New to forum but no stranger to MM

This topic contains 14 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Elizellen 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #85034


    Hello everyone.

    I have been reading your inspring and poignant stories off and on for the past four years – ever since my husband John was diagnosed just about the time of his 60th birthday. I've never actually 'signed up' as I have always been a bit too busy as I had a job (albeit one where I worked from home).

    In the early days I was on the phone to the Infoline quite a lot… often crying and feeling very frightened about the future. It's amazing however how you get used to having Myeloma as part of your life although it's John who has been the bravest.

    Rather than bore everyone rigid now with a life story – if I could find the place where to provide a brief 'bio' (which no longer seems to be available), I'll post some more details. If that's no longer available then I'll include some more info in a post about Revlimid.




    Hi Alexis
    My name is Eve welcome to the club,i never introduced myself officially,just,joined in,Then some one put on a thread"Who the Heck are you" think you will find it in Off Topic just scroll down.I came out on that no reason it cannot be updated on.:-)
    So good luck,By the way i am a carer to my husband, keep posting Eve



    Hello Alexis and John

    A warm welcome to the site one that you and John will find a great help as you go down the road of MM.

    No need to sign up just post add to other posts or make your own post and do your bio, I for one would love to read it.
    Folk on here are like the info line as they help,comfort and support each other in their good and bad days.

    Look forward to reading your posts

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Thanks Eve and Tom. I told John I'd 'signed up' and he said he'd be a bit too shy to post anything but was really touched (& surprised) to see some messages appear so quickly. Will investigate 'Who the heck are you' later!




    Your More than welcome Alexis, and you can Tell John I also am too shy :-0 to post (aint i fellow members )
    And when you get to the "who the heck are you" just nip in and let me know who i am lol.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwardfs" xxx



    Welcome Alexis and John
    glad you have found time to post you are very welcome please tell us about your and Johns journey we will all be interested:-)
    Love Jo



    A warm welcome to you both we all will look forward to your taking part in our little group.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Alexis and John

    From me too a welcome to you both. Hope John finds it helpful via you Alexis!

    Best wishes




    Hi Alexis and John

    A very warm welcome from me too, I hope you find this site as helpful and supportive as we all do…it's the best one on the net 😉

    love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Welcome to the forum, Alexis and John!

    I am glad you have finally decided to join in. 🙂



    Hello Alexis

    Just wanted to say welcome (but obviously sorry that you need to be here).
    I too am on Revlimid and am always interested to share experiences with others who are also using or have used Revlimid.
    Best wishes



    A very late welcome to both of you from me. Sorry for my tardiness but I have been a bit busy lately. It is my husband Stephen who is the mm person (diagnosed aged 53 in 2008)

    You will find nothing but help on support on here. I am, like everyone else, just sorry that you had to join us.

    Gill x

    PS Don't believe a word that Tom says. Shy? My ankle:-)



    Oh Gill

    I hope your "Ankle" is soon better 😀

    Just noticed Stephen is 56 (ish) we are same age 😎

    Love (One Shy) "Onwards and Upwards" Tom 😛



    OK Tom I meant a place that is further North but not as far as my waist;-)
    but I didn't think the naughty word police would let it get through.

    Love from Gill xx



    Hi Gill

    Well it looks like your Ankle is better 😀 but I hope your A R S E gets better soon too he he

    Tom xx

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