latest PP count

This topic contains 11 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  faith 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi all

    Apologies for having a moan recently, then suddenly going quiet again, despite some lovely replies.

    I got my latest count a couple of weeks ago, and my PP has now gone up to 21. Six weeks prior to that, the count was 8, and 6 weeks prior to that, the count was 3, so it was a reasonably decent jump.

    I had an appointment with my doctor at our local Broomfield hospital a week later, only to be told in no uncertain terms, that this appointment wasn?t for a discussion, not for asking any questions about possible treatments, but instead, that I would get written to in a couple of weeks with an appointment, whereby I can ask questions.

    People have said in the past, that he can be extremely rude, but I?ve never found him to be like that, until last week, where he took rudeness to a whole new level.

    I wasn?t upset this time about the PP count, as I?d already gone through all of that when I was told that the PP had gone up to 8, I was extremely annoyed though at having to wait the usual hour, then only to be spoken to in such a manor.

    Oh well, I?ve got a pre-planned appointment next Monday anyway at Bart?s, so hopefully that will be a more productive meeting.

    As my first SCT only lasted around 9 months, and from what I read, second SCT?s generally only last about half the time the first one did, I?m hoping they won?t recommend another.

    Oh what joyous concoctions ly ahead I wonder. ?




    Hi Terry

    How very rude of your doctor. ! I am sorry to hear your SCT failed after 9 months, that is disappointing news. I doubt you will be offered another auto transplant if the first one lasted less than 12 months as it will be considered to be a failure, maybe a donor transplant but I don't know your age?

    I hope you have a more productive meeting at St Barts (why two hospitals) and keep us posted.





    Hi Wendy

    . I live in Chelmsford Essex, so see a local consultant at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford. I got referred to Bart?s for the SCT, which I had in March 2012.

    When Bart?s discharged me back to Chelmsford in around June 2012, they gave me a 12 month follow up appointment, which is the one next Monday.

    As for my age, I?m 47. I got diagnosed in July 2011.

    Apart from the Zometa, (can?t be bothered to google the correct spelling) and the combined Vit d, I don?t take anything else at the moment.

    Ps, I do enjoy reading your blog posts, really enjoy your free style of writing.


    Hi Wendy

    . I live in Chelmsford Essex, so see a local consultant at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford. I got referred to Bart?s for the SCT, which I had in March 2012.

    When Bart?s discharged me back to Chelmsford in around June 2012, they gave me a 12 month follow up appointment, which is the one next Monday.

    As for my age, I?m 47. I got diagnosed in July 2011.

    Apart from the Zometa, (can?t be bothered to google the correct spelling) and the combined Vit d, I don?t take anything else at the moment.

    Ps, I do enjoy reading your blog posts, really enjoy your free style of writing.




    Hi Terry

    sorry about your PP'S it must have been a big disappointment and all you need is a rude consultant dont you just love em!! I hope you get a better rception at Barts I am on Velcade and seem to be doing ok I have a polish consultant he is a lovely man just like father christmas without a beard
    Keep well Jo




    Hello Terry

    Sorry to hear about your PP's rising. Hope you get some answers at your next appt. My husband Peter had SCT in December / January 2012, however he was in full relapse in January 2013. The consultant immediately told Peter that his next treatment would be Velcade, 8 cycles in 6 months. we are currently on cycle 5. PP's have come down from 18 to 12 so far. Peter's PP's were 6 at his 100day appt and started to rise again in November 2012.
    Good luck




    How so unprofessional of that consultant, that sort of attitude is uncalled for as we all get worried when things start to go wrong.
    My SCT only lasted a year (2005) but with other chemo regimes of Velcade or Revlamid I'm still here and currently in remission 🙂 and doing most things I want to which is not to bad for a 73 year old LOL.

    Hope all goes well for you.



    Hey terry

    Not impressed with your consultant,….rude and not compassionate. Isn't that part of the hypocritical oath or something! I'd have asked the questions anyway whether he liked it or not! Hope your next phase of treatment goes to plan and great encouragement from Peter. 🙂

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Hi Terry

    You don't have to have another SCT if you don't want one. As Peter says there are other options.

    Some of us on here aren't even having a first SCT and are still here to tell the tal. I feel so sorry for you about your Consultant. I must say that all the many Drs I've seen on my MM journey have been very helpful and kind, BUT I had an orthopaedic Surgeon who was the most arrogant man I have ever met. He wouldn't admit I had an infecTion in a hip he had replaced so I had to live with it for '18 months while my pelvis was being eaten away. I only got anything done when I took my friend with me who happened to be one of the Hospital social workers! Perhaps you should take someone with you, or ask if you can record what he says!

    Keep cheerful.




    Hi Terry

    I have just come on in this post,must have missed it some how.

    My husband has a consultant who leaves a bit ti be desired ,some times I look at him,and think after 2 1/2 years the relationship between patient ,carer and consultant should be far better than it it is,he had never had to deal with a weepy woman,or a patient and carer who does not understand the implications of this disease.

    He knows Slim leaves all the questions to me,I can only assume from his culture,he does not like to be answerable to a woman,he does not want to deal with me,I actually wrote my questions down and politely asked for answers back in writing,still waiting!!!!

    The answer your consultant gave I would have been happy with,he told you straight,and you know we're you stand,make sure you ask lots of questions,

    My attitude to anyone who is like are consultant,is I do not care,I want the best for my husband,so I leave my dignity outside his office and pick it up on the way out. It works for me. Eve



    Well, Basic manners cost you nothing and it is the way things are actually said that generally causes the problems I have found in life.
    You can say "No Questions" perfectly pleasantly, and, although it is disappointing to hear, it does not have to be a source of confrontation.

    [quote][b][i]People have said in the past, that Dr xxx can be extremely rude, but I?ve never found him to be like that, until last week, where he took rudeness to a whole new level[/i][/b].

    This person sounds like a Technical Bully to me from what has been said.
    We seem to be lucky in the Beacon Centre, Taunton Somerset, or at least I am. I have never been spoken to other that politely by the our Consultants and even when I rejected the treatment advice (no SCT) and asked for another Consultant (yes to SCT) it was all done perfectly civilly. He was not happy but he was civil.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Terry,

    Sorry to hear you have been unlucky to have a rude consultant, that is the last think you need having cancer AND PP's rising. It makes me realise it is the luck of the draw.
    I was upset at my consultant appointment at Leicester Royal. when my consultant informed my she did not have my PP results, but at least she invited me to email her a few days days later for them, which I did. That is not the first time, at least 3 times I have had to do that out of appointment time. I know most would frown on it but she is fine with it. I must add, I don't just email to say hi, I'm having a lot of problems with my spine/ribs.

    Sorry getting carried away!
    Good luck to you Terry, kind regards
    Karen X



    Hi Terry
    We all have to have a moan when it is right to do so. Ask all the questions you want infact write them down so you don't forget when you do go and see your doctor.
    I expect I will be asking questions soon as my PP has just started to rise after 6 years.
    Best wishes to you


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