Niggle, Niggle

This topic contains 22 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    Right, we're off to the hospital tomorrow for a voluntary check up… I've had a temperature that's been hanging around 37.6 all week-end, leaving me feeling uncomfortable at rest and completely shattered whenever I do the simplest of tasks. The Day-Case Unit is open and I want to see a Doctor to make sure I haven't got an infection of some kind… I suppose really I want my bloods checked because I feel really anaemic, its been 10 days since my last Velcade injection and I should be picking up by now.

    I'm off on holiday on Friday, otherwise I would be starting Cycle 6 tomorrow, and I don't want to go with these niggles hanging over me.

    A course of general anti-biotics should tide me over but I'd rather be checked out by the unit rather than go to my GP… as long as they don't decide to keep me in.:-P :-0




    Hope your feeling better soon Dai. Fingers crossed that your feeling better soon and you get to enjoy your holiday.
    Carol x



    Hi Dai

    Sorry you've been feeling poorly, I hope they sort you out and you start to feel better real soon so you can enjoy your much deserved holiday 🙂

    love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Hiya Dai, I hope that you do get sorted and go and enjoy your holiday,it will be just what you need.
    You are doing the right thing by getting checked because other wise you would only get worse, and then they would probably keep you in.
    I hope you are ok and have a great holiday, you deserve it
    Gina xxxx



    Hi All,

    Thank you for your support.

    The Day-Case Unit is not taking calls and I have found out that it is only open for chemotherapy treatments that are fixed by need… and quite right too.

    I have felt better all night and my temperature has been completely normal… until 10am when it jumped to 37.70 and had stayed there since… so I rang the Haematology Ward and was fortunate to be answered by a doctor that I know. She has told me to come in at 2pm for a check-up and bloods (I do feel anaemic) and hopefully they can sort me out with either anti-biotics or blood products… and get me semi-fit for my holiday.8-)

    She offered the alternative of coming in early tomorrow to the Day-Case but I'm grabbing hold of the first offer.:-D

    Niggles and little dramas… almost guaranteed. 😛

    If they don't keep me in I'll report back later – Janet is finding this session very hard to cope with bless her… she is feeling really down, so I'm truly hoping its something to nothing.:-)




    Im glad you are going in, i have learnt from experience with my mum never to leave or put it off.
    Hopefully like you said they can give you something that will make you feel better.
    I feel for Janet as i know how hard it is to stand by and see the one you love and care for in such pain.
    Fingers crossed for you Dai
    Gina xx



    Fingers crossed here too, Dai!




    Hope you are back home and on your way to your holiday very soon. Good Luck Dai Gill xx



    Hello Dia

    sorry you are not to well lets hope the anti B's soon sort you out you need to be fit and well for your holiday with your family

    Love Jo

    PS enjoy your hols x



    Ah Dai
    Why cant all mm men be like you.
    Know your ill and do something about it, not sit and wait for tea and sympathy and more problems that come about as a result of ignoring a temperature.
    It is so much harder to treat an illness that has been ignored than nipping it in the bud, as peter has found out to his cost.
    I think you need to have a word with him for me HEE HEE.
    Hope your on the mend soon



    That is one of the problems with MM you are never quite sure what is lurking behind the little niggle.

    Hope you get on your holiday I am coming to the last of my travels for this year. One weekend to go, my old skittle team are going to "re-vist" Newquay for the weekend. It used to be a real booze weekend but we are all over 65 now and a couple of beers and we are off to bed!!!!

    Best of luck Dai

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte.




    The lack of an update leads me to suspect (Inspector Cleausau type) that you are now an In Patient Dai.
    That being so Get well soon. If they sent you home with tablets Get well Soon.
    Im sure you will make the holiday as planned keep taking the tablets. Janet must be looking forward to your holiday too and fearing you wont get well in time for it, as well as being a mm wife and worrying at every sniffle.



    Hi Min

    Yep you are correct Dai is in hospital with an infection 🙁

    [b][u]Dai Crowther
    Aargh in hospital with high temp and unknown infection. Get mpuppy of here I am supposed to be in Fishguard on Saturday.[/u][/b]

    The above is from Dai's F/B am sure he wont mind me posting it (if you am sorry Dai)



    Hi Dai what bad luck hurry up and get well soon love Bridget x



    HI Dai
    I take it the kept you in?????Eve

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