Hope to speak to someone about Michael

This topic contains 38 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi All

    Michael is back in Hallamshire, but not on haemotology ward cos they are full. He is having one to one nursing at the mo due to him not being very good. Northern just cleaned his arm out and drained it once again but he's still got infections galore so I need to know what the next stages are in his treatment.
    I never went today due to how ill and confused he was Sat. I really was upset, the man in that bed isn't my husband.
    Once I know what is next I will know if he is coming home! Because no way is he staying there like a no body when he can come home and spend his last days with us.

    Love to you all



    Oh, Roz, my heart goes out to you and Michael.
    I am praying that they can get on top of this new problem and start to bring your Michael back to being himself soon.

    Hugs to you




    Dear Roz its hard to believe anyone should have to go through so much ,poor Michael must be exhausted.But hopefully he will be a bit brighter after the anti-biotics and fluids Sending you lots of love Bridget x




    If possible going to speak to his consultant this afternoon. This will mean Michael comes home with pallative care until he passes away.

    Love Roz



    Oh Roz and Michael

    How you have gone through an awful lot lately, and I do hope it gets better, I am one to say its not over till its over.

    Keep strong and am sending you the biggest "Cyber Hug" I have ever sent Big WWwwoooooooSSSSsHHhhh am sure you will get that one its for Both of you xxxxxx



    Thank you

    Never got to speak to consultant. Michael never got his blood, its down below 7. I don't know what's happening any more till I can talk to consultant just know he's got a nasty infection in line, his chest may be infected and his arm is setting him back. Plus he needs his blood.

    Keep holding on but we are both finding it hard now.




    Hi Roz

    So Sorry to read you dint see the Consultant 🙁 am sure he/she could have put your mind at rest!

    Is there No Dr that can phone you with the Information you need??

    I know they are only "Cyber Hugs" so I hope they do you some good cos am sending you another big one ::WWwwwwhhhhhooooossshhhhh there you go you now have the One of Tom's"cyber Hug's"

    I hope the Hug helps cos its all i can send you apart from my prayers and thoghts.

    Love and Hugs to you both xxxx



    Im so sorry for all that you and Michael have and are going through. It makes me angry to hear of them not keeping you informed. In this day and age its a perfectly normal expectation.
    I cant see any reason why the consultant cant ring you, or you ring him. Its not the ideal situation but its better than sitting waiting and worrying.
    a Face to face meeting wold be better but a phone call can at least put your mind at rest or at the very least give you the information you need move forward.
    Is there a chance that your/his Macmillan nurse could act at a go between you and the consultant? At time like these they can be a god send and if Michael is to come home you will definatly need them. Sleep on it tonight and make things happen instead of waiting for them to tell you.
    Its not being in control that makes things so much harder to deal with. I don't know how you are coping but if it was me I would be getting angry at this stage. Through shear frustration if for no other reason
    I do hope you will get some better news soon Roz.



    Thanks Tom AND Min

    Michaels nurse phoned again last night. She's keeping an eye on me. Having listened to her I don't think Michael will be coming home. His Myeloma is improving but his infection tolerance is not!

    I've just got to work out that I'm not to blame for putting him in hospital, Is it better that he is still here but we are apart or for him to come home and not survive.

    There is no answer to work out really I want Michael to be alive.[b]BUT[/b] Watching him go through all this is hard and listening and convincing Michael is even harder.

    Thanks for hugs



    Big hugs come my way Roz,don't ever blame yourself for Micheal being in hospital,he needed to be admitted at that time,as i always say and i know its hard for you at this difficult but stay strong,and we are all here for you,take care Shirls x x x x



    Hi Roz,

    Like Tom I don't believe its over until its over. The fact that his myeloma is improving surely says that the premium has to be put on controlling his infections. You are both having a truly rough time but I am sure that the medics will find a way.

    Best wishes to you both.




    Hi Roz and Michael

    Sending all my love and strength to you both, keep strong and never give up. You've been so brave, my heart goes out to you both, sending a big hug.

    Sue Mason




    Hi Roz and Michael

    Am so pleased to hear Michael.s MM is getting better 🙂

    Now its a case of tackling his infection, and am sure in time this will be done 🙂 its an uphill struggle for you both, but never ever blame yourself for putting Michael in the best place he needs to be at this time,I am hopping it wont be long before it starts to get better 🙂

    Another Whoosher of a "Cyber Hug" sent to you Both.

    Thinking of you Both

    Love Tom xxxx



    Thanks everyone you help keep me sane!
    Michael is talking more reality wise today! (Think you all will understand that) He slept through just about all of my visiting time, but at least I know he has had his bloods.
    I'll try and keep going. Been told I'm strong but I'm finding it hard now every day. One of his sisters blames me. She thinks I'm torchering him with this treatment, so thats hard to bear.

    Speak to you all soon



    Hi Roz, please get one thing very clear in your mind you are not to blame for Micheal being in hospital,he couldn't go on with the pain he was in,and as for his sister well i wouldn't take it to heart with what she say's,she's probably feeling a little guilty and lashing out,its still not nice,so don't take any notice. Keep strong and take care Shirls,([{hugs}]), x x x x

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