Jab, Jabber, Jabbed

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  gina45 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Our local surgery are offering Flu Jabs, to those who qualify, over two set days on a first come, first served basis. I missed the first session but we are both attending next Saturday (Janet via her Diabetes).

    I had a meds review with my GP last week and I asked about the Pneumonia jab and he ordered one for me (this Thursday via the surgery nurses).

    How many here are either having it this year or have had it before… and the Million Pound Question… do you need both? I am determined to have the Pneumonia jab but I wondered if it was a matter of 'as well as' or 'instead of'.

    Many thanks




    Hi Dai,
    Me and my sister had the flu jab yesterday but havent had the Pneumonia jab.
    Not sure if you need both or not and also is there a swine flu jab this time round. its is as you say jab,jabber, jabbed lol.
    Gina x



    I have had the Pneumonia jab in the past but got the impresion that it is not something you have every year. My Flu jab is on the 5th Nov, I will ask about it now you mention it.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    hello Dia

    had the flu jab the other day hence a big bruise I tell everyone it was geoffs fault;-) I had the pnuemonia Jab a few years ago but it didnt stop me getting pnurmonia it only covers you from certain strains
    Hope you are feeling well:-)
    Love JO



    We have already had our flu jabs. We have had them every year since Stephen was diagnosed with mm (aged 53) I did not qualify for the jab automaticaly at that time as, although Stephen is my Toy Boy ;-), I was only 58 HOWEVER I qualified (found out after a bit of research)because I lived with Stephen who has a compromised immune system (I am not a medic but I saw it that if I got flu and Stephen and I shared a bed, kitchen, air etc. I could make him quite ill)

    Pneumonia Jab??? I have a feeling that once given it lasts for quite a few years. We have both had it (again when Stephen was diagnosed) and we were told it lasts for 10 years.

    I hope this may be of some help

    Gill xx



    Hi Dai

    I have had the "Swine flu that has two:-/ flu viruses added to it:-S and the Pneumonia jab, the latter No problem the former well it left me with a big lump and a bruise on my arm >:-( but hey if it keeps me well 😎

    Good Luck to those that are due to have one 😎




    Dear Dai,

    Like Janet I qualify for a flu jab because i am diabetic so we are both due to have our flu jabs. We have both had pneumonia jabs in the past and I agree with Gill in thinking that they last for ten years, at least,




    Regarding the pneumonia jab, Stephen's mum looked up her paperwork from when she had it and it said that she would not need it again.

    Mind you although she's 85, has angina, asthma and is very overweight she still has her sense of humour and seems in better health than Stephen. She laughed when I said maybe it is 10 years and not forever but they are not sure whether she'll get to 95;-)


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