Lightly chained to the Roller Coaster Ride

This topic contains 116 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  Ali 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi Emma

    Its lovely to hear your Mum is at home after such a long time in hospital, and that the treatment has been worth it 🙂 Is she very mobile now?

    I know its bittersweet, but you have to have hope dont you? Im trying to push it to the back of my mind, and there are days I dont think of it at all! Enjoy each other, every day. Thats what we do….

    Love Ali x



    Dear Eva
    Thanks very much for this, it is only by you people ahead of us that we discover the little tips and wrinkles which can alleviate worry and discomfort. I'm very grateful to you
    Love Helen



    Thanks Maureen, that's very kind:-) love Helen



    Hi Emma,

    So glad to hear you mum is out of hospital and treatment has been effective 🙂 I can understand your mum needing to build her confidence but she has done so well, I also understand your worry about when is it going to come back 🙁 I am the same for Colin but trying so hard to push it from my mind so that we can enjoy ourselves 🙂

    Fingers crossed

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Helen,

    Re the hair…..can't you have a colour on it that has less bleach in it? There must be Eco friendly blonde colours out there as some people are allergic to the bleach. I will ask my friend hair dresser and see what she says….worth spending even more money on the hair and shoes etc if it makes you feel better. Get your daughter to go shopping with you so you can choose together then if you get fed up of your selection daughter will like them!……that's what i do with my mum 🙂

    I won't make a comment about the cocoa butter…..not telling Colin he might want to try it too LOL

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Ali and Vicki,

    Mum is mobilising really well. She's using 1 walking stick and has had her shoes build up so she's even after losing 2 inches in height. She certainly seems better in herself now and I think it's just a relief for her not to be talking all of those tablets. I'm glad the weather is picking up now, she came home on a lovely spring day and at least now she can get out for short walks to start feeling 'normal ' again.

    Ali how's your mum doing? I read that she's been poorly recently. I hope she's managed to see the infection off and continue to enjoy her remission.

    Vicki, I hope Colin is taking things easy these days and feeling well.

    I agree the thought of mm reappearing needs to be put to the back of minds and live for today. If and when it returns we'll deal with it again hopefully in the same successful way as before. As will you Helen I'm certain.

    Love Emma. Xx



    Dear Vicki
    I shall enquire from hairdresser on Wednesday when next attend, before holiday on Friday ( Cornwall ) .
    I was just throwing the question out there as I'm a novice when it comes to hair bleach, having always had just rinsed or streaked dark hair. The shopping expeditions with the daughter are dangerous these days as she inevitably persuades me to renew her wardrobe and I struggle to refuse. I have to stay at work to pay for them!
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen, I wish you all the very best on this next part of your journey. I really understand about hair …. and make-up come to think of it… and try to keep the external looking something like normal. I have had to give up with the hair as it has gone so thin (I am on VCD)that I have had it cut very short and wear a really funky wig when I go out and about. Anyway, back to what I wanted to say in the first place. Olia is a home colourant using oil instead of bleach so there must be something similar in the professional world. I'm sure your hairdresser will have more info. And really Helen, what else are daughters for, but to help you spend your money;-)I just wish mine was nearer and not in Canada.
    Keep grounded and as well as you can.
    Pat xx



    Hello Helen, just wanted to wish you a lovely holiday in Cornwall, we live in Devon and its warming up here now and so you should have a super time down here, esp with all those good pasties!! take care and hope that all goes well for you now, San xx



    Hi Helen. Had the same problem with the blond issue. My hairdresser (the local college) does a "shoeshine" for me. Bleach rubbed on the hair with foil, avoiding the scalp. Perfect. Good luck and enjoy your break.



    Hi Helen. Had the same problem with the blond issue. My hairdresser (the local college) does a "shoeshine" for me. Bleach rubbed on the hair with foil, avoiding the scalp. Perfect. Good luck and enjoy your break.



    Dear San, Pat and Elaine
    Thank you all for your advice, I went to the hairdresser today, they are so lovely. I'm now sporting much shorter cut, have a bottle of stuff to apply to scalp before treatment starts and an appointment for 5 weeks time to see what's happening. Today it was a bit like yours Elaine, with the bleach stuff touched on the hair and not on my scalp and the effect is good so fingers crossed its all going to be easy. Pat, if it goes too thin I'll be getting a wig again.
    San I'm hoping you are keeping that fine weather going for me this weekend.

    Meanwhile I've got the MRI results on my spine…. no myeloma lesion causing the back pain…… Hurrah…… What I have got is a slipped disc! So just gentle exercise and painkillers, what a relief.
    Love Helen



    Good news about the back(I think!), well a lot better than it could have been anyway. And really good news about the hair. We all need to keep our morale flying high in any way we can. I saw an older lady on the One Show last night in a section they did on a charity fund raise where they ladies all wore their wedding dresses. She has secondary cancer and had obviously lost her hair which had grown back, and bless her, she had had it dyed pink. It looked awesome! One for the back burner that.
    Have a lovely weekend, weather looks good.
    Love Pat



    Hi Helen, sorry not been on for a while but was pleased to hear that your back pain not myeloma related, that must be a relief. Hope the velcade works for you. I must admit to being surprised that you've already started treatment when your numbers were in similar range to mine and you were otherwise feeling well.

    I've been at the front of the rollercoaster ride recently as my last test showed a massive rise in my light chains to over 600 which you may remember was the cut off point for going to India. I was fully expecting to start treatment tomorrow but my consultant arranged a retest and guess what, there had been a lab error and that test was false and my light chains are at a similar level to previous tests ie higher than normal but not at a level where I need to start treatment. Phew!

    For more details welcome to check out my blog posts as follows:- ?

    Pleased your pleased about your hair!

    Wendy x



    Hi Helen

    So pleased to hear that your back is no mm, those slipped discs are painful too though! Glad to hear you've got a solution with the hair. Have you considered different colour….again but with less peroxide in. I am sure there are Eco bleaches cos there was that scare about pregnant women dying hair? Not seen my hairdresser friend but as someone at work so theynare going to find out 🙂

    Wendy, blimey some lab error!! What a relief.

    Enjoy your hols in Cornwall Helen, weather is gonna be great 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x

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