My Stem Cell Transplant Journey

This topic contains 49 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  tom 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    Having had my collection last week, I went back to Royal Marsden today to start my 3 week transplant process. I have elected to do the first week as an Ambulatory patient so I can spend more time at home.

    So, today I had my big dose of Melphalan and loads of fluids after to flush it through. All seems to have gone well and I’m home now feeling fine. I know things may/will change as I head towards the weekend.

    I did ask how many cells were collected and apparently they have 10 million of them. These are split into 4 lots, 2 of which I’ll get tomorrow and the other 2 will be frozen and banked for use at a later date if required.

    So far, so good, I’ll add to this as things progress.



    Good luck Keith and thanks for posting! I’ll be doing SCT later this year.

    Do keep us posted… But only when you have the energy and feel like it! I hope it goes really well for you and is a big anticlimax (that’s my ambition!)

    It’ll be we’ll worth it when it’s all over and a distant memory anyway.




    Hi Keith
    And all the best for you, don’t forget use that mouth wash like it is going out of date I did with my first SCT in 2009 and South was not too bad, am due another one this year when the Velcade sorts the Mm out.

    One day at a time Keith

    Tom onwards and upwards x



    Do you have an idea when you will be doing yours ? Have you done the harvest? I forget too much these days so forgive me if you told me ha ha.

    I am building up to my 2nd transplant all being well this year.
    Had first in 2009 so remember what it was like and don’t have a problem doing it again as it gave me four years drug free and that made me happy happy x

    Good luck
    Love Tom onwards and upwards xx



    Hi Tom,

    Yup fully harvested! Bumper harvest in October 2012 so hopefully they’re all safely on ice still.

    Not sure yet about timing as it depends how many cycles of VTD I do, and I don’t have any results yet to help me guess that. I think the earliest I’d do SCT would be July, probably later I guess.

    Race you!




    Morning Helen
    As you can see by the time of the list I had my Dex yesterday lol.
    I think you would beat me if ur July but am gonna race you anyways it gives us some thing to look forwards to dunt it.

    I would think for me more autumn early winter for mine beds permitting.

    Now the race us on



    Hi Tom,

    I’m pleased I’m not the only one who can’t sleep after Dex. I think I managed an hour.

    Still, I’ll be having my transplant today so that’ll be a 9 hour opportunity to doze off.

    When you say mouthwash, would the hospital provide that or is there a particular type I should take in?





    Hi Keith
    Had my SCT just before Christmas at Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill. They gave me Chlorhexidine Gluconate you have swill round your mouth for 60 seconds and Nystan has a dropper which you use to coat you tounge. After reading Tom’s post I used both more than recommended and didn’t have any problems with my mouth.

    Had a terrible sore throat though and could not swallow anything for 3 days only cold milk. They gave me anti-biotitic tables which cleared it up.

    So make sure you ask for those mouth washes.

    I am off to see my consultant today 01/04/13 1:50 for the blood and bone marrow test results to see if my SCT was successful, which I am sure it is.

    Hope all goes well.

    Regards David



    Hi Keith
    Yes the Dex keeps me awake but it will only be for last nite and the Velcade (if it’s same as last five lots) and will need aka ram to wake me up.

    The mouthwash like David said should be supplied by the hospital and don’t forget use it near as much as you use the loo and some. That extra extra use helped me no end.
    Good luck with it Keith it is a doable just rake one day at a time, when I was on day four/five I slept most of the time used to wake up to find visitors were sat talking to the self as I was sock on he he

    David am sure the BMB will just be a formality for you today.

    Tom onwards and upwards x



    Hi Keith, wow what a good collection you got – hope all went well today – have you noticed the smell of sweetcorn permeating from your pores? bet your wife has! – take care, eat well and brace yourself for a little bit of a dip in the ride over the next few days but then you’ll be back on the up again – they don’t call this a rollercoaster ride for nothing and there’s no stopping if you want to get off! so go with the flow and it’ll soon be a distant memory.




    Thanks for all the tips guys and gals. Very useful.

    I’ve just had my stem cells put back in; a very quick process pushed in through a cannula. The cells come to the ward frozen and they’re defrosted in trays here. Then they’re drawn up into syringes and pumped in, still very cold!

    No immediate reaction to this so fingers crossed all is OK. I’ll be back at Royal Marsden on Sunday for 2 weeks whilst I jump the infection an side-effect hurdles.



    Thanks Rebecca

    Yes, the big green giant is in the building, how very strange eh?

    I’m psyched up for the coming weeks and will take each day as it comes as you suggest.

    Kind regards




    Ha Tom I was also awake from 3am to 7am this morning, though I then did crash out for a bit afterwards till 930am. Good old Dex eh?

    July is probably a bit optimistic for me too, that would only be I think if I did just 4 cycles and then everything went very fast in terms of tests and admin and faffing around. I’ve already done my harvest so that saves a bit of time 🙂 But I guess it’s more likely it’ll be a bit later. I just want to get it over with and I quite like the idea of being out and recovering in August while it’s still sunny… But am trying to remember it may be much later.

    So it’s a fair race!




    Best of luck Keith, Sorry to throw in a damper, I had 5 different types of mouth wash, most of them tasted fowl and I wanted to throw up when taking them. I had a real sore mouth for at least a week.

    A cleaner, from Burma, came up with a good solution. she made me a build up milk shake with ice cream and fresh fruit – all made into a smoothy I could suck that through a straw and it help to cool and sooth my mouth. Every day she was on she would make me one and left instructions for the others to do the same. She was a Cleaner with a difference – I think she trained as a nurse in Burma but could not get qualified in UK.

    Kindest regard – vasbyte


    Yeds it is just gone midnight and I dexing it!!!!!



    Hi Keith

    i was in the Marsden for both my SCTs and when my mouth was sore they gave me ice pops to suck on which were very soothing!

    jane x

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