he is having such a bad time. I hope that he stats to feel bette soon. My love and prayers are with you both.

    Jean xx



    Be positive,IT took sometime for Slims infection to be controlled,and Yes it might not have got to this stage if he had listened to you.This just might be the wakeup call Peter needs,Slim does not believe me when i tell him half the things he did( has no memory) so he says 😛
    Had to take him to hospital yesterday,local,took skin off arm,caught it in time to stop infection spreading.he said it was just a scratch,but this time he has taken notice of me.Does not seem to understand how vulnerable cancer patients can be!!
    Lets hope some good comes out of this:-)eve



    Yes Dai
    and that being so I told him that if he had still been in the military he would be on a charge for letting his health fail.!



    Hi Min

    Hope Peter is soon well, its a bugger the infections always constant, trying to find a anti biotic that will cure it is a job in itself.

    Hope Peter is soon well enough to come home.

    Love and Hugs sent to you both (((()))))

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Today, I had a phone call from Peter to rush in with some clean PJs he has dreadfull diarrhoea and is permanently atteached to a drip of some kind. He has a temperature which fluctuates between 39.6 and 38.1.
    Poor little pixie is on oxeygen and going to the loo is such a performance dragging that bleeding drip behind him after unplugging it and there is not always the time given the degree of diahhorea
    Following a CT scan they think they have finaly found the problem he has a fungal infection in his upper left lung and possibly CDIFF too a dreadfull cough and he looks dreadfull and feels like shi**.
    They cannot give him anything for his trots until they have had 2 clear cultures and iv paracetamol only works for about and hour.
    I took him in some hard boiled eggs but he cant look at food without feeling sick. Living on custard at the moment might try and find some charcoal biscuits somewhere tommorow.
    Visited Helen whilst there yesterday she is nearly due to go home and has been in for the past week or so. She had her stem cells same day as Peter.
    He is not at all well and i feel very helpless to make things better.



    Positive thoughts to you both & keeping shouting loud.



    Hey Min am sure its no help to you or Peter but I threw more pants away after my sct than I had bought in a year, dare I say it dint stop for some weeks after getting home so beware, after food no one dare go to the loo till i had been ha ha.

    I also used the throw away pants that they have in hospital 🙂 and brought some Pads home to use when i went out (save my jeans he he)

    Hope all is soon well and tabs can be given soon

    Tom xxx



    Hi Min,

    Hopefully now that they have identified the problem they can find the appropriate anti-biotics and get Peter back to some kind of 'normal'… whatever that is. I can empathise with the high temperatures, I've suffered from my fair share and I know how uncomfortable they can be.

    The loo-dash with IV stand was one of the events in my SCT Olympics… and I achieved some very good times. When the trots kicked in my times became phenomenally quick but often occurred penalties for arriving with more weight than when I started. 🙁 😀

    Saying that I never had to contend with oxygen related paraphernalia… so kudos and sympathy to Peter for having to bear that as well.8-)

    On a serious note I am truly impressed with his forbearance of everything he is going through… but I also hope that the last threads of macho-driven reluctance have disappeared from his ability to admitting to being ill and ready for the trip to hospital.:-|

    For your sake I truly hope so Min.:-)




    I am so sorry that Peter is so poorly. When Stephen was at his worst in hospital I took him in some tenna pants He only used them once or twice but it gave him the confidence to relax a little. His greatest fear was soiling the bed and watching a nurse having to change it.

    Telling him that they were used to such things happening was no comfort to him at all. Love to Peter (and you of course Min) Gillxx



    Hi Min,

    So sorry Peter is so poorly, I hope he begins to feel better real soon. Thinking of you both, take care.

    love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Hi Min
    Hope Peters picking up a little bit,I use to worry about Slim and his dignity So i tried to be around as much as possibly,but he was so ill,he cannot remember any of it.
    I think this will alter his own perspective of illness,and i think your life will get a bit easier Min.
    Might do Peter some good to keep a picture on your phone,then when he plays up you can remind him how ill he was. Eve



    Hi Min so sorry Peter is still in the wars, hope they find out what it is soon. Sounds a bit like C-dif.
    Michael picked that up last time he was in hospital

    Best Wishes
    Sue x

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