Hi Gill and Wendy
I think it,s not until you start looking back,that you begin to wonder if you remember it as it was.!!!!
When Slim was in ITU they offer you a dairy that they will right for you,because you cannot remember anything about it,so you loose so many days.
Some nurses think its a good thing,that you have no memory of it.If you asked Slim about any of his treatment you would draw a blank,and he is happy with this.Me well there is things that I do not want to remember,just keep looking ahead.
i have always kept a large file on Slim with results of test,bloods,hospital letters anything to do with the treatments he has had,and I must say,this has been the best thing i have done,as the amount of times,it is used by hospital staff,and the amount of times I can confirm a conversation ,with a written result,so they actually believe me.:-P
So my big red file has been my own dairy in a way.Eve