mums in hospital again.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  gina45 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    We now know what the breathlessness is,mum has fluid on one of her lungs.she is in hospital on the mau, they are doing an injection to get a sample of the fluid to see what it is and also an ultrasound of her chest. So its now a waiting game again.
    Hopefully she will have the tests in the next few days and we will have some answers.
    She was very upset this morning and said that she would rather not live than live like she is now. Its really hard .
    Gina xx



    Hi Gina your poor mum is really having a tough time lately it doesnt seem fair. I hope they get the answers they need from the tests very soon and they can then give her the treatment she needs. She is bound to feel down but hopefully her mood will pick up soon , she seems like a very strong minded lady and I cant imagine she will stay down for long Hang in there Gina it must be awful for you but I have crossed fingers and toes that things will get better very soon love Bridget x



    So sorry your mum is so poorly and you are all under such a strain. I was in a similar position to your mum last year and have to admit I felt not only low but a real burden on my long suffering husband. As soon as the antibiotics etc. kicked and I started to feel a bit more positive I saw the relief on his face and realised that this is what families are here for the good and the not so – sometimes we mums have to be on the receiving end of care too – we can´t always just be the givers – it was a hard lesson to learn.

    I do hope everything starts to turn around for you all soon.

    Thinking of you and your family

    love Carol xxx



    Heres hoping for some good news for you when the test results come in.

    Kinde regards – Vasbyte




    Hi Gina

    Sorry about your mum,Its not knowing when to make that call,thats the hardest thing,don,t we get conflicting info,telling you to see your doctor!!!! I have been told that if Slim is ill i have to take him to hospital as they can tell within half an hour if he has an infection,and the first couple of hours are crucial !!!
    Anyway I hope your mum is on the mend,and you are finding time for your wedding,My wedding cost me 15 pounds but it was in ITU and I did not have to worry about what to wear LOL,Slim just looked at photos from it,and for some reason he thought he was standing up when we married,LOL I wonder if he can get a divorce on the grounds of not being all there!!!

    The wedding will give your mum something to look forward too,I bet she does not tell you how bad she feels because,the last thing she wants to do is worry you and your sister.I know I keep my feelings about Slim under wrap because I have three daughters who have there own lives,and I do not want to worry them,that,s why I am so grateful for this site.
    good luck gina ,let us know how your mum gets on Eve



    Thank you all again,
    Mum has now had the chest drain and they have sent the sample off so hopefully we will soon have our results. She is happier now that she has had it done and i know we have a long way ahead of us .But i am thinking positive again and hoping things will go well xx



    Hi Gina
    Glad to hear things are a little more positive. You sound such a lovely caring daughter – your mum must feel so lucky to have you but please do look after yourself too won´t you? My carer is my husband who spent the first 9 months up to transplant worrying himself sick and hardly every having a break from thinking how he could make things better,easier etc for me. Luckily my transplant has gone very well and I have been able to persuade him to start seeing his friends for an hour or doing something he enjoys for at least a couple of hours out of the house every day – just anything to get some normality back in our lives as treatment can become something of a part/full time job!
    Hope mum gets her treatment sorted out soon and starts to feel better.
    Love Carol xxxx



    Thank you Carol, believe it or not they are 6 of us brothers and sisters. Me and my sister are the main carers, take mum to appointments, do shopping, check mum is ok and on the right medication,ring round everywhere and tell people off when need be. We go for our day with mum to her house on saturday and have a good natter some dinner and a brew. Thats our day, today it will be at the hospital. My brothers are not living near home so keep in touch to see how things are, one brother lives with mum and he helps in the house etc. My mum is the same she worries that she is dependent on us and doesnt want us to be running around after her(how she puts it) But we love our mum and have told her we dont mind at all doing anything for her( she has done it for us all our lives, we lost our dad in 1989 age 52 to cancer) So mum is probably like you The carers worry about their mum, dad ,husband wife etc, and the mm sufferer worry about them. Swings and roundabouts as they say.
    Thank you again for your reply and advice it is greatly appreciated
    Gina xxxx

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